Looking for friends/ support on this weight loss journey

Hi MFP Community,
I am a 43 y.o. Mom of 3 children. I am 5'3" and have 60lbs to lose. I'm pretty sure I know what I need to do, it's just doing it, sticking with it and staying motivated. I get frustrated when I don't see results after busting my butt w/ diet & exercise. I would love some MFP friends to help me stay accountable & I will help you too. :)


  • Dooneygirl23
    Dooneygirl23 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Calyspencer, I'm new too. I've only been using MFP for about five weeks, but it has changed the way I think about what I eat. We have many of the same characteristic you listed in your post. My plan is a lifestyle change, not a diet. I'm going for the slow steady approach of 1lb per week. So far, so good. I haven't introduced strenuous exercise yet. I've done that before with diets and this time I thought, changing my entire philosophy on food is a big enough hurdle to tackle alone. So, I'm trying to re-teach myself about nutrition before I stress out about anything else. In time I will expand my daily exercise to a plan that I know I can fit into my life forever. Although I’ve dieted in the past, I’ve never used an app like this before. At first I thought that it would be tedious logging everything that I ate, but honestly it become so natural to use it and it’s actually kinda fun.
  • calyspencer
    calyspencer Posts: 16 Member
    I am doing the same thing: focusing on getting my diet/ eating straight first, then adding the exercise. This will be a lifestyle change for me too- I never want to gain all this weight back again. I would love to help each other stay on track. I will try to add you as a friend; I'm educated but I'm not quite sure how to do this. Here goes...
  • pinkypiglet133
    Hi how long have you guys been trying to lose weight? I've been trying to lose weight for the last couple of months but have been struggling to keep on track - what's kept you on track?

  • calyspencer
    calyspencer Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Sarah, This is my re-start. I am only on my second day. I used this app last year for approx 4 months had some success (lost 10lbs). Then I got plantar fascitis, stopped exercising, summer came & de-railed me. Gained it all back plus 2 lbs. :( This is my first time using the community & I think MFP friends will be helpful. I am determined to lose the weight this year. My motivation is wanting to feel & look better. I am practicing positive self- talk. Luckily I do not have any health issues & I don't want any. I've been doing this yo-yo thing for too long- I'm just tired of it. I wish everyone success.
  • pinkypiglet133
    You too love. I know the feeling. Xmas always does me and I clap it on. Moral support is what I need - someone else that's doing it to help me through it and keep my focus.

  • katie10101
    katie10101 Posts: 15 Member
    I've been on here this time since the beginning of the year. I have good incentive because I'm going home to the States, in June, for the first time in four years, and there's nothing like a good trip to get me started. Having said that, I'm making lifestyle changes (this time) that will stay with me forever. I, too, would love (and definitely need) support.
  • lyndalawton11
    Hello all I'm new going to start today - I've got a lot to lose so I need to stay motivated. I've got till July when I go to Spain with my family. I would love some motivational tips and help x
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've been on 3 weeks. This is really helping a lot, and having friends makes it feel like a fun project instead of a chore. Any of you can feel free to add me if you like.

    PS: Lyndalawton11, where in Spain are you going? We went a few years ago.
  • pinkypiglet133

    For me it's staying focus and keeping on track with the right stuff
  • raematex
    Hey all! Feel free to add me. I could always use the extra motivation :blush: