Looking for support on my weightloss journey!

Hey everyone, I have a goal to lose weight and I completely blew it tonight! I had fried chicken and Caesar salad and a lot of it! I finished it off with 10 mini Reese cups! I did so well up until dinner but then my boyfriend brings home that to eat! Any suggestions on how to resist the junk food in front of your face? Also add me a friend :)


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! The best way to avoid those kinds of situations is to plan ahead. Feel free to add me. I have lost 86 pounds with the help of MFP!
  • missjamie_lee
    missjamie_lee Posts: 9 Member
    I know the feeling. My husband showed up with a huge slice of Peanut Butter Cheesecake for me at work today. I couldn't offend him by not eating it. Then he suggests pizza for dinner. 4 Slices later, I tell myself I have to stop. If you find out how to resist the junk food, please help a sista out!!!
  • Sadsfly
    It's very difficult to say no to sugars and fats. So yum! And especially when there is a significant other. What I found that works for me is that I ask the family and friends in my life to support me. You have to prepare people for your change and determination. And preparing food before a workout, bc when you get in, you want to stuff everything in your mouth. I also portion out everything I eat. When I buy pasta, I separate the portions in bundles, so I can grab and know exactly how many calories are in what. You can eat whatever you want, just cut the portions, plan ahead, and enjoy what you eat!!!

    I really hope this helps, it's all what works for me.

  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    Hello & Welcome to MFP!

    It's REALLY difficult to stay on track if the people in your life is not aware of your struggles & support you.

    I've had to ask the hubs to stop buying pizza 2-3 times a week because it is my personal kryptonite. So start by having a discussion with your loved ones not to bring home nutritious poor temptations.

    Also, simply by not having (don't buy it) temptations within arm's reach ie. resse cups you will be surprised how limiting access can help reign that in.

    Good luck!
  • CRMDaveUK
    Hi, its hard isnt it. Plan to have something healthier and go for a walk / run when he brings something like that home, come back after its finished :)