Gained some back and worried where this is going :(

I think Christmas, followed by a 10 day vacation in Florida, threw off my eating. Yesterday was my birthday and I had chicken nuggets, yogurt, chicken Parmesan, pizza, a muffin, and 2 slices of ice cream cake!! I weighed myself at 122.2, I was 117 last month *I'm 5'4)
But today, I went overkill. I ate HALF OF THE CAKE that was remaining. I had 2 more pieces of chicken parm and 10 chicken nuggets. Completely nutriotion-free meals. I probably ate over 3000 calories yesterday and today. It is hard to get on track. I got a pair of size 3 pants for my birthday and I so happy they fit (I was a size 14 when I was 176) but I'm scared I'll yo yo AGAIN (In my life, I have twice before. Once 30lbs, then 60lbs, I am terrified it will happen again)

:( Well at least the cake is gone so I can't binge on that again.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    So pick yourself up and start again tomorrow. No one is perfect.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I think putting on weight at this time of year is just what happens. I am sitting at 123 5'4" and I was 118 back in Oct. I would be willing to bet some of your weight is just water though. Get back up tomorrow and do better and never ever ever let left over cake live in your house.
  • joannanewman580
    joannanewman580 Posts: 8 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day as the others said, forget the past :) Just get through tomorrow trying your best and it will flow from there :)
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    edited January 2015
    I gained close to 20 pounds in about 3 months. I had to refocus and take back control of my life. You can do the same. <3
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    This is why we have the maintenance forum... All of us go thru swings. It's about figuring out what is a "tolerable swing" vs "OMG, AM I OUT OF CONTROL?" feeling. I didn't figure it out till I was 53, and now at age 56 I realize that 3 pounds up or down is not the end of the world, it is my maintenance weight range. Rather than give up or ignore the small gain, I set my calories at a small loss each week due to my lifestyle requires at least one meal a day eaten at restaurant for business lunches. Maintenance is all mental to me.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    You know what you have to do, and you can, and will, do it.
    The point is, you will not let it escalate and get out of control.
    I don't have all the answers, but I think this is what maintenance is about.
    We still have to live our lives and enjoy special times.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    A 5 lb range is a good thing to have so you don't have these freak outs. I move between 145-148.8 regularly but it doesn't mean I'm gaining, it's just normal water weight gain. If you feel you are going above your range, go back to weight loss mode for a bit.
  • happyhenglers
    happyhenglers Posts: 17 Member
    Remember: you decide where it is going. Just because you had gains in the past does not mean you are on that road. Decide to take a different road.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Get back on the wagon and you can stop worrying! Fluctuations are normal and nothing to worry about as long as you know when to step on the break.
  • Canwehugnow
    Canwehugnow Posts: 218 Member
    Ok, first off... shut up you skinny Minnie!!

    Second, I apologize for my out burst. :)

    Thirdly, you're doing just fine. Congrats on the 50 pounds loss!!! That's awesome. As far as your post, learn from the overeating, and just don't do it again. Think about WHY you started, and keep that in your focus. You're worth it. :)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Work out nice and hard. It'll put you back in the mode where you are doing a good job.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited January 2015
    I disagree that this is just what happens this time of year.

    But yeah, stuff DOES happen. It's a new day. Happy Birthday! Go back on a deficit for a little while until you're back in your weight zone, then zip back to maintenance. You caught it early. No biggie.

    But face it, there is ALWAYS a good reason to eat delicious food. The really hard part about maintenance is learning to manage eating good stuff and fitting it into an overall calorie/exercise balance that keeps you stable.
  • kmp327
    kmp327 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm guessing you ate the cake because you were feeling guilt about eating all the other stuff. I used to have the same problem - if I "cheated" on my "diet" I would say F it because I already "blew it for the day" and I would eat badly for the rest of the day. It took awhile to change that mindset. I read a quote that I repeated to myself after I had a minor indulgence. "Saying 'I've already eaten something bad today so I might as well eat whatever I want for the rest of the day' is like saying 'Oh I've dropped my phone on the floor, I might as well jump on it and smash it until it breaks." The point being, no one is perfect, everyone indulges around special occasions, and it's normal to slip back into bad habits. The way you'll maintain is to forgive yourself for slip-ups (or better yet - plan for them!) and adjust your meals accordingly. It makes a big difference in how you feel about yourself, not to mention your weight.

    Just get right back on that horse, lady!
  • SkpTex66
    SkpTex66 Posts: 14 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. Do not beat yourself up. Start over tomorrow. Every single meal is a chance to do things healthier! Do not let a day or days of binge eating destroy everything you have accomplished!! Hang in there.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Just keep moving forward.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    How do you go from woman's/misses sizes to juniors sizes?
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Britishbroccoli - If you're in the UK, you don't. In the US, misses sizes are for most people and go from like 2-20 and are all even sizes. Average height, average build. If you are larger, they have women's sizes - usually sizes 14 and up (sometimes 12). Not only are they larger sizes (they can be 26 or 30) but they are also cut much more generously for a much curvier body. So I might fit a 16 or 18 in in misses, but a 14 in women's.

    Junior sizes are odd numbers - 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, etc. They are cut slimmer for teens and tend to have more youth oriented styles. They also tend to be for shorter people - I didn't fit them even when I was a very slim teen. I can fit an 8 in most pants, but I doubt I could get into an 11 or 13 in pants (and if I could, they'd be way too short).

    The US has odd sizing. I swear it's one reason we got fat as a country. I stayed between sizes 12-14 from the time I was 18-50 years old and I gained 40 pounds during that period. But the sizes on the clothes completely changed, even though the numbers did not.

    It's one of the interesting things about buying used clothes - which is where I get most of mine. A 20 year old size 8 in one brand is the same as a new size 2. You just have to try things on.
  • cjames010
    cjames010 Posts: 91 Member
    First, I can "gain" 2 pounds overnight from eating pizza.
    It drops off in a few days.

    Second, I know how you feel. I lost 60 pounds in 2011, maintained for a year, and then gained 25 pounds in 2013.
    I'm in maintenance now, but it is a mental struggle thinking it's going to come back again.

    I have to remember that I need to keep track of what I'm eating everyday. I do have regular splurge days but then I try to balance out the rest of the week. I know I gained because I stopped paying attention to that balance.
  • Revonue
    Revonue Posts: 135 Member
    Just keep logging. I got off track after Christmas too, sometimes it happens. You may be like me, in that you may have to log your entire life in order to manage your weight. If that's true, a week or two is barely a blip on your radar. Some of the gain is very probably water weight. You can do it :)
  • free1220
    free1220 Posts: 416 Member
    Hang in there,at least you are aware of the situation.That's half the battle,the mental part.