Looking for moms of young kids to motivate each other



  • SJunczyk
    SJunczyk Posts: 430 Member
    genitirado wrote: »
    How can i add?

    On my mobile I add by remembering their username, add my username and send request
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Sahm of 4 - 3 boys and 1 girl (10, 7, 6 & 9 months). Not a newbie to MFP..lost 50 lbs my first year but gained back 43 lbs with my daughter. *hangs head* Back again as of Jan 2nd. Would like to lose 70 lbs total.
  • MeOnlyBetterX60
    MeOnlyBetterX60 Posts: 27 Member
    Anyone have any clever tips for a full time working mom of 3 under the age of 6yo. Time is so limited I've become a master multitasker. My main struggle is feeling guilty having the kids in daycare all day and then taking them to the gym play area so I can work out. Feels like way too much time away from mom. Even if it's only once or twice a week.
  • tabbycat1220
    tabbycat1220 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I just turned 35 and I have 4 kids ages 21 months, 4, 7, and a soon to be 13 year old next week. I had lost all the baby weight after baby 3 but gained it all back since having the 4th, I haven't put enough effort in trying to lose again till this month. Started at 183 just before New Years...and I'm at 173.6 now. I want to get to 135 by my 36th B-day in December. This first 10lbs was the weight I gained since moving to FL in last June. Next up is to lose the 7.6lbs I gained stressing about where we were going to move last year. The rest is baby #4 weight I never lost. She turns 2 in April.
  • I'm a mom of a 9 mo old, when she was 2 mo I started doing Pilates and lost my belly, when she was 4 mo, we filed for divorce and the stress and limited time had me lose weight (which is NOT normal for me). In the last few months I've started gaining consistently and now all my clothes are tight/don't fit. Even after joining and tracking my food, I can't help but miss my calorie target. It's definitely harder when you're sleep deprived and running around after little ones. Hang in there - little changes maintained over time will make a difference. I keep telling myself that. 100 calories here and there add up!
  • Marpepp
    Marpepp Posts: 7 Member
    Wow so much inspiration on this board - it's nice to know so many mamas are out there trying to get fit (or, for some of you, maintaining your hard work!). I LOL'd at the moms posting about eating their kids leftovers, because my hard time is snacking while I'm making their lunches! A couple pretzels, a few berries, a bread crust, a piece of turkey... it adds up but it's soooo hard not to!

    And to the moms who say they can't get to the gym and never get to sleep in, I'm so with you. It's impossible for us to get to the local gym during open hours, and I can't afford the place with childcare. I don't want to leave my kids during the dinner/bedtime to go to the gym!!! Plus, like so many of you, my littlest one wakes me before dawn so no luck for a morning workout. Also makes me a lot more tired!

    But it was so amazing to see people who have lost so much weight even with all these difficulties. I am really thankful that some of you added me or invited me to add so that we can support each other. I think the special challenges that come with being a mom means that we need extra strong support to get healthy!!!
  • Marpepp
    Marpepp Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone have any clever tips for a full time working mom of 3 under the age of 6yo. Time is so limited I've become a master multitasker. My main struggle is feeling guilty having the kids in daycare all day and then taking them to the gym play area so I can work out. Feels like way too much time away from mom. Even if it's only once or twice a week.

    I have started walking with my kids. It's not a big workout like you'll see sometimes - usually just 100 calories - but I figure it's a start and it's SOMETHING I can do and still be with the littles. The other thing I do is have races with the littles (usually carrying the littlest one) while the dinner cooks. I have also convinced my husband to make a couple easy meals twice a week so that I can play with the kids during that time (he makes easy things like turkey burgers and pre-prepared bagged salad for us and frozen sweet potato fries for the kids) and I make that time ACTIVE. Wrestling, throwing in the air, racing, or doing silly things like dance parties and jumping contests. I'm usually really out of breath and the kids are having SO much fun. Anyway, that is what I can do, so I do it and don't give myself a hard time about not being able to Zumba or whatever. That will come.