New to the weight loss forum



  • feger61
    feger61 Posts: 5 Member
    Ladies I read with interest everything that you write and long to join your journey. My story - I am frustrated at how much weight I have gained and lost and regained and re-lost over the years. There are no excuses! I have been lazy and just simply never made a permanent change in my eating and exercising and am working on losing the same 60 pounds that I have lost many times previously. What a waste. Having said that, I am committed to changing my lifestyle permanently this time. I'm 30 days in and have lost the first 12 pounds. I love MFP and can't wait to see how well you all do.
  • feger61
    feger61 Posts: 5 Member
    Oops! I forgot to tell you I am 53 and live in Jacksonville FL
  • cjjoly1952
    cjjoly1952 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello ladies. Well got in my swimming and a 34 minute walk. Tonight we have a club meeting so we are eating out. Always so hard. I will have a grilled chicken wrap with no condiments and a small side salad with a balsamic vinaigrette .
    Hope you all are having a good day!
  • Hi all ... I'm new to , I have lost 5lb in 6 days so happy .. best of luck everyone x
  • pitapam97
    pitapam97 Posts: 10 Member
    Good evening. I hope everyone had a great day.
  • cjjoly1952
    cjjoly1952 Posts: 10 Member
    Good day all! Hope everyone is doing well and sticking with it. I need you all to help me keep at it. I have been within my allotted calories for the last 6 days! Tomorrow I will hopefully see some good results!
  • pitapam97
    pitapam97 Posts: 10 Member
    Good luck on your weigh in tomorrow.
  • HI, my name is Stef and I've lost just over 27 pounds since Easter. It's been hard, with four kids and all their activities! I've just started myfitnesspal to help motivate me to eat cleaner and workout which I can say, since the holidays I have failed to do at all! I work a very sedentary job and at 40 I don't want those pounds to come back. I've never used a workout or weightloss forum so i'm excited to learn and follow all your journeys! Weigh-ins for me are Thursdays.
  • pitapam97
    pitapam97 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi stef. Glad u joined. I am fairly new to this also.
  • cjjoly1952
    cjjoly1952 Posts: 10 Member
    Lost 2.8 pounds! Very good for me as I usually lose very slow.
    Hope you all are keeping to the plan.
  • pitapam97
    pitapam97 Posts: 10 Member