Couch to 5k Running Plan



  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I started the plan this week. Dang my saddlebags hurt! lol. The first 5 minutes of the run/walk series kills me. I keep thinking that I can't do this. After the first 5 minutes, it does get easier, but I'm still having to talk myself into the last 5 minutes of the run/walk. I am VERY VERY slow (envious of you 10 minute milers), I'm walking at a 3.2 mph, and jogging at a 4.6. I'm planning on doing each week twice, one week to get used to the time, the second week, to try and improve my speed.

    One thing for everyone who is running on treadmills, remember to set your incline at 1 or 2 percent, to help prevent shin splints.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    One thing for everyone who is running on treadmills, remember to set your incline at 1 or 2 percent, to help prevent shin splints.

    Oh, how does this work? I am very suceptable to shin splits. Please share!
  • pdxmomof2
    I am personally about to start this also. It would be fun to have a thread for it so we can give each other tips, etc. We could all post a before pic. Sorry, no undie pics here, but in shorts and a TShirt or something of your choice that showed off legs, etc.

    I am going to start it on Monday(going out of town Friday and dont want to commit before then).

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    ****Ok, so I posted 3 pics butt pics in my profile pics. The first one is one week after starting the c25k, the second one is 2 weeks after the first picture. The third pic was taken about 4 weeks ago.

    I went totally went to check out your butt and I see no butt pictures on your profile. :frown: I was really excited about seeing the change. I need help cause I gots too much junk in da trunk.

    I think I will have to start a C25K myself. I ran today and it felt AMAZING. I've secretly always wanted to be a runner, but asthma and then fat prevented it. :wink: NO MORE EXCUSES!!

    I took them down but I put them back up if you want to check out the change!!

    THANK YOU!! Wow, what a change! Now I have to take 'before' and 'after' butt photos!! :laugh: Seriously, Thank you for putting them up so I could see. I'm so motivated!! Gonna do this!!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Alright guys, I'm game!!
    Although I have no idea how long it will take me to move from Week 0 to Week 1 :sad: and :laugh:
    BUT I WANNA BE A RUNNER!! (Or at least a 'jogger'.)

    I'm excited to increase my lung capacity.
    I'm excited to decrease my butt capacity.:wink:
    And I'm hoping to see a change in my wobbly core.
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I haven't heard of the program, I did it on my own

    I started like 4-5 months ago I huffed and puffed after 5 minutes -and worked my way up

    Friday i ran almost six miles -with very little effort and enjoyed it

    you can do it I smoked for 27 years,and i'm still overweight if I can do it so can you
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    One thing for everyone who is running on treadmills, remember to set your incline at 1 or 2 percent, to help prevent shin splints.

    Oh, how does this work? I am very suceptable to shin splits. Please share!

    An instructor at the Y told me about it, that if you're running on a 0 incline, it's essentially running downhill and is bad... Putting the incline up a little simulates running outside more. And as for the shin splints, I read an article a couple of weeks ago and it's an inflamation of the muscles that raise and lower your foot. Imagine if you're sitting on a chair, and keeping your heel on the floor, you lift your toes. That muscle is the one that gets overtaxed if you're running on a 0 incline. I actually find that when I'm walking on a treadmill, I'm more likely to get shin splints that if I'm running, so I always set the incline.

    Kind of rambling, hope it helps.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    One thing for everyone who is running on treadmills, remember to set your incline at 1 or 2 percent, to help prevent shin splints.

    Oh, how does this work? I am very suceptable to shin splits. Please share!

    An instructor at the Y told me about it, that if you're running on a 0 incline, it's essentially running downhill and is bad... Putting the incline up a little simulates running outside more. And as for the shin splints, I read an article a couple of weeks ago and it's an inflamation of the muscles that raise and lower your foot. Imagine if you're sitting on a chair, and keeping your heel on the floor, you lift your toes. That muscle is the one that gets overtaxed if you're running on a 0 incline. I actually find that when I'm walking on a treadmill, I'm more likely to get shin splints that if I'm running, so I always set the incline.

    Kind of rambling, hope it helps.

    Definately helpful. Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    When doing the C25k, can you do the workouts back to back, or it is recommended to skip days?

    I ran yesterday, but I'd like to run today. (And keep in mind.... I do a lot of walking with short bursts of jogging.) Is this inadvisable?
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    When doing the C25k, can you do the workouts back to back, or it is recommended to skip days?

    I ran yesterday, but I'd like to run today. (And keep in mind.... I do a lot of walking with short bursts of jogging.) Is this inadvisable?

    I am doing it every day - however, I would still use the 'week' markers. Don't forget about your strength training though :bigsmile: I do mine while I am watching my evening movie with the DH, so I can still run (walk fast) every day.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!!

    I completed Week 1: Workout 1 :noway:
    YAHOOOOOOOO TO ME!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I thought I would pass out and die right on the treadmill, but I kept going!!
    I looked about as graceful as a drunk water buffalo with her shoelaces tied together, but I did it!!

    I think C25k will take me 18 weeks instead of 9 weeks.
    Based on how hard today's workout was for me, I think I need to repeat it 3x a week for two weeks. I imagine the rest of the weeks will be the same.
    BUT I DID IT!!!

    I am unbelievably stoked.:bigsmile:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!!

    I completed Week 1: Workout 1 :noway:
    YAHOOOOOOOO TO ME!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I thought I would pass out and die right on the treadmill, but I kept going!!
    I looked about as graceful as a drunk water buffalo with her shoelaces tied together, but I did it!!

    I think C25k will take me 18 weeks instead of 9 weeks.
    Based on how hard today's workout was for me, I think I need to repeat it 3x a week for two weeks. I imagine the rest of the weeks will be the same.
    BUT I DID IT!!!

    I am unbelievably stoked.:bigsmile:

    Congrats!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I have hit a brick wall with a bum leg. I had to stop after 10 minutes today and do my pilates tape instead. :sad:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I have hit a brick wall with a bum leg. I had to stop after 10 minutes today and do my pilates tape instead. :sad:

    Give your leg time to heal.
    Start again next week. :flowerforyou:
  • Tami2w
    Tami2w Posts: 16 Member
    I am so on board. This thread is exactly what I needed to GET MOVING!!! THANKS EVERYONE!

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,409 Member
    Congrats, Lauryn. Rest that leg, Allyn. And good luck, Tami. I am so glad I followed Couch 2 5K two years ago. I'm so excited for you gals! :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    One thing I did do b/c I didn't know if I'd see changes in my body was take a butt picture (I had undies on and a shirt) about every 2 weeks or so. The change is so dramatic

    You motivated me to take pics of my rear. I took my beginning pic tonight.
    Go ahead and laugh but I had to keep changing underwear because I had too much cheek hanging out!:laugh: Finally found a pair that kept the bulk of my rump covered, LOL. Can't wait to see how the same pair fit in 9-18 weeks!!!
  • Lauryn, that is too funny!!! Take another picture in 2 weeks or so. You'll amaze yourself. I just made sure to stand in the same spot with my husband in the same spot, so it's pretty much the same picture every time--that was the goal anyways :)
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    If you run every day, you run the risk of an overuse injury, as AllenHM found out. I think starting out, you should do every other day. I found that after my third day of running (and I skipped days in between) my legs were soooo tight, even though I took time to stretch after my workout, that I had trouble even walking, going up and down stairs was an event! Give your body a chance to get used to the new things you're making it do!

    On my off days, I do the elliptical, stair stepper, arc trainer, walking on the treadmill or one of the classes at the Y. I like to mix it up, whatever feels like fun that day.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member

    I thought I would pass out and die right on the treadmill, but I kept going!!
    I looked about as graceful as a drunk water buffalo with her shoelaces tied together, but I did it!!
    I DID IT!!!

    I am unbelievably stoked.:bigsmile:

    WOOT WOOT!!! yeah for you!!! Just keep up the good work. And if it takes you 2x as long, no worries because 18 weeks is a lot quicker time-table than you were on before.


    I am using your enthusiasm as a caveat for my own success. I did four intervals of 5 minutes at 9.5kph with three 3-min breaks in between the intervals. That's week five with an extra 5-min run tacked on at the end for good measure.

    To quote you, Lauryn, I am unbelievably stoked:bigsmile:
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    I'm starting this tomorrow (I'm having a rest day today :happy: )

    My goal is to run a mile without stopping so we'll see how it goes!