Any other mamas trying to lose baby weight?

would love to support you and have support in return.

My name is Jessica, I'm 28 and in the past 4 years I've had two babies. It's been a huge blessing and quite the journey but I have a ton of weight gained during my pregnancies that I'm looking to get rid of. To reach my pre-baby weight I have about 87 lbs to go but I'm highly motivated to make some positive changes not just physically but for my health and wellness also! I've cut out all wheat and white flour and am trying to walk a couple miles a day. Hope everyone has the best of success in their journeys!


  • jesselaine1234
    jesselaine1234 Posts: 16 Member
  • Leslibeavers23
    Leslibeavers23 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, Jessica! I can totally relate, my son is 18 months and, on top of the pregnancy weight, I gained another 20 during his first year. It's so easy to take care of everyone but ourselves, but we need to be healthy, too! I just started using MFP two weeks ago, 8lbs down so far but my goal is 70lbs. I would love to connect and offer you my support!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Ladies, so glad to see you jumping on this now. I waited until my "baby" was 23.
  • jesselaine1234
    jesselaine1234 Posts: 16 Member

    Oh congrats Leslibeavers! I have a 14 month old and a 3 year old. You're absolutely right, we give everything to our families and children but need not forget our own health. It hit my for real a couple weeks ago when I was meal planning for my toddlers. I thought...if I can make them well balanced nutritious meals, I can surely do the same for myself!

    I would love to connect with you also. I'll add you. :) I bet you'll do great!! :)
  • i love this app i've been using it since it came out and before that i was using lose it? this one is better hehe. i also have 2 kids and started eating healthy and exercising very quickly and saw result. The exercise i love doing is called Bodyrock 12minutes a day only.. you can find them on youtube i do 30 day challenges (catching fire is my favorite) and just keep repeating them and when you eat healthy on top of those workouts you see results very fast and feel better about yourself after the first week. also another workout which i love to do for a good calorie burner cardio style is DANCE DANCE revolution its my favorite i sweat like crazy on that and it works! any type of dance game really i know they have just dance for the wii or ps3 they have some too try those out espcially if you want to shed pounds and tone muscle these two together go great together.
    hope this helps :)
  • jesselaine1234
    jesselaine1234 Posts: 16 Member
    Cblue thanks for your encouragement. How has your fitness journey been as of late? I hope when my baby is 23 I will still be motivated and dedicated to this cause
  • jesselaine1234
    jesselaine1234 Posts: 16 Member
    Beautybeatzbylisa-I love this app too. It's so dynamic. I so appreciate your input on the 12 minute work out, 30 day challenges etc. have you reached your weight loss goals since having the two children?
  • borcdal
    borcdal Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    I need to lose about 22 pounds of my baby weight. I've had 8 babies in the past couple days.
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm always looking for more mommy friends. My daughter is 22 months and I'm finally putting forth the effort to lose the baby weight. :smile:
  • Hey guys ☺ I just had a baby 5 months ago and instead of losing weight I feel like I'm gaining weight
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I have more than my baby weight to get rid of. Lol! I had my 4th child 9 months ago. I want to lose about 70lbs but my ticker is set to 40. Add me!
  • jesselaine1234
    jesselaine1234 Posts: 16 Member
    Added you all! ^_^ this is going to be fun! Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress and glad to have the accountability myself! Happy losing!!
  • fmondragon34
    fmondragon34 Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi there, I'm Francesca and I'm trying to lose baby weight too! My son is 20 months.
  • Hi I just joined today. I had a baby 3 months ago and while pregnant I gained 70 lbs I've lost 50 so far but this last 20 seems like it'll stay forever haha. I also just started Insanity and its kicking my butt lol.
    Good luck ladies
  • katcedeno
    katcedeno Posts: 20 Member
    Hi my name is Katie. My daughter is 6 months old and my son is almost 4! Can't believe it. I'm pushing really hard to put myself in the mindset of getting healthier for my kids rather than just wanting to lose the weight! Overall, I have probably about 50 pounds to lose but what I really want is to look in the mirror and feel good about myself, regardless of what the scale says!

    Anyways! Good luck to everyone here! I wish you lots of success in your weight loss journeys!
  • chilenitax
    chilenitax Posts: 31 Member
    I had my baby 2 months ago. I only gained 19lbs during pregnancy but I want to get to my pre-pregnancy weight of my 1st daughter... and for that I need to lose 50lbs. :) you're welcome to add me :) ( for some reason I can't do it while using the app)
  • lottieavery
    lottieavery Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, my son is nearly 6 months and I have a lot of baby weight (greed weight) to get rid of. I've lost 12.6 stone before I had my son, so I know I can do it but support along the way would be great, feel free to add me
  • katc615
    katc615 Posts: 7 Member
    My name is Katie and I'm in the same boat :). I have a 3 yo and a 3 mo and for some reason just can't shed these last 20lbs of the 40 I gained during pregnancy. Looking for some motivation and wanna help motivate others as well. I still can't fit in my pre-preg jeans so this is important! Lol. Plus id love to feel good about myself by the time the summer gets here. Add me!
  • carms109
    carms109 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! My name is Carmen and my twins are almost 3 - and I am STILL trying to lose the baby weight! Six weeks after they were born I was 30 lbs heavier than when I found out I was pregnant, and I've put on an additional 20 lbs since then. My goal is to lose 60 lbs. I started logging on MFP on 1/3/15 and so far I've lost 7 lbs by eliminating sodas and refined sugar, as well as eating a high protein/low carb diet. I've been exercising 4-5 times a week. Thank goodness a new LA Fitness was built 3 minutes from my house in December! Best of luck to all the mommies out there trying to lose the weight! We'll all be better for it in the long run. :wink:
  • fmondragon34
    fmondragon34 Posts: 3 Member
    How do you add someone?