Started my journey 2 weeks ago

hlo9603 Posts: 104 Member
Hello my name is Heather. I am 30 years old and just started my weight loss journey! I have a huge goal of trying to lose 50 lbs! I'm always open to trying new low carb foods or exercises that work the core, butt and legs! I need friends to keep me motivated!!!


  • Mummieof3boyz
    Add me if you like. I am on the same road as you I would like to lose 70 but 50 would be a huge improvement :wink: This is my second week on my fitness pal and I have lost 4lbs. I started out small by changing my foods and just walking 30 minutes. The foods have come natural to me now. I feel lighter, my moods have improved and I have more energy. I know each week I will add more minutes to cardio or add weights. Slow and steady wins the race :)
  • masondoc
    masondoc Posts: 7 Member
    I am trying to lose 50 as well but I'm just getting started. How difficult was the first week for you?
  • hlo9603
    hlo9603 Posts: 104 Member
    That's right slow and steady does win the race! @Mummieof3boyz‌
    The first week was a little rough but I think I finally found some food that I like that I can deal with and not get shakey. @masondoc‌