Ladies-I want to start heavy lifting. Help!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I know very little about it other than basic lifts. Where do I start???


  • zipa78
    zipa78 Posts: 354 Member
    No better place to start than the basic lifts. Google "stronglifts 5x5" or "starting strength", read up, get a gym membership (or some other place where you can lift) and get going.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    Here's the Stronglifts Summary (better than the website)

    Make sure to join the group here on MFP
  • Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I know very little about it other than basic lifts. Where do I start???

  • cyclone48
    cyclone48 Posts: 18 Member
    I have also used "New Rules of Lifting for Women". Lots of good advice and a good program to start with.
  • SuperFitastic
    SuperFitastic Posts: 8 Member
    I LOOOVE for advice with lifting. I used to be scared of the weight room now I feel like I live in there :smiley: I do 4 sets each time, start with more reps lighter weight, then increase weight and a little less reps, until I do my last 10 at the heaviest I can possibly do. That's a good rule of thumb for lean muscle mass building ;)
  • ckmnacln
    ckmnacln Posts: 370 Member
    A good app always helps too. I like Full Fitness for keeping track of my weight and reps.
  • is the best I've found. They also have a companion app Bodyspace.
    It's a bit confusing, but once you pick a workout program it will create exercises for you to do.
    It has a link to show you how to complete them correctly and tracks your workouts.
    I highly recommend this app! Good luck :smile:
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    edited January 2015
    Nia Shanks Lift Like a Girl offers really great plans/advice on lifting for women. Simple program to build strength! 3x per week, compound moves. Love her! Watch the video tutorial. It's free. First decide if you want to get strong or look strong. There is a difference. I've used New Rules too and it's also fine. Personally I am a big fan of Starting Strength but find the Lift Like a Girl program speaks more to most women. SL 5x5 is not my fave, although it works well for many.
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    I am a beginner at strong lifts 5x5 (only one week down :p ) and so far I love it. I actually am looking forward to my next workout. It's very basic. I have a home gym so I watched a ton of videos to get the form down (still a work in progress). I am completely brand new to lifting and very happy I chose this program to follow. Good luck with whatever you choose and have fun :D
  • laurende1022
    laurende1022 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you for all of the info! I'll start doing some research on all the websites you've posted. :)
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    Having a trainer or some other experienced lifter coach you through some of the lifts and offer pointers is very helpful for a beginner.

    You can also video yourself doing a lift and check your own form if you'd rather go it alone.. but everyone needs a form check from time to time.
  • FullOnBurn
    FullOnBurn Posts: 43 Member
    reddit - xxfitness is a great resource
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    I have one week of Stronglifts under my belt. I was intimidated by weight lifting for years (since I had not worked out with weights since probably high school) but someone on here recommended Stronglifts (there is a Free IPhone app) and also Nia Shanks. I liked the Stronglifts app because it was basic, easy, free, and there are even built in Youtube videos you can watch to see what the lift should be like. I work out at home so I didn't have a trainer or anyone to help me. Feel free to add me, I would love to have another newbie to talk to.