I need help

Hi I'm nella,
I currently weigh 260lbs I am 5'9. And I'm just tired of being the fat girl or the day relatives I'm so ready to be the weight I am supposed to be health wise! I am only 20 years old.i just really need friends and support to help me get through this challenge because I love fast good and it's so hard for me not to eat it!! I just really need supportive friends !


  • deedavis27
    deedavis27 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi nella
    There is no time like the present to get into eating healthy and losing weight - I have started a lot of times over the years but I am so determined this year to lose around 20 kg's. There are so many fast easy healthy recipes out there - some can even taste better than the take away food that you are used to. After a while of eating healthy food you will feel better and even the thought of a greasy burger or fried piece of chicken will make you feel queasy. Believe it or not - I know I never did but now I can't stomach the thought of stopping at a drive through anything. My biggest block to being healthy is wine - I love a good red wine but I have balanced it out over the last month and have even had weekends where I don't want any - hard when you're out with friends.
    Anyway good luck, stick with it and be determined in your own head that this is what you want and you will be amazed at the changes you feel.
  • Thank you so much 'no hey can you add me as a friend I can't figure out how to do it on my phone !!
  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    Your future self. Will thank the you of today for what you do today. So stick with it and keep smiling you can do this