Anyone log an hour of Zumba?

Is anyone doing Zumba? I just started about twice a week. While I feel like I am getting a good workout, I don't feel like it is the over 800 calories in the 60 minutes of Zumba that MFP logs it as. To avoid going over, I don't eat all those calories back. How much do you all truly think you burn in an hour of Zumba?


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    At 100lb I log at 350 and it is pretty accurate. Food intake, and exercise, are keeping me at maintenance. I did have to play with the number a bit, but as that was an unknown quantity in a few years of maintenance it was easy to just jiggle with the number until I stopped dropping weight.
    Cheers, h.