100+ pounds to lose. would love friends



  • I also need to lose at least 100lbs I could use friends as well
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I have 99lbs to my goal of 140 then I might re adjust ....wishing everyone much success ....Feel free to add me :)
  • Corpsebride81
    Corpsebride81 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi there feel free to add me for some support :)
  • crzycowgrl23
    crzycowgrl23 Posts: 68 Member
    I just added this app and still trying to figure it out. But i have 100+ lbs to lose and could use some friends to help me out and for support. Thanks
  • Hey I have 100+ lbs to lose and would love to have some friends for support and to help me stay on track. Friend me if you'd like :)
  • J2015L
    J2015L Posts: 7
    Just set up an account here after deciding to keep a food journal, I set myself a goal Of getting healthy around 6-8 months ago. I started by cutting out the stuff we know is crap and eating fruit/veg and protein more (salmon, chicken, steak ect) and I lost 2 stone.
    It's the new year and back to it with so much more to do, has anyone else started to look forward to working out?
    Add me :)
  • pancakemix16
    pancakemix16 Posts: 45 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! I'm staring over once again. I've kept off 40lbs of my last weight loss but I still need to lose 100.
  • Hi!! I lost 100 pds back in 2010...gained a lot back...got 100 to lose..would love to have some new friends...feel free to add me..God bless
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    First off welcome to anyone new here! I hope you all choose this thread and come back daily so we can build a support system that really motivates us through this challenge. 4 years ago I was part of a group that helped me navigate through 80lbs and I’m hoping to find that again. Please friend me and come back and share your successes and challenges (or just a to chat). There is power in numbers!!

    @Bat100 – keep that food journal going. The MFP diary is such a great tool. Have you tried out the barcode scanner?

    @skinny652 – I hope you are going to keep posting to this thread. We can all support each other.

    @mommazach – I’ve never heard of not drinking anything 15 minutes before eating? I usually drink a large glass of water to help me eat less since it makes me feel full. Hmmm maybe I will try this. Thanks

    @winniway – congrats on the 10lbs down!! Keep it going girl!!!

    @crzycowgrl23 – I hope you like the app. You can go to myfitnesspal.com also. It’s a lot easier accessing many of the great features here from your PC but the smartphone app is handy when you’re out and about.

    @preachergirl09 – I’ll be looking for your post. We are like MFP twins. Same story. I’ve been mad at myself for 2 years about gaining the weight back. It’s time we took charge again!!!

    So far my day is going fine. My meals are planned for the day so I’m feeling good about things. If possible I will get out for a good walk at noon and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, which we have not had here in Maine for way too long!! I’m drinking tons of water and will not be falling off this wagon today. TODAY is all I can worry about. Take it one day at a time ladies. We got this.

    Keep it skinny

  • I take it one day at the time too....so glad to know u..hope we can encourage each other..if I can just get back to where I was b4 I gained it all back I'll be ecstatic....blessings girl! Nancy
  • Everyone feel free to add me :-) :-)
  • I also have over 100 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me! :-) I have tried everything and, while I lose weight, I can never seem to keep it off. I am at my biggest now and need to get myself back to a comfortable, healthy weight!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    So today's plan is falling into place. I finally got up early and hit the treadmill. Did some calisthenics and switched things up for breakfast with an egg white omelette and toast. Packed a lunch that was NOT another salad and hope to get out at noon for another 30 minute walk. Taking it one day at a time is the only way I can do this. When my thoughts turn to the future they include a thinner healthier me.

    @preachergirl09‌ - What are your goals going into the weekend? That's always a tough one for me. No routine for 48 hours so I need to start thinking about that now.

    My weekend:
    Pampered Chef Freezer show on Friday night. This should be fun and help fill the freezer with meals my family can enjoy and hopefully will be somewhat healthy. I'd like to dedicate Saturday morning to a nice long workout. My kids are old enough to fend for themselves for a few hours! Saturday night there is a chili & chowder tasting benefit. If DH really wants to go I can pull this off by spending most of my time socializing. Sunday will be easy since I'm driving my oldest to visit a college 5 hours away! We'll pack some healthy snacks and be ready for a nice walk around campus when we arrive.

    Time to get my workday started
    Keep it skinny
  • xtooshax
    xtooshax Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone ive been logging in my daily calories on mfp for a few months now i just have no motivation for exercise as i find it boring or i give up if i dont see results as soon as i want . But now im determined im going to lose 50lbs and need some encouragement when i feel like giving up lol
  • I am here! Add me!
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome! I have 156 to loose and have lost 34 of that so far since I started on 10/3/14. I haven't decided if I am going to get all the way to goal or stop at the "comfy" mark what ever weight that may be. Either way, new habits are taking over and I am determined to continue succeeding everyday, and to focus on the moments. My word for 2015 is MOMENTUM. You are welcome to add me if you wish. Good luck to you! - Nancy
  • sesflynn
    sesflynn Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2015
    Me too - The story of losing and gaining. I can ususally maintain for 5 years or so then something happens and I blow up again. This time Ugh, there is always a promise of this time - I want to make lifestyle changes that will stick! I joined a group last year and after a few weeks found myself a group of one! I like the idea of staying in touch, sharing and supporting each other in our struggles. I am the other side of of 55 and have about 80 lbs to lose... again...Ugh! Count me in too!
  • janerfitnesspal145
    janerfitnesspal145 Posts: 55 Member
    Move over in that boat, 'cause I'm in there too! At my heaviest I was over 230 pounds (stopped getting on the scale after that!) and I'm only 5'4.5". Lost 60 plus pounds the past few years and was within 20-25 pounds of reaching my goal weight. Then last spring we moved across the country; between the move and the holidays I gained almost 20 pounds. At least I did continue logging the whole time! I'm back to exercising - walking (yeah for my new Fitbit Charge!) and some strength training, along with better eating again. I'm just over 50 years old, and crap - the older one gets the harder it is to lose weight! But we can do this! Feel free to add me if you want a friend who doesn't bash you for slipping every now and then and doesn't feel the need to comment on your every macro!
  • whitespider360
    whitespider360 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm getting very discouraged, it's been 22 days and I've only lost 8 pounds. I haven't cheated once and I've increased my exercise routine. It's just not coming off.
  • BelieveNurSELFIE
    BelieveNurSELFIE Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in the same boat as most of you guys. I would love some more friends for support and motivation. So feel free to add me !!