Starving on 1200 calories a day



  • Well, I've been actually eating around 1400-ish but still feel hungry :( Is it normal to be hungry when you're losing? Kind of a stupid question, but I've heard that if you're hungry you're doing something wrong? Thanks for your feedback!

    Why people don't listen to their bodies? If you feel hungry, you are hungry, eat, period, unless you have parasites.

    Google about the hormone grelin and the hunger process, that may help you to understand WHY you should EAT when you are HUNGRY.
  • Amisha136
    Amisha136 Posts: 38 Member
    There are two things that zap my hunger and are so worth every calorie: 1) Sun Warrior Rice Protein powder blended with almond milk, 2) a fresh sliced apple with about 1/4 cup of peanut butter. The protein powder smoothie is perfect last thing in the evening to stave of cravings etc. I love the PB apple early in the day, usually for breakfast with a cup of coffee... it will keep me happy and full for hours. Keep at the 1200! Don't overthink it. Take your mind off food by doing other things.
  • Amisha136
    Amisha136 Posts: 38 Member
    ooh. by the way, I use natural unsalted unsweetened organic PB... no need for the additional calories of sweetener/oil
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    OP glad you are taking the good will do well on your weight loss.

    I am 5'2, 45 yrs old and lost weight eating between 1600-1900 calories depending on exercise, I also tried the 1200 calories, nope, never will I do that again!! Good luck. :)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Can I ask, those of you who are eating 1600 calories a day and losing weight. How tall are you?
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I would be too. My goal is 1400 which I feel like is not enough. I always go over.
  • brightwell44
    brightwell44 Posts: 17 Member
    When your losing the body will feel a bit hungry, but don't starve your body. Running like that, personally I would think 1200 is too few for sure. Bump it up to 1500 but eat clean foods. Fruits and veggies, throw some avocado and sardines in there.... Oh yea I went there with the sardines. You'll find the right mix of foods/calories and still lose... You got this
  • west1107
    west1107 Posts: 6 Member
    you shouldn't be exercising at that pace and eating that little you will get sick.

    Try high fat low carb...70% fat, 20% protein, 10 carbs.

    want any advice message me :)
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited January 2015
    west1107 wrote: »
    you shouldn't be exercising at that pace and eating that little you will get sick.

    Try high fat low carb...70% fat, 20% protein, 10 carbs.

    want any advice message me :)

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    west1107 wrote: »
    you shouldn't be exercising at that pace and eating that little you will get sick.

    Try high fat low carb...70% fat, 20% protein, 10 carbs.

    want any advice message me :)


    Just for clarification purposes. Why? :)

  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    I just bumped mine up to 1500 and I already feel less tired than I was. It does help. It's just scary for some to bump the calories up because people are taught that you have to eat less to weigh less and sadly, 1200 is what they start with. I know I did, but you live and learn. Hard to believe eating MORE helps you lose weight.
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    I am also 5'3"
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited January 2015
    I was not hungry when I was losing weight. You are not eating enough or not eating the right type of filling foods if you're constantly hungry. if you're running marathons 1400 calories is definitely not enough.

    edit - nevermind, looks like this was solved.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    I'm 5'2 / 157cm
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    What I have noticed in comparison to last time I tried to lose weight is this. Last time I was on 1200 calories, starving and exercising. Lost 2.5kg in the first month. This time, I'm on around 1600, only walking as exercise and lost 3kg in first month. That says lots dosen't it.
  • You should try more protein and weight lifting. When I do a lot of cardio I feel extremely hungry. When you lift weights your body naturally burns more calories for a few days after. Upping your morning protein and lunch should help. Also drinking a glass of water before every meal helps too. It is really good to have healthy fats in your diet. I used to be hungry on 1200 calories but upped to 1400 and exercise daily and feel great. Worth a shot to go a little slower and not kill yourself. Easier to maintain that way!

    Your body will also "adapt" to few calories. It's good to switch it up and eat a little extra once in awhile to trick your metabolism.