Taking control over my life and doing it with keto! I would love some support and friendship.

BritDillinger Posts: 77
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
You don't have to be doing the keto diet to join me! I just would love some support, some friendship and encouragement along the way.

I used to have another account on here. It was just this last year, too. I was going through a lot. I suffered horribly from an eating disorder where I dropped 100+ pounds in a terrible way and I used this website as a counter for all of that. Since that time, I have gone through the necessary steps of therapy and have come to the healthier side of eating yet I still have my "trigger" foods. I can happily say that I have, for the most part, recovered from that side of myself and along the way to recovery I have gained pretty much all of that weight back.

I have done the keto diet before and I loved the way I felt while on it. The weight loss and watching the numbers of my body fat percentage go lower and lower felt good, but it was the fact that I was living a healthy lifestyle that made me happiest. I want that back. And I want you to join me!

A little about myself.

I am a young woman of 24 years in age, not certain of my weight because I carbed up like crazy today but my best guess I will be 156 lb (70 kg) tomorrow, and I stand at 5'3" (160 cm). I am a mother of two young boys, ages two and three, and married to my wonderful husband.

We live a relatively clean lifestyle. We do not smoke and we scarcely consume alcoholic beverages and those are typically days we are with family on holidays. We are moving closer and closer to making pretty much everything from scratch aside from prepackaged butter, cream cheese, et cetera. I bake our bread, make the tomato sauces, pastes, et cetera. Flour is already packaged, but you get the idea. We strive to live freely from hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, rice syrups, et cetera.

My husband says we eat pretty much a mix between Paleo and Mediterranean, before we even knew what those things were.

Aaahhh! Well, I just realized I am rambling on about nothing now. So let's end this here! I hope I get to speak with a lot of you and share our journeys together!


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    It sounds like you and your husband already eat clean. The Low Carb High Fat eating lifestyle is the only one that seems to work for me at my age. Check out the above group if you are interested.
  • community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group

    It sounds like you and your husband already eat clean. The Low Carb High Fat eating lifestyle is the only one that seems to work for me at my age. Check out the above group if you are interested.

    Thank you very much for the link! I will definitely check it out.

    And we try to eat clean. I just have a terrible habit with overindulging even in homemade goodies. When I was on keto before, I loved that I didn't feel the urge to consume everything at once. I felt sated.
  • ConanSonja
    ConanSonja Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, You sound just like me. I am the same height and weight but I am the mother of 9 children. We also try to make everything ourselves and have even managed to kill a bull for the freezer, which helps tremendously with 6 boys. Our place isn't big enough for a milking cow but I would love to make our own butter and have our own milk and cream.

    For me, I tried Keto for the first time about a year ago as my weight just kept ballooning. I found that doing it showed me how much my body hated carbs but my problem then was that I was still afraid of fat and still ate too many carbs. I was on it 2 months and didn't loose anything but felt great. I wasn't really ready to give up sugar and I gave myself a cheat day in which I binged on everything that I couldn't have through the week and of course, didn't get progress.

    This time, I have cut sugar altogether and all carbs bar non starchy vegetables and I am only 4 days in now and feel amazing and have also lost weight already. I love the fact we can find so many like minded people here to help us along.

    Good Luck.
  • humble_aBodhi
    humble_aBodhi Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there! I'm trying keto for the first time..been doing it and tracking for 36 days now and unfortunately I think I've hit a plateau. But I'm still going strong with keto! If you want some encouragement go ahead and add me and maybe we can help each other out along the way :)
  • Thank you, you two. :) I'm very happy to be here.
  • Day 13 of keto diet, I have 2 kids and for the last year I was training hard, running races and hired a nutritionist but kept gaining more and more weight. My doctor told me I was problem insulin resistant and to try LCHF diet. Been thru the flu as I cut everything out! I'm determine to become keto-adapted and not cheating for 30 days!
    This is super hard but in the first week I lost 5 lbs and everyday I feel better and better!
  • 805_blondie
    805_blondie Posts: 96 Member
    I'm on day 5 and have lost 5 lbs too! I couldn't lose weight no matter what I did before I tried LCHF. My body completely changed after I had my son and the way I use to maintain or get extra pounds off stop working for me. Feel free to add me so we can help encourage each other.
  • mybellabear1
    mybellabear1 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! I just started keto myself! I joined an amazing group on FB and use this app for daily food logging. I am down 9 pounds, and several inches and its been 6 days! I have never felt better! Its nice to see others who are just starting out as well