Help! Always hungry! I don't want to fall of the wagon!

Any tips or recipes on filling foods that are low cal and keep you going? I'm always hungry and I feel like I'm going to binge anytime soon! :( Need to loose 100 lbs and Just started last week. also, how often do you weigh in? what times of the day? does any scale matter?


  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    edited January 2015
    At the moment, I slice up a cucumber and dip it in low-cal hummus or tzatziki (which you can make using fat-free greek yogurt). You can eat so much of it, and it fills you right up! Carrots are good also. :)
    You can binge on cucumber! It's full of water, and so good for you too.

    I weigh in once a week, usually Fridays. ANY loss is a success. I log after my gym session.

    Any scale is fine, as long as you keep using the same one.

    100lbs is a lot, so it will take quite a while. Don't get discouraged! The first week is SO HARD. The first 3 weeks will be not great. But if you can stick this out, and do mild exercise daily (even walking) you will lose.

    Make sure to eat at a deficit, and don't eat all your exercise calories back. (About half if you need to.) Once you get into a routine, you will find you get less and less hungry. Remember, those starving feelings at first are not an emergency, and that is just your body adjusting to the new plan! You can do this! Trust the numbers on MFP and read all the forums. Give yourself non-food rewards at each mini-goal.

    I'm vegetarian but feel free to add me if you want to see what I've been doing. :) I've only got a total of 44lbs to lose, so that's not as difficult but still, I went through the same things as you at first. Just. Keep. Swimming. :smile:

    (Obviously this is all just what I do, and what works for me. Others may say differently. Find what works for you!)

  • Lindsay_the_great
    Lindsay_the_great Posts: 209 Member
    Protein and fiber. Protein and fiber. Make it your mantra. Those things make a belly feel full and digest slowly. Pea protein in particular has something in it that makes you feel full longer. Lots and lots of fresh veggies. Keep snacks in your bag so you aren't tempted to make a bad choice. And reduce sugar and totally eliminate refined grains. Those things make you want more more more.
    My favorite thing for when I just HAVE to have something is herbal tea. Some come in lovely desserty flavors to sorta satisfy cravings. But just don't add sweetener. (Even artificial ones make you crave more sweets)
    I hope that helps. This ain't my first rodeo. Feel free to friend me and message me if you want more tips. o:)
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I would eat protein at every meal because protein keeps you fuller longer. Personally I weigh myself everyday first thing in the morning because I am looking at downward trends. Daily fluctuations do not bother me. Lastly, a food scale makes a big difference. It gives you a good idea how much everything weighs (apples, oatmeal, etc.).
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    How aggressive is your weight loss plan? In my opinion, you shouldn't feel like you're starving.

    Try to find snacks that are high in protein to fill you up. Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna, a cheese string...

    And at dinners, eat lots of veggies and lean protein, and eat smaller servings of rice, potato or pasta. Go for the biggest bang for your calorie buck.
  • NewHopes
    NewHopes Posts: 4 Member
    Im in the same situation just started last Wednesday and I feel like im always hungry. Trying to curve my appetite by drinking water, but that only helps so much. trying to get in has much protein during the day, but Im always getting half portions for I always caught eating by my kids and end up sharing.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    If you feel like you are starving, you are less likely to stick with your plan. Maybe you should increase your calorie count/weight loss goals per week. If you are starving at 2lbs/week, then change your goal to 1 or 1.5lb/week. You are more likely to stick to your goals if you aren't miserable.
  • tiffanyfreedom
    tiffanyfreedom Posts: 2 Member
    If you like pickles, those barely have any calories. That's what I eat when I'm starving but have already eaten all my calories for the day.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Right now I'm eating 56 grams of linguine, 4 oz of lean turkey, a couple cups of spinach, 150 grams each of zucchini and squash, 50 grams of both tomato and mushroom, and 2 table spoons of parmesan cheese, cooked with half a table spoon of oil. It's extremely filling and about 500 calories. Sometimes I do it with 6 oz of turkey and no pasta, just as filling and closer to 400 calories.
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    I had to learn sugar cravings vs carb cravings vs actually hunger craving. Its a process. I weight and tape myself every ten days. I do not tough the scale before then. Get your fiber, drink water and get your recommended veggies and fruits. If you cut anything, cut sugar. (And those excess calories.) I trade treats for natural sweets and track the calories. Like today I could have tripped an old lady for some dark chocolate. Seriously. It was bad. I actually settled for a dark chocolate swirled in to greek frozen yogurt I will treat myself to if I hit my workout numbers. And I will still be under my calories. You can read my daily to see what I am eating. I am no chef.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    We can help more if you open your diary.

    But lots of protein, fat, fiber, and less 'empty' carbs is key, pretty much (bread, granola bars etc). If I have bread, I usually go for whole grains to at least get more fiber. I'd aim for 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat.