No weight loss after starting running



  • eggcluck
    eggcluck Posts: 36 Member
    Just to add a small tidbit. If you are running for long periods of time that there is a good chance that your body is breaking down muscle to use as energy. Notice how thin marathon runners are?| This smaller amount of muscle will decrease your BMR, which may cause you to run more to use those extra calories which will break down more muscle...

    Try to build a bit of muscle, more muscle will increase your BMR and will help in the long term.
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok, i fancy cake. Today is a save some cals for cake day lol.

    I understand what you mean re the mfp and other methods. Think il stick to mfp its easier to work out.

    Thank you x
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    You have made a change to your routine, give it time.

    Don't start flitting from one method of working out your calorie balance to another or you will be hopelessly confused.
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes, im easily confused so will be staying with the MFP.

    So this is where i struggle. What sort of things to do to BUILD muscle as suggested by eggcluck. This whole muscle stuff goes over my head.. Do i lift weights? I find it so boring. But if its needed its needed. X
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    Ps. Patience sucks!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    eggcluck wrote: »
    Just to add a small tidbit. If you are running for long periods of time that there is a good chance that your body is breaking down muscle to use as energy. Notice how thin marathon runners are?| This smaller amount of muscle will decrease your BMR, which may cause you to run more to use those extra calories which will break down more muscle...

    Try to build a bit of muscle, more muscle will increase your BMR and will help in the long term.

    While technically this may be true, the difference in BMR from a lb of muscle lost or gained is insignificant. IMO, OP should certainly NOT be worrying about this given her current goals/expertise.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    eggcluck wrote: »
    Just to add a small tidbit. If you are running for long periods of time that there is a good chance that your body is breaking down muscle to use as energy. Notice how thin marathon runners are?| This smaller amount of muscle will decrease your BMR, which may cause you to run more to use those extra calories which will break down more muscle...

    Try to build a bit of muscle, more muscle will increase your BMR and will help in the long term.

    Unless the OP is running 50+ miles per week, which I think is unlikely, this is not something to worry about.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    jodes112 wrote: »
    Yes, im easily confused so will be staying with the MFP.

    So this is where i struggle. What sort of things to do to BUILD muscle as suggested by eggcluck. This whole muscle stuff goes over my head.. Do i lift weights? I find it so boring. But if its needed its needed. X

    Don't worry about it. Stick to the basics until you get those down - reasonable calorie intake + some exercise.
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok, cool! (More like 12/15 pw)
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    About MFP calorie goals and method:

    MFP method works great until your weight drops below 130 lbs. at that point, the 1200 calorie floor might not create much of a deficit, depending on activity level, body composition, and age.

    For example:
    47 yo female, 130 lbs, 5'2", sedentary lifestyle (outside of exercise, which will then be logged and eaten back per MFP method)--BMR 1179--sedentary TDEE 1415

    MFP will give 1200 cal net goal. That gives a deficit of 215 cals per day. That's not even enough for 1/2 lb loss per week. And if your logging is off a bit, goodbye deficit! And such a small loss is easily masked by water and hormonal fluctuations, which causes much frustration! Which makes it difficult to stick with your plan, etc.

    Anyway, back to OP's question. When I started running (two months into MFP, after losing 20 lbs), basically the weight just melted off. I was eating back my calories, mostly, but it just came off effortlessly as long as I stayed within goal.

    But now adaptations have happened. Running no longer makes the loss "just happen"! I'm in great great shape now, but I've had to add in strength training, and I'm now having to look at body composition too.

    OP, as many have said, you will need to know your numbers. Also know that it is very easy to overestimate calories burned, so be careful there. That is likely what is happening here. (At one point I was logging my running as 10 minute miles. I checked myself, and in fact I was running 11.5 min miles :( There is a huge difference in the calorie burns on these, especially of you go for a long time! This kind of miscalculation can zap your deficit in no time!!

  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks tigerblue. I will be extra vigilant. Although i do feel like i calculate quite accurately. Sometimes i overCalculate (food) to be on the safe side. will double check everything. Xx
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    jodes112 wrote: »
    Thanks tigerblue. I will be extra vigilant. Although i do feel like i calculate quite accurately. Sometimes i overCalculate (food) to be on the safe side. will double check everything. Xx

    As a software engineer I read "overCalculate(food)" and started thinking about how one might write that algorithm...

  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    jodes112 wrote: »
    Yes, im using MFP, although not religiously. But yes i sort of know what ive eaton and what ive burned and what i would need to eat to make up for the burned cals.

    Thank you!

    Sort of knowing what you are eating and having it logged are two different things. Now it's only been 3 weeks, but you need to log your food accurately and honestly so you can see what you are consuming.
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    By sort of i mean, some i log, some i already know the calories of, so of mfp tells me i have 400cals remaining i will eat the 400cals but not log it. As i know i have then had my cals for the day. If that makes sense.

    But yes, i know what u are saying and will log it all, so i know, and can see it in front of me x
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    I've started running about four months ago and have seen an interesting cycle since. Used to, I was losing about a pound a week pretty steadily. Since I started running, I'll have weeks where I don't lose anything at all, but then a big week where I lose 2-4 lbs. in one week. I think that water retention for muscle repair is a real thing, but I've had to learn to be much more patient. I'm down ~4 sizes regardless of what the scale says!
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    loratliff wrote: »
    I've started running about four months ago and have seen an interesting cycle since. Used to, I was losing about a pound a week pretty steadily. Since I started running, I'll have weeks where I don't lose anything at all, but then a big week where I lose 2-4 lbs. in one week. I think that water retention for muscle repair is a real thing, but I've had to learn to be much more patient. I'm down ~4 sizes regardless of what the scale says!

    This is great to hear its not just me!well done on your loss so far!! Xx
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    Hiya all, just wanted to update this thread and say that i have weighed myself this morning and i have lost 3lb! So it looks like now my body has settled into the new exercise & eating routine, its showing on the scales!

    Ive lost inches and feel awsome!

    I guess all i needed was a bit of patience lol, thank you all! Xx
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited January 2015
    jodes112 wrote: »

    I lost 4lb in the first 3 weeks of eating 1250cals per day. Great. I am 29, weigh 145lbs.

    I then started running & its been about 3 weeks now. I do between 3/4 miles 4x per week. Burning between 350/450 cals per run.

    Ive just weighed and over the last 3 weeks, i have gained one lb. i can tell though that i have lost inches so definately lost fat.

    Have i gained because of the running, and gained muscle weight? Or am i eating too little? I eat around 300 cals more on the days i run so instead of the 1250, i will eat around 1500/1600. Is this the right thing to do?

    Any help would be great. At what point will the scales go down as i do feel slimmer...?

    May I ask where you are getting the 450 kcal per run, when you are only running less than a mile and you are only 145 lbs? This number is simply not right. I would expect something closer to 100 or so. Check here: or here:

    Oops maybe I misread? Are you saying you are running 3-4 miles or 3/4 of a mile?
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    Lol by 3/4 mile i mean between 3 and 4 miles haha sorry not very clear! Most days i do 4 but some 3
  • anteater8
    anteater8 Posts: 4 Member
    Have you tried measuring? Sometimes a nicer way of seeing progress if your putting on muscle it can only be a good thing!