WHY =/

I actually started my life changing experience on April 16th 2011 and my starting weight was (I can’t believe I’m saying how much a weigh on the internet) 287lbs 0_o The first week I walked a mile after 7pm and only ate 1500 calories a day….that first week I lost 7lbs This Last week I amped up the workout to 2 miles and moved down the calories to 1200 or less and I lost only 6lbs…and this week I’m walking 6 miles and my calorie intake is 1000 a day…I cheated and weighted myself today and it said I only lost 2lbs. =/

Is it because I'm building muscles?


  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Water weight.......that's why so many people lose big at first....
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    definitely water weight in the beginning.
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    It's because you arent eating enough calories. It's not at all healthy to go below 1200...are you eating back your calories that you expend during exercise?
  • n0pants3ver
    n0pants3ver Posts: 175
    1000 calories isn't healthy to eat.
  • TheGooby
    TheGooby Posts: 22
    You can build muscle as you lose the fat so it might be worth taking measurements to see how you actually slimming down. i found this really satisfying putting the tape measure around my waist/hips at what I USED to measure and actually SEEING how much smaller I was!
  • kajun_at_work
    kajun_at_work Posts: 60 Member
    That and your calorie intake sounds way too low for someone walking 6 miles a day.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member

    Read that. It will tell you what to expect throughout your weightloss journey.

    First of all, you lose quite a bit of weight in the first 2 weeks of this journey, after that you lose much less but maintain a steady weekly loss.
    Secondly, your calorific intake is far too low. Your metabolism will slow down if you aren't feeding it enough and you're exercising a lot. 1400 - 1500 calories a day is probably where you should be. And after you log your exercise, you need to get your 'net' calories back up to at least 1200.
  • Nelly711
    Nelly711 Posts: 52
    Bump your calories back up. You are getting exercise, and you need to replenish your body's fuel! Great job though!!:flowerforyou:
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Why indeed? But the question is not why are you losing less, but why do you keep lowering your cal goal? It is normal to lose a large amount the first week or two, and then for loss to level off to 1-3 lbs per week. Any loss higher than that in subsequent weeks indicates something is WRONG, not right. 2 lbs per week is healthy, sustainable weight loss. You didn't gain the weight overnight, why would you expect to lose it overnight?

    I'd recommend reading the following threads:

  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    no you aren't building muscle. it takes a calorie surplus to do that.

    and stop saying "only". i'm not sure what you expect but 1-2 pounds is normal weight loss per week. you're setting yourself up for fail with this attitude.
  • jill5280
    jill5280 Posts: 117 Member
    15 pounds in under 3 weeks. You are doing GREAT. That weight is going to come off...but at a slow and steady pace. Don't starve yourself, it will not help! Relax and enjoy the journey...you are going to be amazed with yourself as you go through this!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Why indeed? But the question is not why are you losing less, but why do you keep lowering your cal goal? It is normal to lose a large amount the first week or two, and then for loss to level off to 1-3 lbs per week. Any loss higher than that in subsequent weeks indicates something is WRONG, not right. 2 lbs per week is healthy, sustainable weight loss. You didn't gain the weight overnight, why would you expect to lose it overnight?

    I'd recommend reading the following threads:


    I concur.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    give yourself credit for a job well done!! water weight comes off really fast in the beginning. as you get rid of the water weight you start working on losing the fat which comes off slower. also you aren't taking in enough calories. you dropped your calorie intake too low too fast. look at your goals and let mfp calculate a healthy number of calories for you to eat daily. don't expect 6-7 pounds every week. it's not healthy or realistic. keep up the good work!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Why indeed? But the question is not why are you losing less, but why do you keep lowering your cal goal? It is normal to lose a large amount the first week or two, and then for loss to level off to 1-3 lbs per week. Any loss higher than that in subsequent weeks indicates something is WRONG, not right. 2 lbs per week is healthy, sustainable weight loss. You didn't gain the weight overnight, why would you expect to lose it overnight?

    I'd recommend reading the following threads:


    I concur.

    me too
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    There is a tool called the Basal Metabolic Rate. This tells you how many calories your body burns just by being in bed all day, doing absolutely nothing. You need to eat that just to survive and keep your weight the same. If you are working out as well, then you need to bump up your caloric intake.

    Your body goes into a hibernation mode when it is not getting enough food to replenish itself... and there is nothing you can do about that except for eat. Eat continuously. Even if what you are eating is a banana. Later eat an orange. Later eat an apple... and I mean an hour later. Keep the food going into your body during your awake hours and your body will not retaliate by storing as fat for later use.

    Good luck on your journey... I just started mine last week.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    My trainer (and I've read this lots in fitness books) says that people often make the mistake of eating less AND exercising more. YOu need to do one of the other preferably exercise more rather than eat less :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Remember when we're this heavy, we sort of shock our bodies when we first start moving around. You may want to do a little more intense cardio and see if that helps. Don't give up, you will fluctuate as you go through this journey...
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    You are not eating enough.
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    congrats on making changes to your life. You have done amazing so far. Have you entered your stats into MFP to see what is recommended for your caloric intake each day? No one should have less than 1200 and you may actually need a bit more right now to stay strong and healthy while you lose the weight. You asked about the drop in your weight loss and if it was muscle gain. Here is the thing, whenever you start a weight loss program you will typically see a big loss the first and maybe second week. After that it will dip lower (although your loss was still high) and for most it ends up being between 1 - 2 pounds a week. The muscle gain thing is a myth. Almost all of us will not gain weight from toning/muscle conditioning. That does happen but it is usually on those people that are already lean and are doing serious weight training. I wish you luck and success in this journey. Take a step back, and set your calories a bit higher. i look forward to reading your successes !!