Mom of a 14 month old!

It is beyond hard to workout with her. If I am on the floor trying to do a plank she sits on my back, when I'm on the treadmill she starts running towards it and it freaks me out and then I have to stop. So darn cute but so frustrating lol Sometimes I just want to give up. Any tips? I tried working out with her but she doesn't like it she just wants to push me down "literally" . HELP


  • jodielarms
    jodielarms Posts: 51 Member
    I have the same issue with my 14 month old. I will lay on the floor to do crunches and he climbs on my chest or try to do jumping Jacks and he walks up to me and trys to grab my legs. I feel mean because I tell him no but I need 30 minutes to myself.
  • megthehen
    megthehen Posts: 21 Member
    Put her in a buggy and go walk up and down some big hills.
    I find walking up hills is the very best cardio work out, and pushing a buggy will only make it better.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Nap time?
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Ya my 15 month old is the same way. But normally he's asleep when I workout or if he's not I try to get my 5 year old to keep him entertained. But when he's not here I just turn on my T25 and start doing it. He thinks it's funny to watch me in the beginning then gets fussy and wants to be held but I just keep moving around him trying to toon him out for a few mins. It won't hurt him.
  • mrsgoochy
    mrsgoochy Posts: 61 Member
    We have an 18 month old- I have to get up at 4:30am to make it happen. There's no other way because of; stairs, remotes, sharp corners, little fingers, sticky fingers, etc. I'm in the Midwest, so maybe once spring roles around I can get out wiht the jogger ( I hope that doesn't mean I have to jog- that looks ridiculous) haha.
  • cocmares
    cocmares Posts: 27 Member
    megthehen wrote: »
    Put her in a buggy and go walk up and down some big hills.
    I find walking up hills is the very best cardio work out, and pushing a buggy will only make it better.

    The weather has been too cold over here to do that but this week is supposed to be really nice . Great idea thanks:) she loves it outdoors!

    And nap time? No such thing till 6pm she's loaded with energy! Then it's time to make dinner! Parent life lol

    4:30 am! Wowsers! Lol My husband has her sleeping with us -_- so the moment I get up she feels me and jumps up like a jack n the box lol

    I feel stressed talking about it lol :/ going to head to the park, enjoy the weather before it changes again. Texas weather! Thanks everyone! :) Wish me luck!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    So the baby sounds like it's sabotaging you.
  • daniellie23
    daniellie23 Posts: 30 Member
    I have a 17 month old, and he does the same thing, to make it even worst I still nurse and we bed share. I get up at 4:45 every morning to work out and within like 15-20 mins he is up, so I try my best to entertain him while I work out in between breaks. I am currently doing Max 30, its a 30 mins workout, by the time he gets fussy I am done. Sometimes, I will do pushups with him on my back or I will do squats while holding him. Its hard but I make it work.
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    I don't mean this in an inflammatory way, but you can either make excuses & find ways to NOT do something, or you can make it happen. I am the single parent of a 4-year old so I can safely say, "been there, done that."

    Set a nap time & enforce it (you may say it's impossible but I guarantee you if you put her in a daycare, she'd be napping regularly within a couple days).

    Or get your husband to keep her in bed so she doesn't jump up like a jack in the box so that you can work out early in the am.

    Or join a gym that has child care included while you work out (some gyms offer mommy-and-me programs and/or exercise programs for kids as young as 12 months (I'm sure some are for even younger) so that your kid can get some of her crazies out while you do your thing). If that's not financially possible, find a workout buddy who has a kid & you can trade-off and give each other a bit of time while the other watches the kiddos (or a neighbor, or a relative, or...whatever).

    Or simply teach your kid that there are rules - do not come near the treadmill when it's on, do not sit/jump/bounce on mommy when on this exercise mat, etc. She won't "get it" the first time, but eventually, she will. I am not a big fan of using the TV as a babysitter but half an hour of Blues Clues each day is a small price to pay for your sanity & health.

    Sometimes you just gotta suck it up & find a way to work around/through the hurdles....or don't exercise till she's 18 and goes off to college. Your choice.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Some of these people clearly don't have children!

    Please don't use the treadmill with your toddler in the room. She will want to be near you and she is not capable of understanding that it's dangerous. The comments about "tell her there are rules" are not age-appropriate.

    You can work out at home ONLY when she sleeps or when someone else is watching her (per the suggestions above). It'll be different when she's 4 or 5, but for right now, when you are the caregiver, you're supposed to be watching her and playing with her. It's unreasonable to think you can do a cardio or floor workout at the same time.

    The best exercise with a baby is walking or running with a good jogging stroller.

    As she gets older, work exercise/fitness into your day with her. Gardening, walking, swimming, hiking, biking, dancing, yoga .... all of these are great with kids, and some investment teaching them to enjoy fitness with you will pay off for the whole family in the future.

  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Also - it's a personal choice, but if having her sleeping in your bed is impacting your ability to get quiet time in the mornings, you could consider moving her to her own bed/room. It sounds like you need some downtime, and being a mom is hard enough if you're not getting good sleep.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I have a 17 month old, AND a 7 month old. I get up early and work out before they wake up.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I use the treadmill, punching bag, pole, spin bike with my kids in the room if need be - I use a play pen or the baby gate made in a circle. Yup, a baby cage. works like a charm.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    zarckon wrote: »
    Some of these people clearly don't have children!

    Please don't use the treadmill with your toddler in the room. She will want to be near you and she is not capable of understanding that it's dangerous. The comments about "tell her there are rules" are not age-appropriate.

    You can work out at home ONLY when she sleeps or when someone else is watching her (per the suggestions above). It'll be different when she's 4 or 5, but for right now, when you are the caregiver, you're supposed to be watching her and playing with her. It's unreasonable to think you can do a cardio or floor workout at the same time.

    The best exercise with a baby is walking or running with a good jogging stroller.

    As she gets older, work exercise/fitness into your day with her. Gardening, walking, swimming, hiking, biking, dancing, yoga .... all of these are great with kids, and some investment teaching them to enjoy fitness with you will pay off for the whole family in the future.

    I'm constantly involving my babies in my floor workouts. I also use my dip station with my baby strapped to me. Lunges, squats, etc. Your only option with a child is not a jogging stroller.
  • cocmares
    cocmares Posts: 27 Member
    I still work out I'm just saying it makes things difficult. And as far as the treadmill goes after the first time of seeing her do that I never did it again with her being awake. First time mom so still learning how to cope and figure things out and scheduling around my daughters schedule. Every week she's learning and doing something new. Every child is different. When I try to involve her she doesn't want to she likes to just when she wants too. But I love a lot of the ideas! It's been way to cold to take her out but now that the weather is nice I can definitely do all of that. Thank you! :)
  • cocmares
    cocmares Posts: 27 Member
    Having my baby strapped to me is hard because I'm a beginner. I would fall face first lol that's awesome that you can though! I'm a weakling but not for long ;) my baby is a chubby one!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    edited January 2015
    zarckon wrote: »
    Some of these people clearly don't have children!

    Please don't use the treadmill with your toddler in the room. She will want to be near you and she is not capable of understanding that it's dangerous. The comments about "tell her there are rules" are not age-appropriate.

    You can work out at home ONLY when she sleeps or when someone else is watching her (per the suggestions above). It'll be different when she's 4 or 5, but for right now, when you are the caregiver, you're supposed to be watching her and playing with her. It's unreasonable to think you can do a cardio or floor workout at the same time.

    The best exercise with a baby is walking or running with a good jogging stroller.

    As she gets older, work exercise/fitness into your day with her. Gardening, walking, swimming, hiking, biking, dancing, yoga .... all of these are great with kids, and some investment teaching them to enjoy fitness with you will pay off for the whole family in the future.

    She already shot this one down. It's too cold outside.

  • musicandarts
    musicandarts Posts: 187 Member
    All the things you mention are just part of the awesome experience of having children! My wife and I split our times with my daughter so that each person would have an hour per day to go to the gym.
  • cocmares
    cocmares Posts: 27 Member
    All the things you mention are just part of the awesome experience of having children! My wife and I split our times with my daughter so that each person would have an hour per day to go to the gym.

    Awesome relationship:) I will definitely try that with the hubby!