Vegetarians with Vitamin D Deficiency

druorleans Posts: 40 Member
edited November 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I was just diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency. My levels are at 17 and the doctor said they need to be at least 36. She has prescribed me a supplement, that I haven't picked up yet because the pharmacy was closed today.

I was just wondering if there are any other vegetarians that have been diagnosed with this? I live in New Orleans where we get plenty of sun, though when it's cold outside in the winter, I tend to be out less, especially with it getting dark early. I'm also very light skinned and wear sunscreen daily on my face, neck and chest.

We naturally have a low fat diet, because of the lack of meat, and fish and you're supposed to take it with fat. I'm wondering also, what time of day do you take yours? I'm wondering if I should take mine at dinner time because that usually has the highest fat content for the day. Does the time you take it at matter? Oh, I'm 41.


  • TBrownCVT
    TBrownCVT Posts: 85 Member
    I'm not a vegetarian, nor do I have a Vitamin D deficiency, but I might have some knowledge I can pass on.
    Usually, sunlight is the best way to get Vitamin D, but as we age, our bodies lose that ability. I know some vegetarians still eat eggs. If you do, egg yolks are a good source. Also, cottage cheese.
    Vitamins that protect and help you absorb D are A, C, and E.
    I don't think the time of day matters, but I wouldn't take it with tea or coffee as they tend to block a lot of nutrients. Also, fried foods get in the way.
    I hope this helps.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Take the D w/ some fat. Get some sunshine. I live in the South too and I have to remind myself to get some sun.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    I've read that taking it too late in the day can keep you up.

    I've also read that with a high body fat % , that might mean Vit D (which is fat-soluble) isn't being optimally metabolized :/ That's one reason I worry about bf % even though I'm in the "normal" bit of the scale.
  • druorleans
    druorleans Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for the tips.
  • jordanveg
    jordanveg Posts: 20 Member
    Mushrooms naturally contain vitamin D, and most non dairy milks are fortified with it. Try adding those, taking your supplement, and getting 10-15 minutes of sun daily without sunscreen. Best of luck to you!
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Cut your caffeine intake a little (all together if possible). The caffeine will compete with Vitamin D receptors and prevent absorption as well.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    I'm trying to figure out the whole prescription for Vitamin D thing. I mean, you can just go to the store and get it. I get at least 7,000 - 8,000 IU's of vitamin D per day, non prescription vitamin D at that.

  • druorleans
    druorleans Posts: 40 Member
    I'm trying to figure out the whole prescription for Vitamin D thing. I mean, you can just go to the store and get it. I get at least 7,000 - 8,000 IU's of vitamin D per day, non prescription vitamin D at that.
    You have to have follow up blood tests for Vitamin D, because you could go up and if you go too high that can be bad and cause calcium deposits and more. I guess the prescription part is so the doctor can monitor exactly which supplement and levels you are taking.

  • salenar2014
    salenar2014 Posts: 24 Member
    we moved to washington last year where we get like 2 weeks of sun a year. I was diagnosed with vit d deficiency but didnt think anything of it until my mood and energy level just completely tanked. i take mine first thing in the morning and it helps me wake up enough to get through my workout then I am set the whole. It really has made a huge difference in every aspect of my life. Never knew i had to take it with fat though, I take mine with water.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Vitamin D deficient also. I usually take mine with dinner since I do drink coffee in the morning. Try drizzling a tablespoon of good olive oil on vegetables or rice. This should help with absorption.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    drunah wrote: »
    I'm trying to figure out the whole prescription for Vitamin D thing. I mean, you can just go to the store and get it. I get at least 7,000 - 8,000 IU's of vitamin D per day, non prescription vitamin D at that.
    You have to have follow up blood tests for Vitamin D, because you could go up and if you go too high that can be bad and cause calcium deposits and more. I guess the prescription part is so the doctor can monitor exactly which supplement and levels you are taking.

    I do. I get a blood test every 6 months and I still supplement on my own.

  • weali
    weali Posts: 37 Member
    I'm vit d deficient from being overweight and not liking outdoors..I take supplements as well as trying to eat a diet with high vitamin d. If I don't feel like picking up the prescription (which is one pill weekly or biweekly depending on how low) I take double of the daily stuff. So far I haven't hit the too much level but I can always tell when it's time to take more because I feel more lethargic.
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