Keto life anyone?

Hello! My name is Melissa, and I am starting this to make some new friends who are on the keto diet. I have struggled with my weight my whole life, and the only times I have been a small size, have been when I was barely eating, and starving myself. I have tried every diet known to man, and limited calories, and went through the ringer. I decided to get gastric bypass surgery, annd the closer my surgery date came, the more I realized I wanted another option that wouldnt kill me possibly. I want to eat and drink at the same time, and I dont like baby food. I heard alot of adkins success stories, but heard how hard it is to follow, and in my research I came across the ketogenic lifestyle, and this makes the most sense to me. I am on day 6, and in full ketosis since day 2. I am in the middle of keto flu, and I am having a tough time right now, so I am hoping to meet a few people who can offer support. I strive for around 1200 calories a day, but the food I eat is so rich, I have a hard time meeting that goal. I go as close to zero carbs a day as I can, but will allow myself up to 20 net a day. My protein is 109, and my fat around 75g but I dont beat myself up about it to much because I am so new to the diet. I have lost 8 pounds since starting, and 2 inches from my waist, 3 from my hips and 1 from my chest. I am 298 pounds, 5'9 inches and my goal is to be 160. So, if you follow the keto diet, please let me know!


  • barbbrinson
    barbbrinson Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Barb. I started Keto at the end of August and have been on it ever since. I don't think I will ever go back to regular eating. I LOVE IT!!!! I don't know if I had the keto flu, but I sure was tired at first. But now I would have to say that I think so much more clearly. I feel healthy. I have almost the same goal set you do as far as the weight loss goal you mentioned. Let me tell you -- every day feels better.

    Keep going... the further you get the better you will feel!


  • Bebe6740
    Bebe6740 Posts: 57 Member

    I feel just like you, with over 40 lbs to lose and tired of yo yo dieting, I think keto may be my best bet. I'm afraid however, to fail. Any words of encouragement from successful keto eaters are welcome!

  • 805_blondie
    805_blondie Posts: 96 Member
    Drink a lot of water. It's helping me a lot as I just finished day 6 as well. Also, I'm eating a lot of greens and that has been incredible at reducing the flu. I'm eating a head of romaine for a salad for lunch with Tri tip with Chipotle Ranch or a little chicken with bleu cheese crumbles and dressing, spinach in my omelette, and 4 sticks of celery and almond butter. You can friend me and look at my diary. My body completely changed during pregnancy because I had gestational diabetes and preeclampsia with an abnormal uterus. I was on bedrest for the majority of my pregnancy. The way I use to lose weight doesn't work anymore and I found out the I'm super sensitive to insulin, I get so sick off of gluten and sugar. This is the first time since I've had my son that I see a loss the way I use to before my pregnancy. Yay Keto!
  • Nikkirent
    Nikkirent Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to keto and I'm trying to lower my carb intake and up my fats. I'm not in ketosis yet, because I first want to try things and find out about it. What contains carbs, and what contains healthy fats? It's a big journey for me, but I'm very excited about it! Still learning, but also looking for people who do keto.
  • insomnical
    insomnical Posts: 24 Member
    So, in case MFP doesn't have a group (I haven't looked), reddit has a very active page called r/keto, as well as a page called r/ketorecipes. I follow both & just lurk because the information is really good.

    As for your macros (your fat, protein & carbs), I'd check them against Everyone's body is different, as is what they need to get into ketosis, but it may be worth flipping your protein & fat intake. Getting to 0 carbs right from the get-go is super challenging so I commend you for going for that goal, but anecdotal evidence seems to indicate an increased likelihood of getting keto flu.. at least, according to

    I've been on keto for about a week. I have friends who have done keto time & time again, and I know people who have lost an incredible amount of weight. I feel like I've kind of got it figured out (at least right now), and my food diary is open. I try to track as accurately as I can so feel free to poke at it.

    I strongly recommend looking at the keto group on reddit. I'd add more to this, but I have to run to class. Shoot me a message or friend me! <3
  • krichard08
    krichard08 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have been reading up on Keto lifestyle recently as well and have decided that this is for me! I currently weigh 194lbs. am 5'3" and have a lot of weight to lose. My goal is 145 if I can get there! :) I had been doing really well when I started my weight loss effort but then Summer and childrens activities took over my life and I fell off of the proverbial "wagon" but the calorie counting and the traditional "dieting" and watching fatty foods is not working for me. I feel like I want to binge eat all the time. I need to feel satisfied and I think this way of eating will do it. I can use all the support I can get!! I grocery shop on Sunday and will be doing a complete grocery list based on this eating!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Hello! My name is Melissa, and I am starting this to make some new friends who are on the keto diet. I have struggled with my weight my whole life, and the only times I have been a small size, have been when I was barely eating, and starving myself. I have tried every diet known to man, and limited calories, and went through the ringer. I decided to get gastric bypass surgery, annd the closer my surgery date came, the more I realized I wanted another option that wouldnt kill me possibly. I want to eat and drink at the same time, and I dont like baby food. I heard alot of adkins success stories, but heard how hard it is to follow, and in my research I came across the ketogenic lifestyle, and this makes the most sense to me. I am on day 6, and in full ketosis since day 2. I am in the middle of keto flu, and I am having a tough time right now, so I am hoping to meet a few people who can offer support. I strive for around 1200 calories a day, but the food I eat is so rich, I have a hard time meeting that goal. I go as close to zero carbs a day as I can, but will allow myself up to 20 net a day. My protein is 109, and my fat around 75g but I dont beat myself up about it to much because I am so new to the diet. I have lost 8 pounds since starting, and 2 inches from my waist, 3 from my hips and 1 from my chest. I am 298 pounds, 5'9 inches and my goal is to be 160. So, if you follow the keto diet, please let me know!

    Melissa I got serious about nutrition ketosis Oct 2014 for managing my arthritis pain. It is working well for the pain and have lost some pounds and inches. No more cravings and sugar crashes and much lower levels of pain keeps me on the keto diet.

    Keto eating will not work for many due to sugar addiction being so strong they can not make it for a couple weeks until the cravings fade. Keep up the great job you are doing.
  • crash5699
    crash5699 Posts: 4 Member
    If you are in keto flu, add salt to your diet. Bone broth ideally, but packets work well, too. It's what saved me when I went thru it. I started this a year ago as I am T1 diabetic - it's the only way I could get my sugars under control. There is a keto version for almost everything, and an amazing group on Facebook called Reddit Keto Diet. There is a lot of really great info on there, as well as the Reddit page. Feel free to friend me, and good luck!
  • Hi! I don't know if anyone's said this yet except the woman who recommended you recheck your macros, but your macros are off. You are eating more protein than fat, which is incorrect.

    :) Might help with the flu if you fix your diet first. By the way, you can customize MyFitnessPal to reflect the ratios you want.

    Also reinforcing insomnical's comment; don't strive for 0 carbs, it's actually unwise and unhealthy. Just try to get the carbs from good sources like veggies or fats.

    This diet doesn't have to hurt. I eat delicious salads with chicken and cheese and cottage cheese and tons of veggies and blue cheese dressing. I drink diet sodas frequently. (I know they are unhealthy, but it's my vice.) I have tons of comfort foods like sugarless cookies and dips and baked cheese crackers, I munch about constantly- but I log EVERYTHING and stay in my macro range. Make real meals you like, there are LCHF (low carb high fat) versions of pretty much everything.

    On Pinterest, if you type in "Keto", there are nearly a million amazing recipes, from everywhere, of every kind you can think of. Keto cookies, keto dips, keto meal plans... tons of stuff. It is my main resource, aside from this website for tracking.

    I may have only lost 30 lbs so far, but I have -never- been able to lose weight on a diet before. Ever. I am a sedentary woman, who's lbs have added up obscenely over the years, and no amount of calorie deficit (minus a few rage induced fasts that dropped my number all of a lb or two for a day or less) or exercise was knocking that number down until I started keto.

    For some people, myself included, this just works.
  • mybellabear1
    mybellabear1 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you everyone! I didnt get the messages letting me know there were replies. I am new to this. I am on day 11, and doing great! I did buy low carb ice cream to help with the cravings, but I am so full all the time that I do not ever finish the 1/2 cup serving size, and I run at well under 10 carbs a day on most days. I am past keto flu finally, and now I have so much energy, I feel wonderful! I cant believe I was thinking about surgery! My calories stay under 1,000 but I try to eat more, I honestly am so full I cant stomach more food sometimes. I am down 10 pounds in 11 days, and I am down 7 inches from my stomach, and 2 from my hips since starting. Ive been in full ketosis since day 3, and I found some great groups on facebook as well as pinterest. This is the best decision I have ever made, and I truly do not feel deprived at all!
  • I may have only lost 30 lbs so far, but I have -never- been able to lose weight on a diet before. Ever. I am a sedentary woman, who's lbs have added up obscenely over the years, and no amount of calorie deficit (minus a few rage induced fasts that dropped my number all of a lb or two for a day or less) or exercise was knocking that number down until I started keto.

    For some people, myself included, this just works.

  • Really 30LBS stabbycakes? That's great :)
  • mybellabear1
    mybellabear1 Posts: 9 Member
    Updating for those who wrongly believe increasing fat is the way to go, I suggest you educate yourselves a bit more, and read the art and science of low carbohydrate living. That being said 73 days in and I am down 63 pounds :) Im half way to goal weight in less then 3 months! Keto done correctly, ROCKS
  • mybellabear1
    mybellabear1 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I don't know if anyone's said this yet except the woman who recommended you recheck your macros, but your macros are off. You are eating more protein than fat, which is incorrect.

    :) Might help with the flu if you fix your diet first. By the way, you can customize MyFitnessPal to reflect the ratios you want.

    Also reinforcing insomnical's comment; don't strive for 0 carbs, it's actually unwise and unhealthy. Just try to get the carbs from good sources like veggies or fats.

    This diet doesn't have to hurt. I eat delicious salads with chicken and cheese and cottage cheese and tons of veggies and blue cheese dressing. I drink diet sodas frequently. (I know they are unhealthy, but it's my vice.) I have tons of comfort foods like sugarless cookies and dips and baked cheese crackers, I munch about constantly- but I log EVERYTHING and stay in my macro range. Make real meals you like, there are LCHF (low carb high fat) versions of pretty much everything.

    On Pinterest, if you type in "Keto", there are nearly a million amazing recipes, from everywhere, of every kind you can think of. Keto cookies, keto dips, keto meal plans... tons of stuff. It is my main resource, aside from this website for tracking.

    I may have only lost 30 lbs so far, but I have -never- been able to lose weight on a diet before. Ever. I am a sedentary woman, who's lbs have added up obscenely over the years, and no amount of calorie deficit (minus a few rage induced fasts that dropped my number all of a lb or two for a day or less) or exercise was knocking that number down until I started keto.

    For some people, myself included, this just works.

    Please educate yourself hun, your fat is way to high! The ketogenic diet was created to help children with epilepsy control their seizures, and "fat bombs" were made so they wouldnt lose weight. I highly suggest you read the art and science of low carbohydrate living. You would also learn that high fat is by % and caloric intake and not grams. If someone eats 100 grams of fat and 100 grams of protein, its not even. There are 9 calories in a gram of fat, and 4 in a gram of protein. With those macros fat is still higher. Ketosis does not equal fat loss, and honestly if you want to lose more, I suggest you read and educate yourself in this WOE. Im down 63 pounds now in less then 3 months! The fat in your body is harder to burn for energy then dietary fat, so the less fat you eat, the faster weight loss. Its a common mistake made by those who want a easy fix and who think this diet is perfect because they can eat all they want. You should look into a few groups, Ketogenic Women, Keto for Weight loss, and Ketogenic dieting would be great for you! Very informative and you can really learn something! I hope you take my advice and join! Especially keto for weight loss because that is my personal group, and I have about 180 members so far and all of us are health professionals. We follow Optimal ketogenic living, and I think you would be far more successful if you read, and you update those macros with the OKL chart! Your eating entirely to much fat!

  • mrssenile2
    mrssenile2 Posts: 1 Member
    where to go to understand this way of eating please
  • mybellabear1
    mybellabear1 Posts: 9 Member
    insomnical wrote: »
    So, in case MFP doesn't have a group (I haven't looked), reddit has a very active page called r/keto, as well as a page called r/ketorecipes. I follow both & just lurk because the information is really good.

    As for your macros (your fat, protein & carbs), I'd check them against Everyone's body is different, as is what they need to get into ketosis, but it may be worth flipping your protein & fat intake. Getting to 0 carbs right from the get-go is super challenging so I commend you for going for that goal, but anecdotal evidence seems to indicate an increased likelihood of getting keto flu.. at least, according to

    I've been on keto for about a week. I have friends who have done keto time & time again, and I know people who have lost an incredible amount of weight. I feel like I've kind of got it figured out (at least right now), and my food diary is open. I try to track as accurately as I can so feel free to poke at it.

    I strongly recommend looking at the keto group on reddit. I'd add more to this, but I have to run to class. Shoot me a message or friend me! <3

    Been at around 10 carbs a day for almost 3 months, down 63 pounds, and I run a group called Keto for weight loss on facebook! You should check it out, if you educate yourself on what macros should be, and learn the general math involved, you would understand why you should not flip the protein and fat for weight loss. Actually, my macros were correct on your keto calc as well, 109 protein, 56 grams of fat for me :) Losing inches by the day. Starting weight of over 300, todays weight 251 and from a size 24 jeans, to a 16 in 74 days! Good luck, I hope you check out the group!
  • JlotxUSA
    JlotxUSA Posts: 2 Member
    Myfittnespal really helps me track my Micros. I'm new to LCHF/Keto living. There's tons of recipes on Pintrest that help me find new ways to cook the foods I used to love.Check it out.