What does a healthy weight FEEL like to you?

I have ALWAYS been overweight. For those of you who have lost a substantial amount of weight, and for those who have always been on the small side....I honestly don't know how it feels to be skinny or even an average size. How would my body feel if it were at an ideal size? How would it move differently? How would it effect sleep positioning? What do I have to look forward to? (Other than the obvious, long, healthy life!) :wink:


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there,
    Everybody 'feels' different within themselves I think. The benefits come in the form of extra energy, body confidence and many other such things.

    Wishing you complete success on your journey!

  • pgray007
    pgray007 Posts: 47 Member
    For me, and this probably sounds dumb, it's being able to put your socks on without difficulty. I know when I've totally let myself go when this becomes difficult.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I was just slightly obese. Now my BMI is around 22.5 and I feel I've reached my goal weight. I aim to eat a diet of primarily whole foods from every food grup every day. And treat treats as treats :p

    That is an interesting question - what does it really feel like to have a normal weight. I wish it would be adressed more, instead of just talking about being the elusive "healthy". In my opinion it would be more motivating for those contemplating changing their lifestyle.

    For me it relieves a lot of anxiety. I don't have to worry about whether I'll be able go get my clothes on tomorrow, or if I can find something that will suit me next time I go shopping.

    I am more agile, take up less space, feel more balanced. I am aware that my stomach is not in the way when I bend forward. When I get out the door, I can turn around on the step to close the door, don't have to get down, turn, get back up. I can empty the washing machine in my tiny laundry room without effort or pain. When I get up from a chair, I don't have to push with my arms.

    Neck, shoulder and knee pains are gone. Calluses at strange places on my feet aren't likely to show up again. Don't bruise so easily anymore. I feel more relaxed and energetic at the same time.

    I just don't feel blergh. I used to feel uncomfortable in my own skin, like too much soft tissue felt wrong, but I didn't want to think about it. I'd rather stuff my face with more junk food to try to stop those emotions.

    I don't suffer cravings anymore; they are replaced by healthy appetite.
  • wru2251
    wru2251 Posts: 12 Member
    Yes Kommodevaran! THIS is what I was looking for! Everyday things like this! Thank you ALL for your answers!
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I wonder about this too!

    I'm definitely not there yet (I have about 30 more pounds to lose), but I've noticed lots of changes. I don't tug at my clothing when I go from standing to sitting like I used to. I'm not bothered by taking an extra trip across the house when I forget something. Getting down and up from the floor is way easier.

    There's more but those are the big ones!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'd say I went from chunky to average. One day I was walking and thought to myself "oh my god....I feel so...light". It was seriously easier to walk.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    There are things that are very surprising one discovers after losing weight. I have gone from 244 to 147! Feeling lighter on your feet is definitely one, I can get in my car on the passenger side and climb over to the drivers side or climb into the back. Public transportation is easier to maneuver, getting out from sitting on the inside seat. Sleeping has changed, my once firm bed for my 244 pound body is now hard :) My energy level is great, I've discovered how walkable my city is.

    Of course you may have elimination of a lot of those aches and pains that we have become so used to experiencing - one day you just realize doing ______ doesn't hurt like it normally does.

    I think the biggest change is when you are freezing your butt off and just can't seem to get warm, then you know you've lost weight and I guess closer to being 'healthy!'
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    Many years ago I had lost about 60 pounds total (sadly, 14 years later, it's back) but a funny thing I noticed happening a lot was this: Whenever I would go to lean against a counter or wall or what have you, I would "fall" that last two or three inches. For months....until my brain caught up with the fact that my hips, arms, body was not that wide anymore and wasn't going to stop itself LOL
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Many years ago I had lost about 60 pounds total (sadly, 14 years later, it's back) but a funny thing I noticed happening a lot was this: Whenever I would go to lean against a counter or wall or what have you, I would "fall" that last two or three inches. For months....until my brain caught up with the fact that my hips, arms, body was not that wide anymore and wasn't going to stop itself LOL

    Ha! I do something slightly similar. I let things fall on to my hips, like carrying something heavy, or my accordion when I go to put it down. It used to bounce off, now I bruise my new hip bone.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    I'm not quite ideal yet, but I have lost over 85 pounds and am less than 10 pounds overweight right now. I have noticed some of the same things others already mentioned. Better balance...when sidewalks are icy I can move much faster now. More flexible...I can turn and stretch better because there isn't as much extra flesh in the way. I have noticed that I just walk and move much faster in general. If I am slouched back on the sofa and want to sit up, I can do it in an easy controlled movement instead of needing to jerk with momentum carrying me up. I'm less "puffy"...I used to just look puffy all over and had little rotating tender spots in random places. That has gone away.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I feel less fatigued doing things, I can easily get into running or anything else I want to do, I don't have that belly flab in my way, I feel more capable! I am not at goal, but I have been!!
  • amykuh
    amykuh Posts: 27 Member
    Hi wru2251! I saved this thread from a little while ago, inspiring stuff, and more of what you're looking for:

  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I lost 50 pounds. It literally feels like a load off my entire body. It is easier to breathe, move, and sleep. Honestly, I did miss that little shelf of stomach fat that I used to keep my arm on while I slept, but I am more comfortable sleeping. I don't have to shift around so much during the night. Random aches and pains that I had grown accustomed to are gone. I didn't realize how much the weight effected the way I physically felt until it started coming off. It was a relief.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ahh, that feeling when you sit down in jeans an don't feel like it all hangs out.

    I'm told I'm small, but my body fat is around 27% (my best guess) work usually puts me as "obese" at 126#. Guess I'm the skinny fat person. So I feel like I take up too much space....
  • wru2251
    wru2251 Posts: 12 Member
    amykuh wrote: »
    Hi wru2251! I saved this thread from a little while ago, inspiring stuff, and more of what you're looking for:


    Thank you for this link! Yes, this kind of info is great! And you can't find it in the books!