Ladies over 30 - halfway blues & looking good naked



  • Have you been doing any squats? I've been doing the elliptical trainer and jogging for my cardio, then doing a ton of squats. In the last few months I've noticed a huge difference in my upper legs and butt.
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Have you been doing any squats? I've been doing the elliptical trainer and jogging for my cardio, then doing a ton of squats. In the last few months I've noticed a huge difference in my upper legs and butt.
    Thanks Kerry! I do squats every day, and recently added in kettlebell for weight. (I just hold it to my chest while I squat.) I have noticed a difference already, but I do need to do a lot more. I usually just do 3 sets of 10 per day, but I am trying to add in more weight at the gym. Currently dealing with a back injury so taking it easy this week. I definitely appreciate your comment! Thank you!

  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Update for anyone following: I am feeling a bit better, started losing again thanks to lifting heavier weights and drinking protein. I appreciate all of your lovely advice, thank you! (*)