Looking for friends to help boost my motivation.

Hey, I'm pretty new to this. I'm going to start going back to the gym tomorrow. I've had a gym pass for to 24 hour fitness for a while now. The last time I stepped into a gym was about a year ago. I do about 60 squats and 60 crunches daily at home. I just started to really watch my calorie intake. It's hard when everyone around me eats junk. Especially my boyfriend, he gets mad when I don't eat what he wants . I have been on and off diets before but this time I'm really gonna do it. I really don't have any support right now. It would be awesome to have friends on here to help boost my motivation so I can finally reach my goals. - Sara


  • kceballos
    Hi Sara! I know exactly how you feel... Currently I live with my in laws, and they love their greasy, fatty, carb induced deliciousness... Plus my mother in law loves baking... All the time.... I've been on and off for a year now, I've only been able to lose about 20lbs. But I'm pushing now, it's good to know there's people out there, as well, who are just looking for support. My names korinne,
  • nlehe
    nlehe Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on here every day! Feel free to add me! :) Good luck!
  • OperatorJames
    Stepping foot in the gym can be the hardest part. Congrats making a positive change! Feel free to add me.
  • kbare85
    kbare85 Posts: 38 Member
    Sent you a friend request!