Not having enough calories



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    The answer to more calories is always "ice cream".
  • wogazza
    wogazza Posts: 17
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    The answer to more calories is always "ice cream".

    Sometimes it's wine, chocolate and crisps

    22lbs in 4 weeks? Seriously?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    The answer to more calories is always "ice cream".

    Sometimes it's wine, chocolate and crisps

    22lbs in 4 weeks? Seriously?

    Craft beers have 0 calories. That's how I live :)
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    The first reply is spot on. Eat food.

    900 calories short sounds like a date with a full tub of ice-cream to me.
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    wogazza wrote: »
    need help with food ideas. I'm not getting enough calories but I'm eating normal and feeling full. Need some ideas what to snack on????? Any suggestions please

    Since you don't have your diary open to public view, we can't really go over any of that to give you suggestions.

    But my question is, assuming you are indeed weighing everything accurately, why do you feel the need to force your body to eat more if you feel fine with what you're currently eating?

  • wogazza
    wogazza Posts: 17
    wogazza wrote: »
    need help with food ideas. I'm not getting enough calories but I'm eating normal and feeling full. Need some ideas what to snack on????? Any suggestions please

    Since you don't have your diary open to public view, we can't really go over any of that to give you suggestions.

    But my question is, assuming you are indeed weighing everything accurately, why do you feel the need to force your body to eat more if you feel fine with what you're currently eating?

    I think the same. How do a share my diary???
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    wogazza wrote: »
    need help with food ideas. I'm not getting enough calories but I'm eating normal and feeling full. Need some ideas what to snack on????? Any suggestions please

    Since you don't have your diary open to public view, we can't really go over any of that to give you suggestions.

    But my question is, assuming you are indeed weighing everything accurately, why do you feel the need to force your body to eat more if you feel fine with what you're currently eating?
    He's losing over 5lb a week, it is sensible to slow that down massively unless he is morbidly obese
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    wogazza wrote: »
    need help with food ideas. I'm not getting enough calories but I'm eating normal and feeling full. Need some ideas what to snack on????? Any suggestions please

    Since you don't have your diary open to public view, we can't really go over any of that to give you suggestions.

    But my question is, assuming you are indeed weighing everything accurately, why do you feel the need to force your body to eat more if you feel fine with what you're currently eating?
    He's losing over 5lb a week, it is sensible to slow that down massively unless he is morbidly obese

    Oh I 100% agree, but since we can't see the specifics it's hard to say.

    You can make your diary open for others to view by going into Settings -> Privacy Settings.

  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    I like a square of really nice dark chocolate with a healthy amount of peanut butter on it. :) Doesn't fill me up per se, but definitely keeps the sweet tooth at bay and provides a little extra protein. Also, google 'fat bombs', it you aren't hungry and need fat/protein, they are awesome. Mostly for people doing low carb, but they are pretty tasty.
  • wogazza
    wogazza Posts: 17
    Just had some ryvita and cheese but wasn't hungry had it to put more calories in. Shared my diary also
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hornsby wrote: »
    The answer to more calories is always "ice cream".

    2190. I'm 900 short today

    Are your exercise calories included in this, i.e. have you done loads of exercise and are not hungry, or have you literally only eaten 1200?

    If the former, don't worry about it today, see how you feel tomorrow. If you feel low on energy tomorrow you may need to eat back more of your exercise calories. Chocolate, peanut butter, and ice cream are popular choices for those with a sweet tooth. Nuts are also high calorie for low volume food. If you don't feel low on energy tomorrow and your intake excluding exercise is at least 1500 calories, then just carry on. Consider it a bonus.

    If however, you have literally only eaten 1200, definitely eat more.

    ETA: another calorie adding idea - nibblets of smoked salmon & low-fat cream cheese on crackers. Tasty, healthy, high in cals. Om nom nom.
  • wogazza
    wogazza Posts: 17
    Hornsby wrote: »
    The answer to more calories is always "ice cream".

    2190. I'm 900 short today

    Are your exercise calories included in this, i.e. have you done loads of exercise and are not hungry, or have you literally only eaten 1200?

    If the former, don't worry about it today, see how you feel tomorrow. If you feel low on energy tomorrow you may need to eat back more of your exercise calories. Chocolate, peanut butter, and ice cream are popular choices for those with a sweet tooth. Nuts are also high calorie for low volume food. If you don't feel low on energy tomorrow and your intake excluding exercise is at least 1500 calories, then just carry on. Consider it a bonus.

    If however, you have literally only eaten 1200, definitely eat more.

    ETA: another calorie adding idea - nibblets of smoked salmon & low-fat cream cheese on crackers. Tasty, healthy, high in cals. Om nom nom.

    Done just over a 5 mile walk today so it take that into account
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I just looked through a week or so, but it looks like you're averaging about 1650 and not 1200, which is good news. It's not great news, because you still need to eat more, but it's better than 1200. Get rid of the semi-skimmed milk and reduced fat products, and start adding some olive oil to your meals. Eat full-fat dairy and yogurt. If you under-eat for too long, you're going to eventually hit a wall and that's not what you want.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    have some cake bro.
  • jennycina93
    jennycina93 Posts: 127 Member
    I didn't read through everything so sorry if this is a repeat. When I need to fill a lot of calories but still need nutrition, I just eat a spoonful of peanut butter(measured out though). That is around 200 calories and has protein :)
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    This is the second post in 10 minutes about people not eating enough. I have a silly question: how does that happen?? I simply don't understand. We are all fat because we ate too much...yet now we cannot eat enough? I am completely mind-boggled.
  • hapa11
    hapa11 Posts: 182 Member
    In the rare event that I'm short on calories, I look at my nutrition for the day and try to round that out. If I'm short on potassium, for instance, I'll have a banana--if protein, a piece of chicken, etc.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    redheaddee wrote: »
    This is the second post in 10 minutes about people not eating enough. I have a silly question: how does that happen?? I simply don't understand. We are all fat because we ate too much...yet now we cannot eat enough? I am completely mind-boggled.

    I think I can answer that because it happened to me too.

    When I was getting fat, I was eating donuts and candy every chance I got in addition to regular meals. It's not hard for the calories to really add up eating that way. When I decided to make a change, I went overboard the other way. I only ate high volume low calories things (salads, chicken, broccoli, etc.) and I got full very easily that way. I had to be told that it was ok to eat peanut butter and that kind of stuff just like this guy.

  • wogazza
    wogazza Posts: 17
    Hornsby wrote: »
    The answer to more calories is always "ice cream".

    2190. I'm 900 short today

    Are your exercise calories included in this, i.e. have you done loads of exercise and are not hungry, or have you literally only eaten 1200?

    If the former, don't worry about it today, see how you feel tomorrow. If you feel low on energy tomorrow you may need to eat back more of your exercise calories. Chocolate, peanut butter, and ice cream are popular choices for those with a sweet tooth. Nuts are also high calorie for low volume food. If you don't feel low on energy tomorrow and your intake excluding exercise is at least 1500 calories, then just carry on. Consider it a bonus.

    If however, you have literally only eaten 1200, definitely eat more.

    ETA: another calorie adding idea - nibblets of smoked salmon & low-fat cream cheese on crackers. Tasty, healthy, high in cals. Om nom nom.

    Done just over a 5 mile walk today so it take that into account