Planet Fitness?



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    It can be a good deal (minus start up fee and yearly membership maintenance that was listed on the paperwork I got from touring the one here). And I think it's great people are using any gym to work towards their goals. I saw people doing cardio there and that was the best part of the tour. Plus, bouncing a medicine ball off a mini trampoline does sound kinda fun.

    However, I do think maybe they should reconsider the spiel/approach just a little. Maybe discuss the no judgement at the start and later on, when showing the dumbbells (and yes, you can show the little girl dumbbells, it's okay) mention that the location isn't geared towards heavy lifting or body building. Saying No Judgement and no body builders or heavy weight lifting in almost the same sentence, that doesn't work with how it's being worded. Need a rolled up newspaper to tap someone with over that cause it makes the first claim false.

    But according to the commercials and what not, I guess quiet, obese little me is a lunk. *shrugs* I considered the gym for cardio as I'm slowly losing weight and hoping to jog a 5k in summer but the start up fee is too much anyways and I'm enjoying lifting and fitness classes at the other big gym that has everyone from college kids to senior citizens. To each their own.
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    Planet Fitness is an okay gym with options. If you don't have kids it is very convenient. I used that gym for a good two years before signing up with a bigger gym for more options and daycare. When the weather is crummy I prefer to lift weights and cardio indoors. Best wishes with your new workout regime.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    There's nothing at all wrong with going to Planet Fitness to start out, especially if it's cold in your area. Just make sure that

    A. you're not going to miss that $10 a month.
    B. it's close enough that it's not an inconvenience to go. That inconvenience could eventually be fuel for an excuse, and then you're just wasting the $10 a month.
    C. you mainly want to do cardio and perhaps move into some light dumbbell work, as that's what is available at PF. They do have weight machines as well, and those are fine to an extent, but you will not ever get the same workout using those machines. You'll be missing all the stabilizer and core muscles, so free weights are just a better option.

    If you ever decide to do a serious lifting program, you will definitely want to switch gyms, but $10 a month to do your cardio in comfort is not a bad price to pay. I'm considering renewing mine just til spring.
  • drdwngfan
    drdwngfan Posts: 33 Member
    I just started going back to the gym so I joined a new PF near my house, since then I have often hit a couple other PF in my area and have had a great time at all of them. I do cardio for 30-45 min then switch over to some weight machines for 30 min and finish off with a water massage before heading home. Certain times it can be crowded but other times it is dead empty. Well worth the 20 bucks a month I spend. Dropped 19 lbs so far too. Love MFP, C25K and PF.
  • FenTiger89
    FenTiger89 Posts: 49 Member
    I second my friend drdwngfan's comment.

    PF opened a facility in my town last summer. It's about an eight minute drive (five if I catch the lights just right) from my house. I have consistently gone 4-5 times per week since July and lost 20+ pounds in the process. Like any gym/fitness facility, you get out of it what you put into it. I'm not training for the Olympics or to run marathons. It's clean, it's convenient, there's a great assortment of cardio & weight machines as well as a circuit training area. And my membership for three people is less than half what I spent for family membership at the Y.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I like PF. Was a member a few years back, and got another one this past December.

    I guess the "No deadlifts" thing is gym specific, because the two "home" locations I've had memberships at, there was no problem doing deadlifts, and I've seen people doing them.

    Dumb bells at my current location go up to 80lbs. Free weights are plentiful, and I believe I've seen some bars racked up to 300lbs.

    The cardio machines out-number the weight equipment by 2:1. PF is definitely a gym that leans towards cardio.

    Is it worth it if you're just walking? I'd say yes, at $10/month. Having a membership allows you to still walk/run/cycle even if the weather is crappy out (Like here in Western NY in December). And, being big into cycling (I love cycling), and since it's my primary exercise, I tend to put on lots o'weight during the cold months.

    A PF membership gets you 24 hour a day access to the gym, so it's easy to fit into your schedule.

    However, apparently, people really into strength training feel it's inadequate after getting past the "beginner stage", so a PF membership might be worthwhile until you grow out of it, or just pick a gym better suited to strength training from the get go so you get used to it. If you're really into running/walking/cycling, any gym membership is great, but PF is probably the better choice (Unless you can locate a closer gym, or one costing the same).
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Question: Does PF have or enforce time limits on the cardio machines?

    I have free gym access through work, but for the next two months (of bad weather) I need someplace that is not going to yell at me for hogging a treadmill for 2-3 hrs.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I only joined the gym to do cardio. When talking specifically about walking for cardio, I feel like it's better to do it on a treadmill than do it outside because you can boost up the incline and burn way more calories than you would walking outside. Boosting that incline up to 9% or 10% for 30 minutes will burn way more calories than walking outside.... unless you have a decent hill nearby that will take you about 30 minutes to walk up.

    I have lost 75 lbs from mostly doing inclined walking and keeping up with my calorie intake. I just made sure my net calories were where they needed to be by counting calories eaten and burning calories through walking.

    I lost 90 pounds before I even began to walk more, no exercise at all, just eating at a calorie deficit. (I have bad knees, getting off some of the excess weight made walking more of an option). I live in the country on 10 acres, most of which is steep, rolling hills. As I got more conditioned to walking, I began walking the trails through our woods. An hour walk gives me 3.5 miles and the equivalent of 33-35 staircases on my fit bit. I take my walks mostly on weekends during the winter, as it is dark when I leave for work and dark when I get home. I live in Minnesota, so there is snow to contend with in the winter, but DH keeps the trails open for me to walk by driving the four wheeler on the trails. I used the gym at work M-F until about a week ago when I joined a gym.

    I have to say that losing the weight for me, was definitely eating less calories than I burned, but I have to admit, that since I have been exercising, I feel much better.
  • kbare85
    kbare85 Posts: 38 Member
    Question: Does PF have or enforce time limits on the cardio machines?

    I have free gym access through work, but for the next two months (of bad weather) I need someplace that is not going to yell at me for hogging a treadmill for 2-3 hrs.

    I've never seen a time limit enforced at my PF. Even during the peak times, there is rarely a wait to use any of the cardio equipment. Not sure about other PF locations though.
  • colingilbert13
    I wouldn't work out at planet fitness even if they payed me to. Just my .02
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    I about crapped. I was out of town and wanted to work out. There was a PF close to where I was staying. Went in and asked about a day pass, it was $20 for a day pass to a gym that charges $10/mo. :s
  • morganlee82
    morganlee82 Posts: 8 Member
    edited February 2015
    PF is great ror the $. I love high end gyms, but I don't go often enough to get the value out of a $100/month membership. Where I live it's about -20 (I guess that's around 20F) right now, so unless you are super hardcore you're not going to get outside for much walking or running. I save that 'outdoor' time for doing things with my son like sledding (awesome workout, btw!). I generally workout at home (check out the Nike Training Club app, Yoga Today, and Pop Sugar for great free fitness videos) but I like to be able to run once or twice a week so I go to PF to use the treadmill or elliptical and that's it. I like to do weights but the weight area is... well I'll keep my comments to myself, but I'll just say that I really do not feel comfortable there. I do my cardio and get out :) totally worth the $10/month and I will probably cancel once the weather warms up and I can get outside, or I may keep it for just the rainy weather. The gym in my area is really busy during peak times so if you are planning to go at 6 p.m. on a weekday, be prepared to wait for lockers and popular cardio machines like treadmills. good luck!!
  • noexcusesjustresults2014
    If all you’re going to do is walk, why pay $10 a month?

    Depending on how much pizza, bagels and tootsie rolls (free) OP can consume $10 a month could be a very good value.
  • morganlee82
    morganlee82 Posts: 8 Member
    I should add my fiance who is an avid and experienced lifter did not find the gym met his needs AT ALL/
    LINIA Posts: 1,108 Member
    Yes, join PF by all means, according to your location you may need the treadmill when the weather causes you to want to be inside.
    If you need to do weights or other cardio machines, the place has quite a few of them also.
    Good Luck and let us know about your progress!
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I only joined the gym to do cardio. When talking specifically about walking for cardio, I feel like it's better to do it on a treadmill than do it outside because you can boost up the incline and burn way more calories than you would walking outside. Boosting that incline up to 9% or 10% for 30 minutes will burn way more calories than walking outside.... unless you have a decent hill nearby that will take you about 30 minutes to walk up.

    I disagree. I burn more calories when I walk outside rather than on a treadmill. It helps that I live in a very hilly neighborhood, so the incline is built in, and I feel like I can go longer when it's a little bit of uphill and then a little bit of downhill, instead of constant uphill for 30 min. For me, it's also about boredom. If I have walked a certain distance from my house, I have to walk back; I can't quit. On the treadmill, I can quit anytime (and I do...). I also enjoy taking different routes from my house and not staring at the same TV screen above the treadmill the whole time (sadly, I get sick if I try to read a book).

    All that being said, I did just buy a treadmill for when the weather is lousy and I can't go outside.

    Everyone will find their own personal preference; for me it's the increased endurance that I get from varying the incline/decline and the forced completion...I have to keep going until I get home.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    PF is a great place.

    LOL that this got flagged. Just, LOL.
    yeah, just saw that. Wow.

    I say the place sucks, I get a flag. I say it's great, I get a flag.

    I reported it to mods, lets see if it gets resolved.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I have been there for over a year. It's nice, but it gets very crowded. For your goals, it should work out well. You can also do the elliptical or bike, to mix things up.
  • vfit10
    vfit10 Posts: 228 Member
    Please don't ... Find another gym
  • Canwehugnow
    Canwehugnow Posts: 218 Member
    Planet Fitness is great. It gets a bad rap, but I love it there.