Back after 27 months

I was a regular here a couple of years ago. MFP tells me it has been 27 months. And, if I do the math, that is exactly right.

I went into a deep depression when my older daughter left for college, and went from losing weight and exercising regularly to just trying to get motivated enough to get out of bed in the morning. Now things are much better, although major surgery earlier this year also put a kink into my plans to get back on the wagon.

Now here I am, with no roadblocks, feeling very positive, and really motivated to lose a lot of weight. I'm a 45 year old mom and would love to have more friends of any gender identity or age. I just believe in strength in numbers.


  • emma48209
    emma48209 Posts: 24 Member
    welcome back
  • julesann59
    julesann59 Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2014
    Totally understand about the kids going off to college! Welcome back and stay positive!!!
  • Debarella
    Debarella Posts: 16 Member
    We live in Hawaii & my daughter went to the mainland for college, then met a boy, got a job & 2 pups. Just when I finally accepted she wasn't coming home.... She did! Yay! But after a year they decided the island life is too limited so they left for Austin. I am depressed, unmotivated, & gaining weight rapidly. They are getting married in June i cannot be the crazy sad fword lady. Here to get healthy, happy, fit & fabulous!
  • Debarella
    Debarella Posts: 16 Member
    So how does this work I see our original posts but that's all.
  • Welcome back! :D
  • Debarella
    Debarella Posts: 16 Member
    I have no idea how this chatting works in here feeling really dumb.