Need something to keep me going. day 1!

Need something to keep me going and actually keeping track on this app.!


  • cmgremmels
    cmgremmels Posts: 2 Member
    Same here day one:)
  • turning151
    turning151 Posts: 9 Member
    cmgremmels wrote: »
    Same here day one:)
    Good luck.
  • Day one me to
  • turning151
    turning151 Posts: 9 Member
    Day one me to

    Let's just all be motivation to each other ! I think we all need that little push
  • mcblevins
    mcblevins Posts: 74 Member
    Don't give up! It only gets easier and the results are totally worth any lulls or low points you may have! We have all been through it at some point or another and we're all here to help!

    Stay awesome!
  • maddiekitty333
    maddiekitty333 Posts: 3 Member
    Some Tips!
    1. Log your food before you eat it! If you get in the habit then you're most likely not going to forget :) And If you log your food before you're most likely to not overeat or eat unhealthy things because you see your calories and what is in your food before you eat it
    2. Iphone or Android... Keep your app located near other things that you check daily. For me I have it as one of the main four apps on the bottom of my phone screen.
    3. Friends! Get some friends you know or you find in the forums that use the app frequently. You can get help from them or they can encourage you :) Also, they can like things you do like exercise and logging your food diary for the day and it's great motivation to see those likes :) For me anyway!
  • turning151
    turning151 Posts: 9 Member
    mcblevins wrote: »
    Don't give up! It only gets easier and the results are totally worth any lulls or low points you may have! We have all been through it at some point or another and we're all here to help!

    Stay awesome!

    Thanks! This time I will succeed. I had never used theses forums before it's great.
  • turning151
    turning151 Posts: 9 Member
    Some Tips!
    1. Log your food before you eat it! If you get in the habit then you're most likely not going to forget :) And If you log your food before you're most likely to not overeat or eat unhealthy things because you see your calories and what is in your food before you eat it
    2. Iphone or Android... Keep your app located near other things that you check daily. For me I have it as one of the main four apps on the bottom of my phone screen.
    3. Friends! Get some friends you know or you find in the forums that use the app frequently. You can get help from them or they can encourage you :) Also, they can like things you do like exercise and logging your food diary for the day and it's great motivation to see those likes :) For me anyway!

    Yes I'm trying that method I already logged I everything and you're right. It makes me not want to eat anything
  • turning151
    turning151 Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2015
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    Welcome!!! Another SUPER helpful tip that you'll see a lot on the forums: invest in a food scale. It doesn't have to be a super expensive one... but weighing your food is a lot more accurate than measuring out "1 cup" or - eek - "guessing". You'll get to know portion sizes really well this way, too.

    Good luck and if you'd like a friendly, supportive person... please feel free to add me :)
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member

  • yhealthy2000
    yhealthy2000 Posts: 111 Member
    I started logging my food 2013 December on MFP. First couple of weeks I was overwhelmed by the process - the constant measuring of food and the constant choosing of healthier version of food drove me nuts!! But after that it became a habit and it will for you too
  • JaYsOn1999
    JaYsOn1999 Posts: 23 Member
    Wake up and focus on kicking the days *kitten* :)