


  • ValentineNicole
    ValentineNicole Posts: 51 Member
    bkerr30 wrote: »
    I hope you don't mind, but I took a peek at your diary ;) I noticed you eat some excellent things, but also there are a few very high (in my opinion) calorie items that don't give much bang for the calorie buck, like pesto (130 for 2tbsp) and chocolate squares. When working with a smaller calorie bank (I'm in the same boat), its sometimes better to go with high protein high fiber options that fill you up more. Also, some find readjusting the time of day they have their calories works for them. And: you are just a week in, so cut yourself some slack as you adjust to a healthier lifestyle. :D

    That's exactly why I made it public - hoping for advice! You're right. Pesto is one of my Favorite foods - and while it can be healthy, it's also high in calories and spread like. It doesn't add a ton of volume. I find the fats keep me satisfied a bit, but it's certainly worth trying cutting things like that out temporarily!!

    I think the chocolate can be cut back too. Its a weakness, lol, and definitely not one I need every day. I'm finding a need it less and less as time goes on. I finished my bag of dark chocolate pretzels today (3 at a time, talk about willpower hahaha), so that will help at work!
  • EatPaleoStyle
    I'm starving at almost 1000 calories today, and it's only 4:30pm here. I used to be able to eat 1200 calories a day almost every single day through college, and I was never hungry. Now, I feel like if I'm under 1600 for the day, it's a miracle. Does your stomach really stretch from eating too much? How long did it take most of you to adjust to a new way of eating?

    The stomach stretches when you eat solid foods or if you drink too much, but then goes back to normal, is one of the ways used for the body to signal that you are full. You are crazy eating so little calories. It will take to you until your body slows down your metabolis and your thyroid starts messing around.

    Eat until you are satisfied, that is all.
  • katcourt
    katcourt Posts: 14 Member
    First of all, 1000 calories is not nearly enough! I feel strongly that anything less than 1300 is too little. I eat lots of veggies because I started the clean eating/whole food approach and since I have started that I find I am so full, I have a hard time eating all my calories. At the end of the night I sometimes have to force myself to consume more so I am not way under. Good luck, don't give up. Most importantly, eat your vegetables. Mom was right about that!
  • valerie_neuharth
    valerie_neuharth Posts: 18 Member
    I'd starve too at 1000 calories! If you are exercising, you should eat more. I am set at 1200, but usually eat around 1500. I was hungry at first, but after a month I've become more accustom to 1200-1500 calories. Be safe and healthy! Don't starve yourself.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    For all the people who didn't read the OP's post, she's not eating at 1000 calories, folks! She just said that she reached 1000 calories before dinner, and therefore had too few left over for dinner and the evening.

  • shifterbrainz
    shifterbrainz Posts: 245 Member
    edited January 2015
    +1 for checking fluid intake contributing to the hungry feeling. FWIW, I just spent 2 days in the hospital with NPO nearly the whole time. I was crazy hungry when I got home. I ate everything in site but stomach still growled. When I drank water, it felt extra good going down so I drank quite a bit my 2nd day home. Normally drinking that much water would have me running to the pot-ee several times during the night. None that night and no hunger the next morning.
  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    It took me 2 weeks to get use to it, I used to eat 3-4 cups of white rice for lunch and 2 cups of whatever to mix it with... now I get full with 3/4 cup of brown rice. If you like rice and sweet potatoes these fill you up really well for lunch.

    Also try to eat 6 meals than 3 big ones if you can try... I ate breakfast before.. usually a big bowl of oatmeal with blueberries, blackberries, banana, apple, cinnamon, walnuts and raisins. 1 bowl is about 300 calories on its own, but it's sooo filling that I am not so hungry for lunch. I even eat in between lunch a string cheese or something like laughing cow with some pretzels.

    For lunch I'll have a cup of brown rice and fish or chicken about 400 calories with broccoli or any veggies.

    Some more snack in between oranges and apple.

    Dinner I have about 400 to spare so I'll eat almost same thing from lunch. I also know I work out that night so I add another 250 so I can eat about 650.

    These worked out for me for close to 2 weeks and I didn't see any movement with my weight lost as much as I want to so I moved my diet to IF (Intermitent Fasting), I don't eat breakfast because I'm honestly not hungry in the morning and I'm super busy that I really have no time to really think of food. So come lunch I have 600+ to spare and eat to my satisfying, I'll eat some snacks in between and eat my dinner around 6-7. Then I wont eat again 'till next day at 11-12. Well that gave the extra umph for me and started to lose a little more.

    I hope this helps some :)
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    edited January 2015
    If you like cereal, try Special K Protein cereal. The calories are low and it fills me for hours with a little milk and blueberries. I'm always amazed. I think getting a nice filling breakfast can set up your whole day nicely! Eating a giant spinach salad for lunch works well for me too. Also, I've been eating my deli sandwiches in wraps instead of bread. Wow, so amazing, it saves me about 200 calories and make me so full. Cedar brand wheat wraps... Tons of fiber and protein in those.
    And definitely try pre logging like others said!
  • ValentineNicole
    ValentineNicole Posts: 51 Member
    These are all great ideas - thank you all so so much!!! @oncem0re - I love your oatmeal idea! I'm a huge fan of oatmeal - usually because it is so "stick to your ribs" - and I've forgotten all about it! I'm usually trying to get some yogurt in in the mornings to up my dairy/calcium - if I can almost guarantee I'll feel more satisfied with oatmeal, and maybe I'll stop eating my lunch so early. I actually have a bunch in my freezer right now :)
    I need to get better about pre-logging. I don't pre-log anything. Dinner is usually more up-in-the-air, relying on what everyone wants more than strict planning. That's honestly probably a downfall of mine - I cook mine separately with less oil and more veggies whenever possible, but it's really hard. Also, it's an Asian thing, but we buy rice in huge 50lb bags, and every meal is served with rice. I am only eating rice with dinner right now. It's delicious, but even a small small small portion is 150 calories of white carb - yikes! I think it's the rice that makes dinner so hard to plan - normally I'd have two cups of rice with dinner, which is a very very high 400 calories.