Weight loss and water consumption

Can water consumption really make that significant of an impact on weight loss? I am trying to give up my diet soda addiction but it is proving very difficult. I am also drinking crystal light, but I know that too has to go. But drinking just plain water just seems boring. I know about lemon water, but that sounds boring too. What I want to know is if it really makes a difference because if it does then I am just going to have to suck it up and just drink water, but I don't want to if I don't have to.


  • Seraphina_Rowan
    Seraphina_Rowan Posts: 179 Member
    I honestly just put liquid enhancers in my water. Things like mio etc it makes it not so bland :) Water is really good for you!
  • I am also addicted to diet soda and usually only drink water at meals. By addicted I mean drink a soda on the way to work in the morning. I resisted people telling me that I needed to switch to water.

    I was told as part of my program that I needed to drink at least 64 oz. a day. I could still drink diet soda but I had to do at least 64 oz. of clear water.

    My wife bought me a 40oz thermos. I fill it up with filtered water first thing in the morning and when I finish it I refill it. I log the 80 oz. when I'm done.

    At that point I switch to diet soda.

    But now I have an incentive to drink the water because it gets me closer to what I prefer.

    I'm down nearly 60 lbs. I don't know how much of it is the water consumption vs. the exercise program vs. meticulously counting calories. But I do know what I'm doing now is working. Never mess with a winning streak.

    My suggestion is to get a bottle or thermos, something you can comfortably measure water in. Make a conscious effort to drink the water until you get to at least 64 oz. or whatever your goal is. If you're like me, that's usually between 2-3 pm. Then if you want to drink 2 or 3 diet soda (make sure it's zero calorie and not just low calorie) you should be fine. Consider it a reward for drinking the water.

  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    Water is really good for you! It obviously hydrates the whole body, including muscles and skin :) Some people will say it helps them feel fuller, especially by drinking a full 8oz glass before meals. Also some will say that it helps them choose less sugary drinks, as it helps them readjust their taste preferences for less sweeter drinks. It's really good for your kidneys. Water helps to cleanse the body. (Also good for bowel movement. Hey, the more ya know!)
    Overall, yes it is important to drink water! Like the poster said above, adding Mio or other flavor enhancers can make it more tolerable for you. Try giving yourself a goal of say three glasses a day, and keep adding to it until you get to eight 8oz glasses a day.
    You're body will thank you!
  • jillshadow
    jillshadow Posts: 76 Member
    r5d5 wrote: »
    Water is really good for you! It obviously hydrates the whole body, including muscles and skin :) Some people will say it helps them feel fuller, especially by drinking a full 8oz glass before meals. Also some will say that it helps them choose less sugary drinks, as it helps them readjust their taste preferences for less sweeter drinks. It's really good for your kidneys. Water helps to cleanse the body. (Also good for bowel movement. Hey, the more ya know!)
    Overall, yes it is important to drink water! Like the poster said above, adding Mio or other flavor enhancers can make it more tolerable for you. Try giving yourself a goal of say three glasses a day, and keep adding to it until you get to eight 8oz glasses a day.
    You're body will thank you!

    Does crystal light count as water enhancer or not? If so I can easily do 8oz glasses a day

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    All liquids are great for the body. They do not hinder weight loss unless there are calories in them that do not get counted. The only liquids that you should not count in your daily glasses of water are alcoholic drinks. It doesn't matter if they have caffeine or not. It doesn't matter if they have artificial sweeteners, all help.
  • You are probably going to retain water at some point while losing weight, and then flush it all out, I have never read an explanation about why it happens but it happens.

    If you want to stop the craving eat more protein and, specially, more healthy fats.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Be bored for a while.

    It doesn't hurt.

    I promise.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I often hear people crediting water consumption for their weight loss. These same people also swapped soda for water. So it's not the water that is making them lose weight, it's the huge calorie cut they make by cutting out the fizzy drinks
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I never drink plain water. Never. You need to stay hydrated, that's it.
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    Be bored for a while.

    It doesn't hurt.

    I promise.

    LOVE IT... lol. Seriously though, the more water you drink the more you will wean yourself off of the sugar or sugar substitutes. It is an addiction....
  • lcooper327
    lcooper327 Posts: 112 Member
    Trader Joes has really delicious carbonated water that is flavored but zero calories.
    I personally love water/tea and that is all I drink most days but the carbonated lemon or lime water taste sorta like Sprite/7up minus the sweetness
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I honestly just put liquid enhancers in my water. Things like mio etc it makes it not so bland :) Water is really good for you!
    This! Plus they have caffeinated ones, which enabled me to basically give up soda!
    (Note: soda isn't evil. I just hate diet soda and would rather drink than eat my calories. I still have soda occasionally.)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    To make sure you are hydrated, the it is fluid consumption and no just water.

    Water has some advantages, ph neutral, 0 calories, has fewer additives. I find water on its own a bit boring, except at the gym where its the most refreshing drink you can get imo.

    Make sure you hydrate enough and dont worry about the rest. 1.6l a day for women and your urine should be the colour of light straw or less.
  • gardnerkennedy
    gardnerkennedy Posts: 69 Member
    edited January 2015
    My own experience is that I don't lose when I fail to drink enough water, even if my calories are on target. As for giving up soda, my wife and I switched to sparkling water about a year ago and have not missed soda at all.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Try sparkling water, it gives you the carbonation "zing".
  • jillshadow
    jillshadow Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!
  • HeartyHealthy
    HeartyHealthy Posts: 26 Member
    I would suggest you look up what all is in diet soda and some of the health concerns. Is it the caffeine you want? Need (I drink way too much soda and sweetened tea and those are my top two priorities to work on first off. I also like to drink stuff with flavor (juices ect) but I do not take in artificial sweeteners. HOW much diet soda are you used to drinking that is a big question. Water is great at flushing things out and hydration is best with water (some beverages DEhydrate us) I like the man who mentions doing the certain amount of water THEN rewarding yourself. BUT get there in steps, do you like tea? Green ore regular or herb? Add Stevia to that after you find one that taste good to you. If you have 3 diet sodas a day now drop one at first give it a few weeks then tackle another. Then if you want to keep that last one each day as a reward do it! Or at a certain time. Just research the things we put in our body and try new things.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited January 2015
    I was a 4-6 a day fizzy pop drinker, switched to carbonated water cold turkey and discovered it was the fizz I wanted more than the sugar and caffeine. Haven't looked back, and rarely drink any soda because no matter what the flavour all I taste now is a cloying sugary yeuck. Unless it is a nice tall gin and tonic of course.
    Give soda water a try, it comes in unsweetened lemon lime too.
    Cheers, h.
    Ps. That one change lost me 5 lb before I started counting calories.
  • sohmui
    sohmui Posts: 108 Member
    We should all be aware of the latest thinking on water consumption. See this article:


    I don't drink much water. Tea, coffee, juice, non-alcoholic beer with the odd glass of water if I am thirsty provide adequate hydration.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    I'm not anti-diet sodas, but I do find that I feel kinda crummy when I drink them. My new trick? Take a Sodastream bottles (or any bottle with a screw-on cap), fill with water, shove a cold brew peach tea bag under the waterline, and stick in the fridge for a few hours. I haven't tried anything more than peach, but I'm sort of shocked how well the cold brew worked. Try it. You might like it! Here's a round-up:

  • jillshadow
    jillshadow Posts: 76 Member
    I would suggest you look up what all is in diet soda and some of the health concerns. Is it the caffeine you want? Need (I drink way too much soda and sweetened tea and those are my top two priorities to work on first off. I also like to drink stuff with flavor (juices ect) but I do not take in artificial sweeteners. HOW much diet soda are you used to drinking that is a big question. Water is great at flushing things out and hydration is best with water (some beverages DEhydrate us) I like the man who mentions doing the certain amount of water THEN rewarding yourself. BUT get there in steps, do you like tea? Green ore regular or herb? Add Stevia to that after you find one that taste good to you. If you have 3 diet sodas a day now drop one at first give it a few weeks then tackle another. Then if you want to keep that last one each day as a reward do it! Or at a certain time. Just research the things we put in our body and try new things.

    I drink 42 ounces every other day, sometimes two liters, sometimes 2-3 2 cup glasses when I'm out.
  • jillshadow
    jillshadow Posts: 76 Member
    Aemely wrote: »
    I'm not anti-diet sodas, but I do find that I feel kinda crummy when I drink them. My new trick? Take a Sodastream bottles (or any bottle with a screw-on cap), fill with water, shove a cold brew peach tea bag under the waterline, and stick in the fridge for a few hours. I haven't tried anything more than peach, but I'm sort of shocked how well the cold brew worked. Try it. You might like it! Here's a round-up:


    Oh wow. I didn't know this was a thing - I will definitely try this out, this sounds like a wonderful idea! Thanks!
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    I sincerely hope you find a solution that works for you. Or... You could get used to water...? It seems to me this don't-like-water thing is a kind of a first-world issue from learning bad habbits since childhood - and more's the pity when you consider the almost universal availability of clean fresh drinking water in Western countries.