Motivation partners wanted!

hi all! My name is Nikki and I'm 22. My goal is to lose 40 lbs ultimately but to do so I need a bit of a push! I'm the type of person who is on a streak then slacks for weeks :\ anyone else like this & would like to motivate each other?! :)


  • JLopez832
    JLopez832 Posts: 1,206
    I tend to do the same which is a tally worse for you so I am on a mission to lose it and continue to lose it then never have it come back.
  • Hi Nikki. The secret is to make bets. Or to be challenged. Even better is to have a friendly competition with someone. ie. Who will loose the most weight, by a given time, then the winner gets 2 grand from the looser. But u play open cards u make it fair. No drugs. No steroids. U share diets and training workout and if possible u train together. U also do bonus challenges, like worrier races or crossfit competitions and the looser buys lunch. The aim is to always make it fun and to be rewarded.
    Just an idea.
    Ryan Savage
    South Africa
  • i am definitely the same way
  • annaroth24
    annaroth24 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Nikki! I'm the same way and I think we can help each other out :) add me
  • nikkkirose
    nikkkirose Posts: 11 Member
    @annaroth24‌ awesome tat! And I would add you but it's not letting me go to your profile I'm not sure why :(
  • nikkkirose
    nikkkirose Posts: 11 Member
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    You can do it! I'm a busy mom of 4 and I'm down almost 40 pounds in the past several months. It's possible! Add me as a friend.
  • nikkkirose
    nikkkirose Posts: 11 Member
    Wow that's very inspirational! Can you add me it won't let me! :s@mamanewland‌
  • Ciclyg
    Ciclyg Posts: 1
    Add me! We can all help out each other!! ;)
  • Karbum
    Karbum Posts: 124 Member
    add me :)
  • nikkkirose
    nikkkirose Posts: 11 Member
    @karbum @Ciclyg‌ not sure why but I can't add friends, please add me :)