Looking for a great support group!

Just started on here, and I am looking for a Strong support group! I am Serious and ready to do this :# ! I weigh 180 determined to lose 45 pounds...


  • RachElena26
    RachElena26 Posts: 4 Member
    Im ready also!! Going on a trip soon and wanna lose 20 pounds!
  • m3lq_k
    m3lq_k Posts: 59
    Yes!? If we are determined.. Anything is possible!!! Motivation is the Key.. After is Results :D
  • m3lq_k
    m3lq_k Posts: 59
    I know this is TRUE.. I have a coworker went back home to Jordan.. She weighed 200 pounds! She came back lost 36 pounds!? She looked over GREAT!?? She did a lot of walking and portion control..She blew everyone away! I asked myself if she can do it I can do it! :#
  • m3lq_k
    m3lq_k Posts: 59

  • m3lq_k
    m3lq_k Posts: 59
    My friend My motivation!!
    After 3 months.... Results minus 36 lbs.