Low carb high fat!

Hey I'm not new to MFP but new to the Community! I'm trying to lose with very low carb... Pretty clean... High fat! Who's with me!?


  • i8sushi
    i8sushi Posts: 22 Member
    Ketoooooo diet !!!!
  • Yessss me too! Can I add you?
  • i8sushi
    i8sushi Posts: 22 Member
    Sure you can :) I am not doing keto diet, I had always done iifym (if it fits your macro).
  • I'm doing the same!!! So much coconut oil!
  • HollowMorning
    HollowMorning Posts: 1 Member
    That's my goal as well! Stay strong. We can do this!
  • gemdood
    gemdood Posts: 20 Member
    im about to embark on south beach / atkins. can I join too :) ?
  • Sure! Awesome!
  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    high protein, med fat, med carbs here
  • Hey I'm not new to MFP but new to the Community! I'm trying to lose with very low carb... Pretty clean... High fat! Who's with me!?
    I don't know how to respond to individual comments!! Lol yes I know IIFYM. I've always wanted to make that leap... It's so overwhelming to me!!
  • NurseTrishRN
    NurseTrishRN Posts: 1 Member
    I could really use some help with lchf!
  • Puerulus
    Puerulus Posts: 61 Member
    Im restarting my high fat diet and the last time the cravings got the better of me! Any suggestions?
  • smedlund
    smedlund Posts: 117 Member
    I'm doing it as well. This is the best I've felt ever.
  • Yogi_warrior
    Yogi_warrior Posts: 5,464 Member
    fun times.
  • memouri
    memouri Posts: 1 Member
    Same here sort of..doing paleo- high fat lower carb hope this finally works!
  • neonsunrise
    neonsunrise Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all please feel free to add me! Also doing LCHF!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    JoziX wrote: »
    Im restarting my high fat diet and the last time the cravings got the better of me! Any suggestions?

    Choose another diet.

  • Ghoulygirl
    Ghoulygirl Posts: 10 Member
    Hey I'm doing low carb high fat also, can I join you guys?
  • msurkan2
    msurkan2 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to LCHF and MFP. Day 7 of a Keto diet and lost 5 lbs so far. I would love to join this dicussion. Thnks!
  • ladygi19
    ladygi19 Posts: 36 Member
    I am doing a Keto diet as well, feel free to add me :)
  • ladygi19
    ladygi19 Posts: 36 Member
    JoziX wrote: »
    Im restarting my high fat diet and the last time the cravings got the better of me! Any suggestions?

    It takes a couple weeks to adjust... just have to rough it... or choose another diet that's healthy and easier for you to maintain. Everyone is different, unfortunately there is no easy trick.