
Hello all
Just started my weightloss journey and wondered if anyone had followed the insanity fitness programm and been successful?


  • linz1976
    linz1976 Posts: 56 Member
    Im still going to insanity and following a healthy eating plan. Still loosing weight and toning up so all good
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Congrats on doing Insanity! That's the toughest program I've ever done but SO worth it!

    I did not lose actual pounds with it but I came out of it LOOKING like I lost about 20 and my fitness levels went through the ROOF so I still highly recommend it!

    Feel free to friend me and we can chat about it! :)
  • Level1Vegan
    Level1Vegan Posts: 43 Member
    I'm thinking about starting insanity.... not sure I'm fit enough though :(
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    If you think Insanity is hard, try Insanity MAX: 30.......somehow he managed to take the intensity of Insanity and crammed it into 30 minutes.
  • I finished Insanity a while back, repeated bit of it for a couple of months and now I'm working through Insanity Max 30.

    It worked for me, like many people I didn't lose many pounds but I lost many inches. I didn't follow the diet plan, but did stick to a calorie deficit.

    Good luck!
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I did 2 rounds of the first Insanity program and got into the best shape of my life. I'm currently doing the Insanity Max 30 program and love it.
  • anteater8
    anteater8 Posts: 4 Member
    jemcad13 wrote: »
    I'm thinking about starting insanity.... not sure I'm fit enough though :(

    Jem that's exactly the same as me. I'm in week two I sweat like never before but feel loads better for it! Highly recommend
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    I got to week six last year. Although the crazily tough workouts were awesome and I became strong like never before, I just couldn't recover fast enough from each night's intense exercise. After each workout I was basically spent for the day, no more energy and it was impacting on my ability to get up and do a day's work. I was shaky and drawn with a nasty hangover like feeling every morning.
  • jemcad13 wrote: »
    I'm thinking about starting insanity.... not sure I'm fit enough though :(

    I'm on day 6 today and haven't done any form of exercise for a while and have already noticed results. I'm definitely already becoming fitter, more toned and stronger. Shaun T is great! It is not by any means "easy" it is TOUGH! But the DVDs are so good you just want to do it and push yourself! I highly recommend it, I can't wait for the final result!
    R x
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Hi I just ordered it and should get it early next week. Excited to try this as I need an exercise reboot and the 30 minutes part is appealing. Will check in as I get started!
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    anteater8 wrote: »
    Hello all
    Just started my weightloss journey and wondered if anyone had followed the insanity fitness programm and been successful?

    I have just finished week 2 today. Really enjoying it so far. Although the workouts are tough they are not impossible. Just listen to Shaun T and go at your own pace keeping good form. Don't get disheartened if you can't keep up with the speed of the folk on the dvd. I have seen a definite improvement in fitness this week and looking forward to more results. I don't have loads of weight to lose and am seeing a small weekly loss. You will definitely get results on this programme if you follow it through each day and watch your diet.
  • becess96
    becess96 Posts: 57 Member
    I finished it about a couple of weeks ago and I lost about 20 lbs (from 170 to 150) but I wouldn't do it again. It's 6 days of high intensity cardio and the second month the workouts are about 1+ hour long. Right now I just workout 3 times a week, resistance training + HIIT at the end of the workout (some jump rope, something to burn some more calories and get the afterburn effect). But in additional to these 3 days, I take long walks if it's warm outside or play other sports with my friends (football, basketball etc..) on the weekend. If you wanna lose some inches and pounds, go for it, if you can also stick to their diet, you'll have amazing results !Also, after you finish Insanity you can do The Asylum Volume 1 & 2 or Insanity Max 30 if you want things to get even harder. Good luck ! :smiley:
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Are the insanity workouts available on YouTube or do you have to buy the DVDs?
  • catpea33
    catpea33 Posts: 76 Member
    edited January 2015
    I got to week six last year. Although the crazily tough workouts were awesome and I became strong like never before, I just couldn't recover fast enough from each night's intense exercise. After each workout I was basically spent for the day, no more energy and it was impacting on my ability to get up and do a day's work. I was shaky and drawn with a nasty hangover like feeling every morning.

    I had the exact same thing! I crashed and burned in week 6. I was struggling to even get out of bed in the morning and just felt so rundown. This time around I'm modifying the programme slightly so that, instead of doing Cardio Recovery, I either take a rest day or I do a nice gentle P90X X-Stretch workout. It seems to be making a bit of a difference. Mostly my nutrition is letting me down so on days where I've eaten food that I shouldn't, I end up tired and then I'm less likely to cook and eat more food I shouldn't in a horrible feedback cycle. On the bright side, I start week 4 tomorrow and even though I've lost no weight (still 144lb at 5'5"), I've lost 6" from my waist! I actually don't like the programme but I'm doing it because of an upcoming half-marathon and my lack of desire to run in snow and ice. I can't wait for Insanity to be over so that I can get back to my beloved weights.