
Hi there

I thought I'd say hello as this seems to be a good tool for motivation and tracking progress.

I'm Charlotte, I'm 22 and I live in Edinburgh. I'm 5'4" and weigh about 164 at the moment, but I've always struggled with my weight. From being dangerously underweight to overweight and inbetween. So I really need to take matters into my own hands and maintain a healthy weight in a healthy way.

This is made difficult for me, as once I decide to demonise a food it can't pass my lips at all, so I've promised myself that if I really want something I can have it in some form or another, making the healthiest choice. So that means I'll be able to get all the food groups without unduly excluding something like I know I might. And keeping track will help me realise if I'm eating things in the right proportions.

My reasons to this are that my dad almost died after bariatric surgery in March, he needed that due to medications making his weight unmanageable, so I'm not in danger of following suit. However there is a family history of diabetes, which is something I desperately want to avoid. Also seeing him in that position and being so angry that it was avoidable in some respects made me realise I'd never want to get to that stage.

I'm also going to a wedding in Scandinavia in 9 weeks and you never know if I might run into a tall viking (specifically Alexander Skarsgard...dreamy), so I want to get in shape for that. I know I won't lose the whole amount by then, but I'll give it a go to do as much as I can in a healthy way.

So in total I want to lose between 20-30lbs to keep my BMI in the healthy range. I've given up alcohol and do CV exercise 5 times a week in differing intensities and I also do core strength and weight training at home. These are the biggest changes I've made, as I try to eat a balanced diet, but I'm also replacing less healthy choices with healthier ones.

I look forward to chatting with you all!


  • mariumosman
    mariumosman Posts: 37
    Hi there and welcome. You're in the right place to start your weight loss Journey. Glad to see another UK newbie. I'll send you a friend request if you want accept, please do :smile:
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    Hi there. I am roughly the same stats as you and funny enough I studied at heriot watt from 2000 to 2004 so i know Edinburgh well. Feel free to friend me if you like. All the best with your journey. We will get there together.
  • floatingcloud
    Hi I know what you mean about university piling on the pounds! Its something about that time of life that its hard to keep on track. Had similar issues to you around weight loss and weight gain so would be great to motivate each other knowing there are other complexities to the whole weight thing. Anyway will add you as a friend please accept if you would like. I am in Nz but origionally from the UK I immigrated about 5 years or so ago now. Anyway good luck with your goals.
  • ilikeowls
    ilikeowls Posts: 21
    Thanks for the replies! All requests accepted!

    This seems like a good site to be able to keep motivated, so I hope to be using it a lot in the future.

    Good luck to everyone else with their weight loss, and I hope we'll all be seeing results soon!