HELP I'm ready to give up!



  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    I was worried with the composition of your meals. Well, I have some tips, but not necessarily you will like them:

    - erase mayonaise from your vocabulary (I didn´t see butter at your diary, but it aplies to butter also)
    - cheddar doesn´t help at all. Try cottage, low fat, white cheese or no cheese at all
    - add fresh vegetacles and fruits, loads of them (specially vegetables)
    - Eat grilled chicken breast every meal you can (the size of your hand (fingers together)
    - try to limit you processed meal to 2 things a day (example: 1 atkins meal + 1 scoop of whey protein)
    - exercise 1 hour a day, 1 day of weight lifting, another for cardio (5 to 6 days a week)

    You can start with these, I believe it will help.

    Good luck!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Another issue... when you eat veggies (raw or cooked), don't just put it in as "Generic - raw vegetables - 1/2 C". Actually itemize the vegetable. You can look up raw carrots, broccoli, etc, by just typing in the name of the item. 1/2 C of potatoes is a heck of a lot more calories than 1/2 C of broccoli. Also, I wouldn't depend on the cup measuring system. I suggest buying an inexpensive digitial food scale. WEIGH everything by the gram... that's much more accurate.
  • Sesilje
    Sesilje Posts: 16 Member
    I've gone through your diary about three weeks back, and you very often seem to finish the day below 1200 net calories. Many experts say that's the absolute minimum that your body would need to function properly. If you eat less your metabolism will switch into starvation mode and do it's best to preserve energy. That's why you're gaining instead.

    I'd suggest you try to average 1300-1500 for a week or two and see how that works.

    And I also agree with everyone else that you need to eat more real food instead of shakes and supplements. This is a change for life - otherwise you will gain the weight again. Do you really want to live on those shakes for the rest of your life?
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Just had a check up in Feburary annual everything......looked good. He had no other suggestions....just said well it is harder to lose in your 40's then in your 20's....really helpful.:ohwell:

    He lies... I'm 47... I'm losing.

    i'm 50 and have lost over 30lbs, in the last to years! i have to say though your diary is not very healthy, to much sugar and salt and on the days i looked at no water either.. perhaps add in more fruit and veg , what ever you decide to do i don't think giving up is the answer

    good luck on your journey
  • Babytoy22002
    Babytoy22002 Posts: 41 Member
    i agree with all of the above!!! i'm no expert but based on what my nutritionist talks to me about... you are eating way too much processed foods. although these items are marketed as diet, they contain chemicals that people react to differently. and also your dinners are extremely high in shouldn't be eating that heavy at night especially processed foods. your body doesn't break most foods at night so when we go to sleep it stores it instead. dinners should be light. TRY TO EAT A LOT EARLIER IN THE DAY THAN AT NIGHT.
    i also noticed that although you work out. you are eating back about 90% of the calories you've burned. which makes the exercise useless.
    might i suggest doing some sort of detox to get rid of those processed foods in your system before starting a new diet regimen.
  • jenny25277
    jenny25277 Posts: 6
    I have thyroid issues too and it can make your weight go up and down. I wanted to quit so many times but all the progress I made would be lost I started in july myself and I hit a plateau when I lost twenty five pounds it was three months of not losing any weight. It was hard I changed my exercise routine I changed it up and I been going to gym did cardio only for about an hour started losing weight again its a slow process but don't give up. I noticed I didn't lose any weight until I started taking vitamins they were a major thing.
  • Try a different exercise program. Switch it up. If you do jogging for cardio try swimming. If you like the bike, try the elliptical. Enroll in a class that is out of your regular routine. I just started a Dance to Fit class and it kicked my butt because it was out of my comfort zone and made me work twice as hard!
  • rgsmi
    rgsmi Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with the comments about sodium, fat calories, and processed foods.

    Also look into breaking the same food into more meals, trying to eat every couple of hours.

    The best comments though were the ones that said not to give up...little progress is much better than none.
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    This is what I want you to try. I am going to post Daily Servings.

    5 vegetables
    4 fruits
    3-6 whole grains
    2-3 high-calcium foods
    8 glasses of water

    Weekly Servings
    5+ beans
    5 nuts
    2 fish

    One vegetable and fruit serving is equal to
    1 medium piece of fruit
    1/2 cup chopped fruit
    1/2 cup cooked or raw veggie
    1 c raw green leaves
    3/4 c vegetable or fruit juice

    Whole Grain Serving is equal to
    1 slice whole wheat break
    1/2 cup cooked brown rice or bulgur
    1/2 cup cooked whole wheat pasta

    High-Calcium Foods Serving is equal to
    1 cup fat-free or 1% milk
    1 cup fat-free or low-fat yogurt
    1 cup calcium-fortified orange juice
    1 oz reduced-fat cheese

    Beans Serving is equal to 1/2 cup cooked beans/lentils

    Nuts Serving is equal to 2 Tbsp chopped

    Fish Serving is equal to 3 oz cooked

    I hope this helps.
  • syates83
    syates83 Posts: 87
    Personally, I'm not a big fan of the high fat/high protein/extreme low carb diets, esp. with the meal substitute drinks - they just aren't healthy. I would suggest trying a healthy, well balanced diet - lots of fresh vegetables (steamed, raw, sauteed in non-stick cooking spray), lean proteins, some fresh fruits, whole grains or healthy carbs (like potatoes) (don't go overboard), split into 3 meals and a few snacks throughout the day - much healthier and much more of a lifestyle than a diet. That's the other problem with the low carb diets - they aren't something sustainable over the long term.

    I agree...the Atkins plan can work short term but its not a healthy LIFESTYLE change and that is what it will take to get the weight off permanently. Eating all the sodium and processed foods is probably holding you back too. Try only eating things that have nutritional value...for instance...mayo doesn't have value, so if you have to have it try a reduced fat version. Everything goes back to that pyramid they taught us all in elementary school, whole grains, tons of fruits and veggies, lean proteins, water, water, water and low-fat dairy too. Good luck to you! I hope you get to your goal!
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I don't want to sound harsh here, and I am certainly not an angel when it comes to trying to take the easy way, BUT (there it is, the BUT) ...looking over the diary from the 15th of April to present (21 days), I counted only 15 servings of vegetables TOTAL. I even included the partial servings to add up to a full serving. That's not even one full serving of vegetables each day. There was no end to the amount of processed items and meal replacement items.

    The amounts of sodium in a lot of these items is pretty high. Can you say water retention?
    Also, I'll bet your body would thank you if you let it process its own nutrients rather than handing it a bunch of already processed stuff. Part of what makes the human machine so amazing is the ability to take raw foods and turn them into energy and pull all the nutrients out. Give your body a chance to do its job.

    Now I know it isn't always easy to deal with fresh veggies, they go bad in my fridge if they aren't already pretty bad off on the shelf at my store (Fresh produce is a joke in this town). But frozen vegetables are really good, almost as effective as fresh from the fields (and in some cases healthier because they haven't been sitting in transport on a truck somewhere) they have a lot of good nutrients and well, I don't think I need to go on, I think you get the point.

    Maybe it's time to worry not only about how many calories you are putting into your system, but also invest in yourself enough to monitor the KIND of calories you are putting in there as well. You deserve the BEST!

    If you have a performance vehicle, you give it premium gas and even if you are using regular, you aren't buying from the gas station that always has water in the fuel or other contaminants. You are asking your body to perform so...Treat yourself better than you do your car! You are so worth it!
  • I haven't read all the replies so some of this may be redundant but here's my initial thoughts:

    1 - Add sodium to the nutrients you track and try to keep it closer to 1500-2000 mg per day

    2 - Start trying to replace as many processed foods (even those meal replacement shakes) with more natural foods like fruits, veggies, skim milk, etc

    3 - I see you do exercise fairly regularly, you may need to up your calories even just 100 per day to start and see what happens.

    4 - Change up your a different dvd at home, jogging intervals mixed into your walk, something that is different than what you do now.
  • Melvicmurphy
    Melvicmurphy Posts: 43 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far - You've lost and you've maintained that is no small victory.
    I've had a quick look and I'm going to repeat a lot of what has already been said.
    You seem to like the same foods I like, olives, cured meat, mayo, protein drinks, cheese, chocolate to name a few. Delicious but all high fat, and high salt.
    I think you would need to come away from the idea that you can eat the foods you like so long as you keep below a certain number of calories - there comes a point when we can't fool our bodies anymore. Just try to slowly reduce it. Of the list above ditch at least 3 of the 6 from your diary for each day. Then the next day put them back in and ditch a different 3. Do this for a while, see what happens and if you get results push it more so that you only have 1 in your diary each day.
    Good luck!
  • This is what I want you to try. I am going to post Daily Servings.

    5 vegetables
    4 fruits
    3-6 whole grains
    2-3 high-calcium foods
    8 glasses of water

    Weekly Servings
    5+ beans
    5 nuts
    2 fish

    One vegetable and fruit serving is equal to
    1 medium piece of fruit
    1/2 cup chopped fruit
    1/2 cup cooked or raw veggie
    1 c raw green leaves
    3/4 c vegetable or fruit juice

    Whole Grain Serving is equal to
    1 slice whole wheat break
    1/2 cup cooked brown rice or bulgur
    1/2 cup cooked whole wheat pasta

    High-Calcium Foods Serving is equal to
    1 cup fat-free or 1% milk
    1 cup fat-free or low-fat yogurt
    1 cup calcium-fortified orange juice
    1 oz reduced-fat cheese

    Beans Serving is equal to 1/2 cup cooked beans/lentils

    Nuts Serving is equal to 2 Tbsp chopped

    Fish Serving is equal to 3 oz cooked

    I hope this helps.

    Awesome!! I needed this as well so thank you!
  • melinda6569
    melinda6569 Posts: 124
    I agree with everyone..Lower your sodium..stay away from processed foods. if i can't buy it in the produce section or at the meat counter i try not to buy it.( except Tuna and Oatmeal) read all Labels..I do have teenage boys so there is always junk food in the house.

    You might be stressing over it too much too which stress will make you add weight..Stck to a health diet 6 days a week have 1 splurge day but don't go overboard. Don't weigh yourself all the time..Weights before cardio and eat alot of protien. You need to fuel your body with good foods not Junk. keep your sugar under 40 grams a day. give up all Soda no alcohol ( except on your splurge day)..And remeber all Good things come to those who wait. I have been exercising and changing my eating habits since July 2010. only down 30 pounds..Slow and steady wins the race..Good Luck to you! Never give up :drinker:
  • melinda6569
    melinda6569 Posts: 124
    That is Awesome..Thanks
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    OK somebody please help because I'm at the end of my rope! I've been trying to lose wt since July of last year and as you can see I'm down only 16lbs. It's really like 25lbs though becasue I lost about 10lbs before joining MFP. I did have a small wt gain of 6lbs back in March but lost that again in April. I do have hypothyroidism but have for 20 years and am well regulated with my meds. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I excercise, I document absolutely everything I eat, but I just CAN'T get it to come off! Although I don't log it I drink my 8-12 glasses of water is the only thing I drink except for the occasional diet soda. Would some of you PLEASE look at my stuff and offer suggestions? I just feel so awful, I feel like I'm trying so hard but with minimal results. What am I doing wrong? Does it seem that way to others or do I just need to suck it up!? :flowerforyou:

    I checked out you Diary for a Week. OMG, where are the veggies and fruit and GOOD carbs. I suggest you check out LOW Glycemic (South Beach) not an Atkins type plan. Also, you are drinking wayyy to many Protein Drinks, Protein Bars...YOU are NOT eating real food.
  • cwbzfan
    cwbzfan Posts: 14
    Ditto to all the above - decrease sodium and stay away from the processed stuff - add more veggies too. There are tons of chemicals in processed foods (foods that don't have a mamma or come out of the ground) and they mess with your metabolism - especially a metabolism that is already fighting thyroid problems - even medically regulated thyroid problems (believe me - this is the land I live in). But don't give up - keep in mind you have lost and maintained and that is HUGE!! And a little processed stuff is not going to kill you - just try adjusting a little more towards "cleaner" foods and see if that kick starts something. Good luck!
  • I also took a quick look through your food diary and I agree, more real food and less shakes/supplements. I too noticed that you are usually under your calorie goal, but way above your fat intake. I would try eating more fruits/veggies and more complex carbs and watching your fat intake. As others recommended, watch your sodium as well. I am by no means a perfect eater, but my diary is public so feel free to take a peek (constructive critism from others is also appreciated.) Oh and ignore the food diary from yesterday, we were out of town and I ate out for lunch--which I rarely do--so yesterday was a splurge day :) Good luck and you can do this, I think that with a few modifications you will be back on track!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I just looked at a couple of days and I agree with the general consensus of less processed foods and shakes/supplements.

    You should try doing a "clean" diet for a couple weeks to see if it helps. Make everything from scratch (you can batch cook on weekends and freeze/put into ready to go portions). It's way less sodium, less hidden fats and sugars, and you know exactly what's going in your body. Chicken is awesome and low fat and pretty low calorie.

    Processed foods are usually pretty good at making weight loss tough. You can also look at "calorie cycling" where you fluctuate your daily calories up and down but still have the same net for the week.

    Don't give up! Any weight loss or plateau is better than weight gain!
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