Depression sufferers



  • CharleneN
    CharleneN Posts: 28 Member
    CharleneN wrote: »
    Luckily exercise is an excellent natural anti depressant -thank God because it makes that part of this journey that much more necessary and I (as well as my family) can always tell a difference when I do and don't exercise for a few days in a row.
    Where I'm located (NNY) I don't get outside exercise too much from Nov-April but I've learned to accept the treadmill, elliptical & bike as my friends :wink:

    First off, does NNY mean you live in New-New York (Futurama reference :) )

    But seriously, I notice that working out helps my depression sooooooo much. It's like having an additional anti-depressant!

    Anyone can add me if they like. :)

    Hahaha, nice :smiley: NNY -Northern New York...I've only watched Futurama a few times, I must not have seen that episode. :)
  • Friend me... I deal with depression daily and I could use all the support I can get. I need to lose over 150lbs and I've learned that I am my own worst enemy.. Any progress I make, I figure out a way to sabotage myself and lose my motivation. I need friends to hold me accountable and also to understand the difficulties involved when you suffer with depression.
  • New here and not sure how to add you. Help please!
  • DanielleMesa
    DanielleMesa Posts: 38 Member
    I have anxiety and have felt much better since joining MFP and walking almost daily. Sometimes when I feel it coming on, I walk as fast as I can and it burns off that energy. Exercise really helps!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I think that depression and weight issues go hand in hand. The good news, it gets better. It got better for me. It will get better for you. You can do this, and I am proud of you for those first few steps.

  • Boganella
    Boganella Posts: 42 Member
    amunet07 wrote: »
    I have anxiety and depression too. My friends and family don't seem to understand how much of an effort normal things are to me compared to them. I would love to have friends that understand. Feel free to add me.

    I know that feeling. Trying to explain why you can't get out of bed some days is really really hard when they just do not understand.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I dont have depression but I think I do suffer from SAD. Getting out and getting to the gym seems to be the only thing that really works. Unfortunately, when you feel down the last thing you want to do is get up and go to the gym. If you force yourself to do so and monitor how you feel afterwards, 100% of the time, you will feel better.
  • I have depression and although I'm being treated for it, January and February are struggles for me because of less sun and less outside time. I would love to participate in this! I'm also on Jawbone UP if anyone is interested in adding me to their team-
  • syncmar
    syncmar Posts: 1 Member
    I am being treated for depression as well. I still go through ups and downs. I take prescriptions for it and am curious if others find it difficult to lose weight while taking them. I would love to participate too.
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder. I agree that exercise definitely helps ease stress and lift my mood! Any of you feel free to add me :smile:
  • Hey, I go by Jersey.
    I also have major depressive disorder as well as a few other mental illnesses. Definitely makes it harder go maintain a healthy diet, which is crucial for me be cause I also have IBS. Motivation is much appreciatn and I can't be active when my legs are in pain and activity is hard. ^.^
    I'll add everyone on this thread.
    Snerr wrote: »
    Hey there,

    I'm a new-ish member and suffer with depression, which can severely affect your diet in a substantial amount of ways. This can mean sufferers need that extra bit of support and encouragement. I wondered if anyone would like to join me and add me so we can cheer each other on and help one another? I'm available practically constantly if you want to message me too :)

  • Hi I'm Willow - I have disc degeneration in my lower back and I just had a hip replacement a few months ago and I need to loose a lot of weight so friend me or however it works I'm great at encouragement for other
  • I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder. I agree that exercise definitely helps ease stress and lift my mood! Any of you feel free to add me :smile:

  • Emeraldwoo wrote: »
    I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder. I agree that exercise definitely helps ease stress and lift my mood! Any of you feel free to add me :smile:

  • How do you accept friends? Don't want to miss out on some great new friends!
  • wanabefit2016
    wanabefit2016 Posts: 187 Member
    Anyone can add me I've been through a lot so can really understand x
  • ljohnson216
    ljohnson216 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello all. I have suffered from depression for years and am hopeful that a new regime of diet and exercise will help. I welcome new friends and am glad to be one too. Thanks for starting this discussion... What a great idea.
  • ClaireTonito
    ClaireTonito Posts: 31 Member
    Better quality foods on a daily basis definitely help with it, as well as having a more focused positive goal you want to achieve like weight loss or being more physically fit in general. I've always known those things but putting them into action is way harder than a lot of people realise.

    There comes a tipping point or rock bottom or a simple moment of clarity where you can manage to get focused and you can start on that road and once you are on it-things really do improve. First time I've felt good in well over a year and it's down to having better nutritional foods in my system and having specific goals in my mind of what I want to achieve. Which gives all of this better eating a purpose besides the general health benefits :smiley: Giving the body what it needs to simply function normally on a day to day basis really makes a big difference to moods.

    But I've done it gradually since I started(only 9 days ago!) instead of overdoing it(as I would have done in past then burning out) and it's working so far-lost 6lbs! :smile: Today was the first day I went over on all my daily requirements but I still managed to get a good bit of good food in so I'm not beating myself up just because I went over my numbers. That guilt or irrational feeling of failure just makes the cycles worse and for what because of some extra sauce on some sandwich or a packet of crisps?! so that's the first thing I got rid of.