Setting a new post pregnancy start weight


I'm due to give birth in 9 days. I lost loads of weight with MyFitnessPal after my last baby and want to do the same again this time. As with last. Time, I'd like my start weight to be my heaviest point of this pregnancy. I'm slightly lighter than when I was pregnant with my lat child, is there any way I can set my current / weight over the next few days as a start weigh without deleting the weight from my previous pregnancy?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm guessing you want the change for your ticker (so when it says pounds lost it's based off of this new weight)

    Go to Apps
    Click Tickers
    Click Update Your Weight Data
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    Nope, the computer program is not that smart. If you do not want to delete previous weights from your account, you will have to backdate your new lower starting weight to a date older than your previous "start" date/weight for it to properly show in your ticker.
    On the Web version, navigate to My Home > Check-In > Edit Previous Entries
    Add New Entry that is at least one day older than your current oldest date/weight.
  • bklimuck
    bklimuck Posts: 9 Member
    You can change your start weight online only.