It isn't going to be easy but this week I'm going to..

What is your target for this week?

An NSV (Non Scale Victory), gym target.. you name it!!

It doesn't even have to be fitness related, something you're going to do to make YOU proud!

Remember, Give this 110% and you'll take 110% right back out of this!

If for any reason you don't manage.. you have still learned what didn't work for you this time and how to make it work for you next time!

I'll get this ball rolling-
By next week I intend to be pushing an extra 10lb per exercise at the gym!


  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I'm going to bump my weights up by 1kg
    I'm also going to have the entire house packed by Monday
    Register for Miss Muddy!!!!
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    I'm going to bump my weights up by 1kg
    I'm also going to have the entire house packed by Monday
    Register for Miss Muddy!!!!

    Great target :D let us know how you get on!
  • FourWindsWalker
    FourWindsWalker Posts: 143 Member
    edited January 2015
    My goals this week:

    Filll out and mail volunteering application...
    Begin volunteering on 1 February... (If needed...)
    Secure a weekly Reiki client..
    Help parents with yard work..

  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,454 Member
    My goal this week:

    Not binge eat today. And maybe tomorrow. And the day after that!
  • brayman1701d
    brayman1701d Posts: 10 Member
    Try and go swimming at least twice.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Complete all my XTFMAX90 workouts and eat sensibly when I go out for dinner with the girls on Thursday - no alcohol till Sat!!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm going to be more active beyond weight training, whether it's by walking on the treadmill or just doing more regular activity throughout the day. Winter seems to have pushed me toward hibernate mode. I need to push back out of it.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I'm going to stop using too many calories on 2 or 3 portions of the same thing! It is humanely possible to have one slice of cake, I AM SURE.

    Also, be mindful of the fact I have a 10K race on Sunday and slight twinges in the heel of one foot - this week I need to only exercise lightly once or twice, not my usual 4-5, and give myself 2 full days off beforehand!