May-Day by Day Challenge-Part 9 OPEN GROUP



  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Friday goals:
    1. Water. YES
    2. Stay under on calories and eat clean. YES
    3. Don't get tempted into going out after work. DIDNT GET TEMPTED
    4. Get list of jobs done at home after work. The list is posted on my fridge. NO

    I'm so pleased it's the weekend!!!!!!! This week has been horrible but I'm being positive about next week. I've had a relevlation that I need to compartmentalise my life. When I leave work it stays there and I am not to think about it at home. Equally when I'm at work I can't allow myself to stress about things at home. I'm hoping it will work.

    Ended up running last night after work which wasn't planned but the endorphins it created were well worth the sweat!!

    Saturday goals:
    1. Circuits and spinning.
    2. Water.
    3. Get through list of jobs.
    4. Do something fun tonight.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    It just occurred to me that it's mother's day tomorrow in the USA. Happy mother's day to all of you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you Nam!!!

    Friday May 6
    1.)watch sodium today. ---BOMBED. HAD CHINESE
    2.) water ---AGAIN BOMBED, had none
    3.) turbo fire tonight
    hopefully my migrain will be gone by then. ----NOPE DIDN'T DO THAT EITHER
    4.)Stay in a good and positive mood.

    1.). Some people have cheat days. Let yesterday go an don't make it a cheat week!
    2.) water
    3.) have fun on the walk
    4.)try to refrain from sodium
    5.) get up and get moving or I'm going to be late.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 6:
    1. Water!!!--Yes.
    2. Log my food.--No.
    3. Don't stress about work!!!!!!--Yes.
    4. Watch the evening snacking.--That's what I didn't log!:grumble:

    Goals for the weekend:
    1. Water!!!
    2. Log my foods (even if it's on paper!).
    3. Get my shelves done.
    4. Get the veggies outside.

    I'm not sure I'll be able to get back on because I plan on being very busy! I want to get my shelves stained and up and get some grocery shopping done. I also need to get my baby veggies outside in their new homes. Hopefully, the nighttime temperatures will stay above the 30's!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    5-6-2011 fitness goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups - Way short.... Not quite sure what happened.
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - Big time! Between not having a whole lot of time to eat and not being hungry when I DID have time, I was ridiculously under, actually.
    3. Take vitamins - Yep
    4. Week 1, Day 3 of Sit-up challenge - No. Forgot about it between work and the baseball game and then was too tired when I got home.
    5. Bed by midnight (or half an hour after I get home tomorrow night, whichever is later) - Bed, maybe; sleep not so much. Was up reading until quarter to 1. :blushing:

    5-6-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Pick up my grandmother on time - Yep, even a bit early! :smile:
    2. Enjoy the baseball game with my grandma, my mom and my sister (Assuming it's played. They're calling for rain.) - Had a GREAT time! Got a bit wet because it rained for 3 innings or so any my family stubbornly wouldn't move up to the seats under cover and the Pirates lost ( :frown: ) but it was still a lot of fun. :happy:
    3. Deposit paycheck - No.... Thought I was running short on time to get my grandma and then coming home it was raining and no drive up ATMs on my route.
    Kim - Enjoy that week off! Are you going on holiday, or just taking time off?

    Katrob - I'm so glad to see that this challenge is helping you stay focused so much!

    Kathy - To me, it sounds like your job is a pretty good workout all on its own! Frankly, I'm rather impressed that you even go to the trouble of working out before going to work.

    Nam - Best of luck with starting to compartmentalize! It's a great idea, so hopefully you can pull it off. :smile:

    Jessie - I'm so sorry to hear you've been having a migraine for so long. :frown: I hope it's finally gone!

    So now, goals for today..... I was gonna make it a free day, but then I realized I'm not sure what's gonna happen tomorrow, so that might not be the best of ideas. Unfortunately, I've already splurged on breakfast, so that's gonna be interesting to make up. :laugh:

    5-7-2011 fitness goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups
    2. Under on calories and fats
    3. Take vitamins
    4. Week 1, Day 3 of Sit-up challenge
    5. Bed by 11:30 or 45 minutes after getting home from work tonight

    5-7-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Deposit paycheck
    2. Start cleaning up bedroom
    3. Do at least one load of laundry
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Thank you, Nam!


    to all of us in the US and Canada! (I think it's Mother's Day there, too.)
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Saturday goals:
    1. Circuits and spinning. YES AND HALF A COMBAT CLASS
    2. Water. YES
    3. Get through list of jobs. NO
    4. Do something fun tonight. YES DINNER WITH FRIENDS

    I have a list of jobs to do at home that I just haven't had the motivation to do. Going to change that today!

    Sunday goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Body attack and total body workout classes.
    3. Do my list of jobs no excuses.
    4. Get to bed early.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday!
  • Lpfeifer419
    Lpfeifer419 Posts: 82
    Goals for Friday, 5/6

    1. Sodium under 2,000-Easy!
    2. 90 min. total for exercise-Didn't get this one accomplished, but I did exercise for over an hour!
    3. Enjoy the weather by playing in the gardens/planting roses-Dug up the evil Juniper bushes!
    4. Smile!-Yes!

    I didn't get around to posting yesterday because we were busy enjoying the outdoors and doing stuff around the house. Oh well, today is a new day, and I'll set some goals for today!

    Goals for Sunday, 5/8

    1. Eat a good breakfast so I don't pig-out later.
    2. 30 min. total of exercise (We'll be traveling some today, so it's a fair goal)
    3. Water
    4. Enjoy myself and not worry SO much about calories, it's okay to have an off day every great while!
  • Saturday
    1.). Some people have cheat days. Let yesterday go an don't make it a cheat week!
    2.) water
    3.) have fun on the walk
    4.)try to refrain from sodium
    5.) get up and get moving or I'm going to be late.

    Sunday. Mothers day
    1.) take my mom some food.
    2.) do payroll for work so I can take off early tomorrow to go to my hubbys CT scan
    3.) water
    4.) calories
    5.) find wants making me tired and do TurboFire
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    So now, goals for today..... I was gonna make it a free day, but then I realized I'm not sure what's gonna happen tomorrow, so that might not be the best of ideas. Unfortunately, I've already splurged on breakfast, so that's gonna be interesting to make up. :laugh:

    5-7-2011 fitness goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups - Came up short, AGAIN!
    2. Under on calories and fats - Never recovered from that breakfast splurge. :embarassed:
    3. Take vitamins - Yep!
    4. Week 1, Day 3 of Sit-up challenge - Very late in the day, but yep!
    5. Bed by 11:30 or 45 minutes after getting home from work tonight - Not quite.....

    5-7-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Deposit paycheck - No, didn't have time on the way TO work and forgot/was too tired on the way home....
    2. Start cleaning up bedroom - Yep
    3. Do at least one load of laundry -Yep
    I hope all the American Mom's had a wonderful Mother's Day! :happy:

    Nam - Hope you tackled those jobs around the house today!

    Jessie - Good attitude!

    Well, obviously it's a bit late for Sunday's goals, so let's go with Monday's!
    5-9-2011 fitness goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Take vitamins
    4. Week 2, Day 1 of Sit-up challenge
    5. Bed by 9:30, lights out by 10

    5-9-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Out of the house by 6:50 tomorrow morning
    2. Update finances AGAIN (I really should try to do them at least once a week so catching up wouldn't be so time consuming!)
    3. Work on cleaning bedroom more
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Sorry I haven't been very consistent checking in. One of my goals this week is to set daily goals to stay accountable.
    May 9's goals:
    1. walk in the morning.
    2. shred in the afternoon.
    3. drink plenty of water.
    4. eat dinner at a reasonable time.
    5. go to bed early.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Goals for Friday:
    1. Get everything at work done so I can enjoy next week guilt free - I did, it took forever!
    2. Choose carefully at dinner tonight but still enjoy it.- No, I worked late so a trip to the cinema and followed by dinner at a seafood place turned into flopping on the sofa with a pizza and a dvd. I was too tired to mind really.:blushing:
    3. Walk at lunch - No lunch break just worked through.

    Good morning all you lovely ladies (and the occasional gent that wonders through)!

    I am off work for the week and I couldn't be happier. I'm not going anywhere I'm going to strip the horrendous textured wall paper:sick: in my living room that has been bothering me every day since I moved in. Not everyone's idea of a good time but its going to make such a difference and I just love painting walls!:laugh: Yup mental. I think its all time I spent putting painting galleries at uni.

    Any way today's goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Plenty of water
    3. Some sort of exercise
    4. Finish clearing the living room & get going
    5. Second colour in friends brithday lino print

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Well, I had a really lazy weekend! I was quite good with what I ate but the 30 DS was the only exercise I got for the two days. I felt very naughty but enjoyed a lazy one for once!

    My Monday goals are:

    1) L2D8 30DS
    2) 100 crunches
    3) Day 1 Week 1 c25k
    4) Veggie packed dinner
    5) Walk to work and at lunch time
  • rmeadows71
    rmeadows71 Posts: 99
    Guess I took the weekend off from posting my goals! Back to the grind today :0)

    Monday, 5-9-11
    1) Water, water, & more water
    2) Excercise of some sort
    3) Get to the grocery store before the day's over
    4) Watch cals/carbs
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for the weekend:
    1. Water!!!--No
    2. Log my foods (even if it's on paper!).--No.
    3. Get my shelves done.--No.
    4. Get the veggies outside.--Yes.

    Well, the shelves didn't get done but the veggies are in their large containers by the back fence and SOME grocery shopping was done. Also got a bunch of weeds pulled.
    Otherwise, it was NOT a good weekend, food- and water-wise. Back to tracking and drinking my water!

    Goals for May 9:
    1. WATER!!!!(I always have a hard time with this outside of work!)
    2. Log my foods--healthy choices and check portion sizes!
    3. Finish the yardwork--reseeding the grass, etc.
    4. Bed by 9:30.

    Have fun with the living room redo, Kim! I like doing stuff like that, too. The only reason the shelves didn't get stained was that I spent more time than I planned working on the yard.
  • Lpfeifer419
    Lpfeifer419 Posts: 82
    I didn't get around to posting yesterday because we were busy enjoying the outdoors and doing stuff around the house. Oh well, today is a new day, and I'll set some goals for today!

    Goals for Sunday, 5/8

    1. Eat a good breakfast so I don't pig-out later.-Had a very nice, very healthy breakfast
    2. 30 min. total of exercise (We'll be traveling some today, so it's a fair goal)-Nope, just didn't have time
    3. Water-Yes, like always, 10 glasses
    4. Enjoy myself and not worry SO much about calories, it's okay to have an off day every great while!-I was very concerned with calories, I did come under, but was over in many other categories. So a no on this one...

    Goals for Monday, 5/9

    1. 60 min. of exercise (already have 40 min. done right now)
    2. Be under calories, carbs, and fat. Oh, and sodium!
    3. Water!
    4. Bed by 11PM
  • Sunday. Mothers day
    1.) take my mom some food. -- yup
    2.) do payroll for work so I can take off early tomorrow to go to my hubbys CT scan ---yes I did
    3.) water ---good!
    4.) calories ---good
    5.) find wants making me tired and do TurboFire---been ok the passed couple of days. Started my iron again.

    Monday----didn't post this morning but I'll tell you what I accomished anyhow
    TurboFire, tons of water, great on calories, ate healthy at Mexican , pulled the kids around in the wagon for a second exercise.

    Tuesdays goals
    1:) do the rest of the years schedule at work
    2:) water
    3:) calories because I'm making it a rest day especially
    4;) carbs
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Sorry I haven't been very consistent checking in. One of my goals this week is to set daily goals to stay accountable.
    May 9's goals:
    1. walk in the morning. YES
    2. shred in the afternoon. NO
    3. drink plenty of water. YES
    4. eat dinner at a reasonable time. YES
    5. go to bed early. EARLIER...LOL

    May 10's goals:
    1. workout in the morning.
    2. eat what's already cooked before cooking anything new.
    3. no soda, just water and tea.

    I'm keeping them simple for tomorrow!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Any way today's goals:
    1. Under on calories - 8 over!
    2. Plenty of water - No
    3. Some sort of exercise- 8 hours of DIY
    4. Finish clearing the living room & get going - Yup
    5. Second colour in friends brithday lino print- 2nd & 3rd colours done!

    Yesterday was mixed, worked like a horse but ate like one too finished up 8 calories over. Still was really satisfying to get up this morning and see the progress. Back on it today.

    1. Under on calories
    2. Water! Kim, you're not a kid with a plate of liver, drink your water!
    3. 4th colour on print (this needs to be ready and framed for tomorrow)
    4. Run
    5. Book tickets
    6. Finish stripping the walls

    Hope you're all having a lovely day!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    My Monday goals are:

    1) L2D8 30DS Done
    2) 100 crunches Done
    3) Day 1 Week 1 c25k Nope - moving this to tomorrow
    4) Veggie packed dinner Yep
    5) Walk to work and at lunch time Yep!

    Tuesday goals
    1) L2D9 30DS
    2) Go to belly dancing class
    3) walking to class tonight
    4) don't get the nibbles because of TOM!
    5) 100 press ups

    4 out of 5 not bad. I did loads of exercise yesterday and just didn't have time for the c25k. I'm going to try and squeeze it in tonight or if not, then Wednesday...
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