No weight loss after starting running



  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    eggcluck wrote: »
    Just to add a small tidbit. If you are running for long periods of time that there is a good chance that your body is breaking down muscle to use as energy. Notice how thin marathon runners are?| This smaller amount of muscle will decrease your BMR, which may cause you to run more to use those extra calories which will break down more muscle...

    Try to build a bit of muscle, more muscle will increase your BMR and will help in the long term.

    I'm doing 30 mpw on my low weeks. I should be back up to 40 - 50 mpw by the end of this month. I still weigh 223. OMG!!!! I'm barely even here. Wasting away to nothing. :laugh:

    Marathon runners are thinner because.... they want to be. It improves their time by about 2 seconds per mile for every pound they drop. Losing weight is a factor of your NET calories. It doesn't really matter how much you run. If you want to lose weight then have a NET calorie deficit. If you want to maintain then keep it at 0.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    eggcluck wrote: »
    Just to add a small tidbit. If you are running for long periods of time that there is a good chance that your body is breaking down muscle to use as energy. Notice how thin marathon runners are?| This smaller amount of muscle will decrease your BMR, which may cause you to run more to use those extra calories which will break down more muscle...

    Try to build a bit of muscle, more muscle will increase your BMR and will help in the long term.

    I'm doing 30 mpw on my low weeks. I should be back up to 40 - 50 mpw by the end of this month. I still weigh 223. OMG!!!! I'm barely even here. Wasting away to nothing. :laugh:

    Marathon runners are thinner because.... they want to be. It improves their time by about 2 seconds per mile for every pound they drop. Losing weight is a factor of your NET calories. It doesn't really matter how much you run. If you want to lose weight then have a NET calorie deficit. If you want to maintain then keep it at 0.

    OP. Listen to the advice you have been getting from @jacksonpt‌ , it is excellent.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    jodes112 wrote: »
    Lol by 3/4 mile i mean between 3 and 4 miles haha sorry not very clear! Most days i do 4 but some 3

    Even at 3 to 4 miles, an estimate of 450 cals is high for your weight. If you're having trouble losing weight at the expected rate, I'd recalculate that value on one of those link provided. If not, ignore this. There's probably more of an incline to your runs than the calculators assume.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    No, you haven't gained muscle, at least not any appreciable amount of it.

    Chances are your body is holding onto extra water due to the increased exercise. Give it time and things will balance back out... no need to worry about water weight over the long haul.

    Exactly. Focusing on the couple pounds of water weight gained from muscle recovery, salt intake, etc. is just a waste of time. That's a fraction of the issue and those couple pounds don't vary by much at all.


    The bucket is necessary for carrying the rocks. Don't stress over the weight of the bucket.
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    No problem with the fat loss/inch loss guys. Ive lost 2inches in some parts! I was just wondering why i had not actually lost any lbs thats all.

    I have a before and after pic from the last 4 weeks and can tell such a difference. Also measured myself at the start which is why i know i have slimmed down some.

    I was dieting eating 1250 cals per day and dropping lbs. as soon as i started excercising the lbs stopped dropping even tho i remained eating 1250 per day (slightly more on running days) I just wondered on the theory behind why id stopped losing lbs. but its been explained and made sense. And now i am into the swing of the excersice the lbs are coming off again.
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
  • jodes112
    jodes112 Posts: 19 Member
    Ps i just checked the calculator and 3 miles for me is around 350 cals and 4 miles is around 450 cals.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    At the start of any new exercise routine its normal to retain extra water as the muscles repair themselves. The point is you feel slimmer, that's a NSV (a non scale victory), keep up the great work, the pounds will start coming off soon :)
    It takes our bodies a few weeks to adjust to change in routine.
    Weight fluctuates daily/hourly even, if you have only weighed in once in 3 weeks how do you know that tomorrow the scale wont drop that 1lb? I fluctuate by up to 3lbs depending on what I've eaten/toilet issues/exercise etc.
    I also am a runner and at maintenance. My weight hardly changes these days but I am so lean, fit and strong...keep on running! :)

    I love this. Thanks for sharing. I'm in the same boat but looking to build a little muscle since my next race isn't until May.

    To the other poster, give it some time and I believe the scale will catch up. A new routine does cause extra water retention which you'll lose eventually. Just be patient. I just wanted to also add that back when I first started all I used to do was run and I got stuck at a plateau. Once I added in some weight lifting the scale started to budge. You may want to add some resistance training to your routine as continue on.