Losing weight and chest infections


Feeling pretty unwell at the moment but just wanting to know what you guys do when you feel really ill? in my case I have a bad chest infection and cough constantly, my neck hurts my chest (obviously) hurts and this is really impacting on me at the moment. I decided to have little pity party with my cups of tea (soothes my throat) and some unhealthy snacks. I've gone over my calories majorly but will rain myself back in in the morning. Right now I just cant be bothered and want a bit of comfort food.

I am very aware that I am having a little pity party and feeling sorry for myself, which is the wrong way to go about being really ill. So what do you guys do when you feel terrible and cant exercise without being ill? x


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    When I feel sick, i increase my calories to give my body as much nutrition as possible to recovery. Keep in mind that a deficit is stress on your body, so lowering the stress on your body can be beneficial.
  • MellonSoda
    Get in those fruits and veg. Keep counting your calories, maybe even eat maintenance. But you really should focus on resting.
  • dannii92xx
    dannii92xx Posts: 18 Member
    That makes sense I feel a lot better now about eating over deficit. Ive gone over my TDEE a little bit too but I guess it doesn't matter I can burn off any excess another day
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Your body is busy working to fight the infection- which is part of why you feel tired even when all you've managed to do is crawl to the couch. Plenty of fluids and veggies and fruit. Stay hydrated!
  • StephMDtoo
    StephMDtoo Posts: 37 Member
    Diet and exercise goes out the window a bit in this case. You need good nutrient dense food and rest to get better. Obviously you could still avoid junky foods, but don't focus on limiting anything. Focus on getting better.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    When I'm sick I eat/drink what I'm craving. Usually soups, Gatorade, ginger teas, and lots of toast and jelly. I don't track/log if I'm really sick.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It wouldn't be very nice of us to tell a sick person not to eat, lol.

    Eat what you want and go back to the dieting when you feel better. :)
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    lungs--tons of hot steamy showers-really work
    and sometimes-as I'm almost better but stillhave the odd coughing spell-very light biking-keeping heart rate down