Started 10 Days Ago===Looking for friends support!

Hey All,

Started ten days ago to a great start. I am looking for friends to share this journey with....if you need any support!!! I know I do.


  • Hodaeia
    Hodaeia Posts: 18 Member
    Just restarted myself, feel free to add me! I'd love to have some active friends
  • justynato
    justynato Posts: 18 Member
    Hey would like to be your fitness pal
  • time2change1111
    time2change1111 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm back again for the second time. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member
    Hi! I LOVE new friends who are supportive and appreciate support in return. I'm really trying to get back into the swing of things and I honestly believe my motivated has been increased due to my new friends who make the effort to help me on this journey.