Starting my Journey

Hello everyone! This is my first time using this APP trying something new. I have struggled with my weight since I joined the Army 14 years ago!! It's hard for me to talk about my weaknesses but I'm starting to think outside the box!! If you all have Ny advice it would be greatly appreciated!! 205LBS Goal 150!!! Here we go!!


  • JLopez832
    JLopez832 Posts: 1,206
    hey i feel you on your dilemma! #thestruggleisreal but I have been up an down with my weight during my time in military. we got this! i gotta lose 30 lbs to be where I wanna be, we can get there together. Good luck I'll be looking forward to seeing your progress. let me know if I can be of any help! once again Good luck!!! :)
  • Thank you