Hey ya'll!

lologyrl Posts: 183 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I'm Lauren and am not so new here. I've tried it off and on for a few years, along with some other weight loss programs. I've been dealing with my weight since grade school, with very few successes. The best I've done was losing about 50 pounds with weight watchers, which I promptly gained back as soon as I stopped counting points. I'm looking for friends, support and people who understand my daily struggle! :p

I want to lose at least a 100 pounds. It's a huge goal ,I know, but I'm taking it one day at a time.


  • div9diva44
    div9diva44 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add. Got lots of modivation to go around. The journey is hard but easier and more fun with friends!
  • nscal
    nscal Posts: 72 Member
    Hello! I have also lost a good bit of weight with WW but, like you said, when you stop counting points...here it all comes back! Motivation and encouragement is great for everyone! For me...any little bit helps! Feel free to add me!
  • eminyu
    eminyu Posts: 2 Member

    Here if you need anyone to talk to :)
  • JoiUsOne
    JoiUsOne Posts: 4 Member
    We have a lot in common! I too lost about 50lbs with Weight Watchers and gained it all back after discontinuing counting points. That was in 2010. Last year I shed about 40lbs between Jan and June just doing my own thing and working out. I have since gained back all but 12lbs. So here I am giving it another try. This time I trying to get all the support I can. I will add you...hopefully we can be motivation for each other.
  • pancakemix16
    pancakemix16 Posts: 45 Member
    Been there also! as soon as I stopped counting and logging I gained most of it back. Feel free to add me.
  • lologyrl
    lologyrl Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I need all the help I can get :p