Why am I so hungry today!?



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited January 2015
    emdeesea wrote: »
    I am going to guess and say you probably just started this routine, am I right? If so, it does take a while for your body to get used to eating less food. Best thing I found myself is to make sure I'm drinking plenty of water or tea and just wait it out.

    But you can kind of curb those hunger pangs by eating lots of protein and good fats - they'll help fill you up.

    Yes :) only in my 2nd week- thanks for ur help

    Didn't see it was only your second week. I don't suggest the diet break ha! Keep it up. You'll get used to it and you'll find filling foods. I eat the same darn dinner every night because I love it and it makes me super full.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    Avskk is right, fats are super healthy and filling. My breakfast is almost always 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon. My snack is usually protein powder, beef jerky, nuts, nut butter, cheese. For dinner I like some type of protein (steak, chicken, salmon) and veggies fried in coconut oil with a side salad for more veggies. I make sure to drink plenty of water, your body needs it to function properly so you can burn fat. Being dehydrated is mistaken as hunger by the brain. I drink a bunch of tea since it's good for me and green tea is amazing for a bunch of reasons, including curbing hunger. I eat about 1200cals a day. Sometimes slightly less or more. If I am really hungry I eat 150-200cals at a time to make sure I am not overeating. After a while of eating this way it's easier to get a feel for these kinda things. Keep doing what you're doing, and pay attention to your body's reaction so you can learn and adjust. Good luck :)
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited January 2015
    The meals you described are super low calorie. That's why. what are your goals on MFP, how much are you aiming to lose per week? I hope you say 1lb/week.

    For reference I just logged what you described. Had to estimate weights and in many cases I actually estimated higher than I'm sure you'd actually have consumed. Also added oil for the eggs and popcorn (since idk wtf skinny popcorn is).

    overall you came in at like 600 calories (again, with me estimating high on most items). So... yeah, that's why you're hungry. That's an average meal for me, and you described this as 2 meals and a snack. So yeah, to me you didn't really eat anything at all today.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    hnmcd42 wrote: »
    I know it sounds crazy... but fried eggs are more filling than scrambled. To me anyways... the yoke has great amount of protein. I love any style of eggs though lol you may have more of a preference. But, on days I feel hungry- sometimes I am just thirsty. I drink some water and wait. But pizza does sound good! LOL.

    Fried eggs will not be more filling than scrambled because they will contain the exact same ingredients (actually, my scrambled eggs contain more cals because I'll usually add cheese, or maybe even veggies. Or I just turn it into an omelet with 2 eggs and 2 egg whites and again the cheese + veggies). No reasonable person makes scrambled eggs with only egg whites :/
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Title says it all- just looking for words of incouragment. Rough day today feeling like I could eat a whole pizza and wings and french fries. I ate 2 scrambled eggs with 2 slices of ham with a cup of strawberries this morning, lunch was a grilled chicken thigh and steam brocoli (last nights leftovers) with a clementine snack inbetween with 2 cups skinny popcorn ( best popcorn ever) and I feel like I haven't eaten anything all day! I just want to order pizza and wings and pig out so I feel full :(

    I'd be hungry too....maybe you just need to eat more...that's hardly anything.
  • AliluniqueLaura
    AliluniqueLaura Posts: 43 Member
    Did you have dinner?
  • beachykeen81
    beachykeen81 Posts: 29 Member
    healthy fats! good for keeping you feeling full.