Night Shifts

Hi guys I need some advice, I'm starting my first night shift on Sunday how do I prepare myself food wise? What do I eat Sunday day and what should I take to work? Thanks :)


  • shorshabae
    shorshabae Posts: 32 Member
    Hey night shifts are horrible! Most of the time I live off lattes and capri-sun and don't actually manage to eat anything. Not that I want to most of the time.

    I think the best thing is to eat little meals often... so don't eat a giant meal on Sunday just to go do the same thing at 2am on Monday morning. I would try and sleep in as much as possible on Sunday then when you get up just treat it like a normal day, breakfast lunch and a small dinner then a later meal halfway through your night.
  • Elaine1345
    shorshabae wrote: »
    Hey night shifts are horrible! Most of the time I live off lattes and capri-sun and don't actually manage to eat anything. Not that I want to most of the time.

    I think the best thing is to eat little meals often... so don't eat a giant meal on Sunday just to go do the same thing at 2am on Monday morning. I would try and sleep in as much as possible on Sunday then when you get up just treat it like a normal day, breakfast lunch and a small dinner then a later meal halfway through your night.

    Hi :) thanks for replying, I'm thinking if I go to bed early Saturday and wake early Sunday then go back to bed for a few hours in the afternoon before going to work? Ah my food diary is going to look completely messed up lol
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 385 Member
    edited January 2015
    Night shifts were really hard for me, my schedule bounced all over the place with nights, days and swing shifts. My sleep was irregular, couldn't find a routine for sleep OR eating. Not good for health-migraines, blood pressure and heart rate off, looked haggard. If you work a steady predictable shift like 5 days in a row, 3 days off, it will be a bit healthier. On your days off sleep so that it is somehow CLOSE to your night shifts so you don't throw off your internal clock too much but can still enjoy a social life with your family or friends who don't work nights! Like stay up late on your nights off and sleep late the next mornings. Worst thing is to get up early Sunday and and then never get any more sleep before you go to work Sunday night. The late Sunday afternoon nap may be just what you need. Plan your 3-5 meals around your shift work, and try to keep your sleep and eating times consistent for your health. And try to get some sunshine or take Vitamin D.
    I logged my meals here with breakfast being the first meal after I woke up-basically as if it were daytime. I have a lot of respect for people who can make night shifts work for them and maintain their health.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    I worked midnight shift for 3 years. It was horrible, and super hard to keep to a diet. I found myself eating a big meal right before work (around 9pm), having something small in the middle of my shift, like a fiber bar or oatmeal, and then I ate a decent sized breakfast to cover whatever allowance I had left in my day. I don't know how healthy this really is, but when I managed to lose weight while working 3rd shift, it was because I was only eating two big meals before and after work, and not during at all.

    Good luck though!