Feeling discourage!.. :((

last week I lost 2 pounds this week NOTHING! IAM KEEPING IT AT 1400 cal and added some water aerobics classes this week. I've been SO FAITHFUL with keeping Track of EVERYTHING.. Now I feel VERY Discouraged.


  • I feel your pain. I've been on a plateau for 3 weeks now, no loss.

    The way I think of it is this -- even if I don't see it on the scale, everything I'm doing is still good. I just have to keep at it.

    Are you measuring your food?

    And 1400 calories sounds fine, I wouldn't cut that back much.
  • Undercover2015
    Undercover2015 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi thanks for responding .. I feel like idk what iam doing in here... lol.... I read on fp before I started that to lose 2 pounds a week I should eat 1400 Cal.. Iam writing down every bite... Do u think I should cut back more on my cals... Or do u think I should increase them...
  • peblesboop
    peblesboop Posts: 26 Member
    Don't be discourage. when ever someone starts eating healthy/ working out, the first thing you start to lose is water weight in the first week. In the second week your body goes into shock so it tries to hold on to the fat you have. Ever watch the biggest loser? This is what usually happens in the second or third week. If you are eating healthy, being honest with yourself by logging your foods and exercising on a regular, you will either see weight come off on the scale or inches. Don't give up. Consistency is the key to success. if yuo like send me a friends request and I will accept. :)
  • Whats up first of all congrats on even starting your journey to lose weight that's why we are all here in the first place, undercover and even Shelby all you have done is hit your plateau don't worry you can smash straight through it by training different and by tweaking your diet. You body is smarter than you think your body can go a change itself instantly it gets use to a routine so it knows whats going to happen, change your diet to shakes or less carbs, try different methods and hopefully it pays off, also your body holds water weight what carry's on the pounds but dont worry you lose this by sweating just keep on exercising ladies and you will be fine.

    Also feel free to send me a message whenever on your progress or if you need motivation, I have just started up my own business and the prime factor is to help people and to achieve their goals no matter how big or small, link is on my profile page if interested, anyway keep going your doing great !

    Dont give up keep going
    Stay Awesome
  • This might be what you're already doing, but writing down every bite isn't the same as measuring every bite.

    If you don't have one, a kitchen scale is great for making sure that you're eating exactly what you think you're eating. I weigh and measure almost everything, but I try to be especially careful with high calorie foods like the almond butter I love. The only things I don't worry about are food like cucumber or condiments like mustard, which have almost no calories.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    peblesboop wrote: »
    Don't be discourage. when ever someone starts eating healthy/ working out, the first thing you start to lose is water weight in the first week. In the second week your body goes into shock so it tries to hold on to the fat you have. Ever watch the biggest loser? This is what usually happens in the second or third week. If you are eating healthy, being honest with yourself by logging your foods and exercising on a regular, you will either see weight come off on the scale or inches. Don't give up. Consistency is the key to success. if yuo like send me a friends request and I will accept. :)

    No. You're not in shock and your body is not holding on to fat. However, weight loss is not linear, so you need to get used to the occasional week of no loss, or even a gain. For example, I am down 7 pounds this month, but 10 days my weight has increased from the day before. If you are sure you are accurately counting your calories, be patient. If you're not, start doing so.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    A week is not enough time to determine anything. Don't adjust your calories or exercise, just keep going. If nothing happens after a month, then it's time to reevaluate. You're probably retaining a bit of water from the new exercise, so don't stress.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Give it time. I worked out for 10 days straight and ate super low calories only to lose .4lbs over a week. Then later that day I got my period. I weighed when it was over and I had really lost 3lbs, I was just retaining water.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    New exercise can contribute to water retention for a short time. As mentioned above, weight loss is not linear so having a good loss one week and then nothing the next is common. You have to look at the trend over a longer period of time to see if you are losing or not. The first week I start back to tracking I'll lose a bit more than the following weeks as my body sheds some water weight. So far I've been down 1.2, up .2, down 1.4, and I might just be up a little next week. It is how things go, even for people who have been doing it for a long time now. So don't worry about it. Start taking measurements of your body (waist, chest, hips, arm, thighs are common points) and use that as another progress check. Even for only being up and down in weight, I still lost about an inch from my waist. I'll take that over any number on a scale that no one else will ever see.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. Not at all! It is normal to lose a lot one week and nothing or even gain the next. That is NORMAL. If you graph your weight, by the time you get to goal, your graph will likely look like a roller coaster!

    A plateau is also a LONG time without a measurable loss and no changes to your diet or exercise - 10 weeks, not 3, would be a plateau.

    Weight loss takes times - lots of time - and patience and a good sense of humor (the humor will get you through the tough times). If you get discouraged over one week of not losing, you are in for a long, painful road. I've lost 90 pounds so far and am 30 from my goal. If I had gotten discouraged the first week I didn't lose, I would have quit after about 10 pounds!!

    You didn't put the weight on over night and it won't come off that way. As you gained weight, you likely had weeks when you stayed the same or even lost. It's going to be the same in the opposite direction. You'll have weeks where you stay the same or gain. there are a million factors that can contribute to this. If you have food in your stomach at the time you weight; if you are female, the time of month can cause this; water in your muscles from new exercise; the amount of salt eaten; etc. I did the math one time. It took me approximately 12 years to go from my lowest adult weight to my highest. So far, it's taken me almost 3 years to lose 3/4 of that weight and at the rate I am going, it will take at least one more to get to goal. Do I wish it was quicker? ABSOLUTELY! Am I willing to give up because it's not going fast enough? NEVER. Giving up is the only sure way to fail.

    The best thing you can do is stay the course. Continue to weigh, measure and log your food diligently. Eat at a modest calorie deficit without starving yourself. (No, there is absolutely no such thing as starvation mode, but you can eat to little to fuel your body and you'll feel like crap because of it!) Eat a variety of food that includes all the things you love, including pizza, chocolate and ice cream if those are your things. Just be conscious of the amount and log it and maintain a calorie deficit. Exercise for your health, not weight loss because weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym. Exercise, however, will make you feel better, give you more energy and help you maintain any loss you do have. Take one day at a time. If you splurge one day, log it and move on. Weight loss happens because you have a long-term pattern of good habits, not a week here and there, and one day's splurge is not going to hinder your long-term success and you shouldn't beat yourself up for it. A day's splurge can't turn into a week, month or longer though!

    Good luck and chin up. As someone once said to me and I found it totally true, the scale always tells the truth - eventually....
  • airmedic8
    airmedic8 Posts: 24 Member
    Remember years of bad choices don't get erased in 3 weeks of good choices. Their is good things going on inside your body you can't see on the outside. Stay the course and you'll be fine.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Keep at it.
    Take before photos.
    Take measurements.
    Stay off the scale for a month.
  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. Not at all! It is normal to lose a lot one week and nothing or even gain the next. That is NORMAL. If you graph your weight, by the time you get to goal, your graph will likely look like a roller coaster!

    A plateau is also a LONG time without a measurable loss and no changes to your diet or exercise - 10 weeks, not 3, would be a plateau.

    Weight loss takes times - lots of time - and patience and a good sense of humor (the humor will get you through the tough times). If you get discouraged over one week of not losing, you are in for a long, painful road. I've lost 90 pounds so far and am 30 from my goal. If I had gotten discouraged the first week I didn't lose, I would have quit after about 10 pounds!!

    You didn't put the weight on over night and it won't come off that way. As you gained weight, you likely had weeks when you stayed the same or even lost. It's going to be the same in the opposite direction. You'll have weeks where you stay the same or gain. there are a million factors that can contribute to this. If you have food in your stomach at the time you weight; if you are female, the time of month can cause this; water in your muscles from new exercise; the amount of salt eaten; etc. I did the math one time. It took me approximately 12 years to go from my lowest adult weight to my highest. So far, it's taken me almost 3 years to lose 3/4 of that weight and at the rate I am going, it will take at least one more to get to goal. Do I wish it was quicker? ABSOLUTELY! Am I willing to give up because it's not going fast enough? NEVER. Giving up is the only sure way to fail.

    The best thing you can do is stay the course. Continue to weigh, measure and log your food diligently. Eat at a modest calorie deficit without starving yourself. (No, there is absolutely no such thing as starvation mode, but you can eat to little to fuel your body and you'll feel like crap because of it!) Eat a variety of food that includes all the things you love, including pizza, chocolate and ice cream if those are your things. Just be conscious of the amount and log it and maintain a calorie deficit. Exercise for your health, not weight loss because weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym. Exercise, however, will make you feel better, give you more energy and help you maintain any loss you do have. Take one day at a time. If you splurge one day, log it and move on. Weight loss happens because you have a long-term pattern of good habits, not a week here and there, and one day's splurge is not going to hinder your long-term success and you shouldn't beat yourself up for it. A day's splurge can't turn into a week, month or longer though!

    Good luck and chin up. As someone once said to me and I found it totally true, the scale always tells the truth - eventually....

    Wow, This is some insightful and wonderful advise, thank you!!! :D
  • GolfsOften
    GolfsOften Posts: 22 Member
    Stop looking at scales. Read and workout.
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2015
    GolfsOften wrote: »
    Stop looking at scales. Read and workout.

    G.O. your my Hero.

    Undercover no pic: You need at-least 10 to 14 days to see if your workout, and diet needs adjusting. Stay the course and then after 14 days if you are not losing, you may have to make some cuts, nothing drastic, juts shave a some calories off. If in seven more days you are at the same, we can reevaluate what your doing then :smile: Good Luck

  • Undercover2015
    Undercover2015 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you! Iam going to try a water workout in the morning.. I hope I like it
  • Undercover2015
    Undercover2015 Posts: 21 Member
    So many wonderful ideas and encouragement here. Thank you thank you! How do I reply to each one of you individually? Or do I just write it here for all of you too see? Iam not for sure how this all works.. And how do I friend all of you? I really appreciate all your feed back and I need to hear it from all of you! the good and the bad! Thank you!. Iam staying the course...
  • shaunroberts
    shaunroberts Posts: 94 Member
    Also bear in mind just because you didn't loose weight you still worked out! You didn't sit there on the couch like most people would. You got out there you did something and in doing something your body is healthier and stronger! You should be proud of yourself:-)

    Keep going, keep pushing. Rome wasn't built in a day:-)

  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Undercover, to add someone as a friend, click on their screen name and then click on "Add Friend." That will send a message to the person asking if they want to become friends with you. to send a message to them, again click on their screen name and then click "Send Message."

    Good luck to you!
  • teenagwood
    teenagwood Posts: 10 Member
    Please add me