Curious... how much do you lose per week?



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    1.) What is your calorie goal per day?
    2.) How many days per week do you stick to it?
    3.) How much, on average, do you lose per week?

    1. 1440 net per day
    2. I'm normally between 1300 and 1440, except this week (over two days in a row due too going out to eat twice).
    3. 1.5 lbs/week (my goal) - but how much I lose in a given week fluctuates drastically, it's been as low as .5 and as high as 3.5. Pretty sure sodium and water retention are to blame for that.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I'm really curious how everyone compares......

    1.) What is your calorie goal per day?
    2.) How many days per week do you stick to it?
    3.) How much, on average, do you lose per week?

    For me:
    1.) My goal 1200
    2.) I stick to it 5 days per week, go 400 over 2 days per week (planned)
    3.) I lose about 2 lbs per week.

    i wish i could lose 2 lbs a week.. i was losing weight pretty quickly in the beginning but now it's definitely slowed down. when u say 1200 is your goal is that your net (u eat your exercise calories back) or just 1200 in general?

    By rule I eat AT LEAST half back. If I feel hungry I let myself eat all of them back. Usually about half, though. But then, the MOST I've ever burned in a day is 500. So there isn't many exercise calories to worry about.
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    1.) What is your calorie goal per day?
    2.) How many days per week do you stick to it?
    3.) How much, on average, do you lose per week?

    For me:
    1.) 1370 calories NET
    2.) Try to stick close to it most days, but don't stress if I go over it
    3.) Average loss is about 850gm per week, which is just under 2lb
  • ajk828
    ajk828 Posts: 335
    i'm bumping this because it's very interesting to read!
  • luvcookie
    luvcookie Posts: 97
    1. 1800 a day
    2.I try my best to stay under that 6 days a week
    3.every week is different ! This week I lost 1 lb but last week I lost 2
    4.I work out almost everyday anywhere fr 30 mins to 60 mins
    I wanna be able to lose 2-3 lbs a week so this week im trying something gonna try and stay at 1400 calories intake and maybe do a 60 min or 70 min workout everyday n see how I do next week on the scales !!! :)
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    1.) I have my current goals at 1200 a day
    2.) I stick to my goal religiously and, yes, there are times I go under by a hundred or so
    3.) Since I've started this journey, I've averaged about a 3.3lb loss per week. Some weeks are more and some are less. I range from 1lb a week to as much as 7lbs in my first couple of weeks of losing.
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I'm really curious how everyone compares......

    1.) What is your calorie goal per day?
    2.) How many days per week do you stick to it?
    3.) How much, on average, do you lose per week?

    For me:
    1 Right now it's 1700 but I exercise to about 500 calories 4 days a week
    2 I am never over my calories. Then again you see how many calories I get to eat a day?!
    3 I lose 2 pounds per week.
    And I eat 5 times a day as a Diabetic.
  • speednut
    speednut Posts: 82
    I eat 1400 calories a day x 7 days a week.
    I try to never go over but sometimes I do by just a little bit.
    I have lost 2 pounds almost every week since January.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    1.) What is your calorie goal per day?

    2.) How many days per week do you stick to it?
    Everyday, although I have had a few slip ups.

    3.) How much, on average, do you lose per week?
    I'm set to lose 1 lb/wk, however I'm averaging about 1.5 lb./wk. I don't always eat my exercise calories back, but I have a lot to lose. I know how important this is so I will be reevaluating this behavior as I get closer to goal.

    On a side note, I have realized that I'm not going eat perfect or exercise perfect every single day. Lets face it, life gets in the way sometimes. As long as my good days outweigh my bad, that is what matters. Also, instead of telling myself I have to exercise 1 hr 4x/week, I've changed it to 30 minutes a day, everyday. This allows me the freedom to double up if I miss a day and on days where I have been non-stop crazy, it's easier to talk myself into a 30 minute workout rather than an hour workout when I'm exhausted. I guess I'm learning how to be flexible with my new healthy lifestyle because we all know how crazy life can get at times.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    1.) 1200. I am hardly ever over. Usually I net around 1000. I am short though (5'1).
    2.) I stick to it every day, I might go over by 100-200 calories once a week max, but my net weekly is always considerably under.
    3.) 1lb. But then I have a healthy BMI so any faster would not be good.
  • nicole751
    nicole751 Posts: 26
    BUMP :) its nice to know the progress of others.

    my calorie goal: 1200
    how many days? i've been having a lot of good days and a lot of bad days. but mostly i follow it about 5 days a week.
    how much do i lose per week? well i started fresh this past week, and i lost 2 pounds. however, i have a small frame and i'm only trying to lose 10 lbs, so i'm striving to lose .5 lbs per week.
  • tlh523
    tlh523 Posts: 8 Member
    Since January, I have been averaging about 2.8 pounds per week. My goal is to keep my calorie intake to under 1300/day. Except for a few outliners of 1500 to 2000 cals (a person has to be a little bad from time to time :), I have been trying to keep my net calories to under 1000/day, thanks to my sessions with the "dread"mill.

    However over the last three weeks I seem to have hit the wall and have been stuck at my same weight. I am getting frustrated, as I really want to drop another 15 pounds.... I would think a net calorie intake to under 1000 cals/day and daily workout of burning 330 cals 5 out of 7 days would work...Does anyone have any suggestions...

  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    1) my goal is 1550 (1 lb per week loss)
    2)I'm within my goal (some days including at least 1/2 of my exercise calories) about 6 days a week
    3) I've lost an average of 1.25 lb per week.