Low Carb/Paleo/Primal for PCOS and other hormone problems

Who has had success following Low Carb/Paleo/Primal for PCOS and other hormone problems?
I previously lost 30lbs but have stayed at the same weight for 1 1/2 year.
My weight fluctuates between the same 5 lbs.
I am pre diabetic and have been put onmetformin and spirolactone for hormone issues. It has not budged my weight.
Any suggestions, tips, ideas etc are most welcomed and appreciated.


  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I have insulin resistance and have lost about 50 g eating moderate carbs. I limit sugar/starchy to 30g/meal and balance w/ fiber, fat, and protein. I still need to redo my bloodwork, so I can't say to what extent it has helped with the health markers, but I definitely feel and look better.
  • aries1978tania
    aries1978tania Posts: 7 Member
    excellent thank you!
  • cailah332
    cailah332 Posts: 13 Member
    I would check out the Primal Potential podcast: http://primalpotential.com. The host addresses these exact issues. She is currently doing a three part series on hormonal imbalances and how to eat to correct those imbalances. Check it out!
  • randomgrl87
    randomgrl87 Posts: 3
    edited January 2015
    I have PCOS and I'm Insulin Resistant.. and I find these types of diets don't work for me, I tired them but I never lost weight with those types of diets.. However whats been working for me to help me loose 50 lbs was just to keep my nutrition simple and eat healthy nothing complicated just make sure you have a balanced diet drink plenty of water everyday and workout as much as you can every week that way the pounds will fall off.
    I found out about 6 months ago that I'm allergic to gluten, and it was making me feel horrid and sluggish. When I cut out gluten I felt a lot better.
  • annern1982
    annern1982 Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    Do a Whole30. I'm almost done my first one and have already lost 11lbs. I also found out (yestersay) that I am prediabetic. Praying I can reverse this and that i don't have PCOS!
  • LuckyStar813
    LuckyStar813 Posts: 163 Member
    I would check out the Primal Potential podcast: http://primalpotential.com. The host addresses these exact issues. She is currently doing a three part series on hormonal imbalances and how to eat to correct those imbalances. Check it out!

    Thanks for posting - I will check them out!

  • aries1978tania
    aries1978tania Posts: 7 Member
    This is all wonderful information thank you.
    I have tried the balanced eating ect. and I do have a gluten intolerance so I am GF, but it has not worked. I have calorie counted, been on weight watchers, used the Livestrong My Plate app. Low carb/paleo is my next step. Do you count your calories while you eat Paleo/Low carb??
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I do a moderate carb, whole-foods diet. I am generally around 100 G carbs a day, though I will lose better if I can be between 50-70 grams. I have kept 80+ pounds off for three years. I still have more weight to lose, but cutting carbs and increasing veggie intake is the only thing that works for me. I also exercise a LOT. I try to get at least one hour of intense exercise per day with very few rest days, plus I get quite a bit more casual exercise from things like walking and social dancing.

    I have PCOS, metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance, primary hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's disease and pan-hyptopituitarism/adult human growth hormone deficiency.

    My numbers are great now. My fasting blood sugar is 70, my A1C is always around 5.0, low cholesterol, low BP.

    You CAN lose weight and keep it off with metabolic problems, even very severe ones. It takes a lot of work, but it is possible.
  • aries1978tania
    aries1978tania Posts: 7 Member
    I would check out the Primal Potential podcast: http://primalpotential.com. The host addresses these exact issues. She is currently doing a three part series on hormonal imbalances and how to eat to correct those imbalances. Check it out!

    Thank you so much its wonderful information!

  • helendoyle18
    helendoyle18 Posts: 9 Member
    This is all wonderful information thank you.
    I have tried the balanced eating ect. and I do have a gluten intolerance so I am GF, but it has not worked. I have calorie counted, been on weight watchers, used the Livestrong My Plate app. Low carb/paleo is my next step. Do you count your calories while you eat Paleo/Low carb??

    I am the same as you. Eat within my calorie limit, eat fresh and healthy foods, limited to no sugar and after losing an initial 12kg have mostly maintained this weight for more than 12 months. I have Hashimotos and a genetic predisposition to T2 but so far clear.
    I am dairy and gluten free as this is recommended for Hashimotos. I am trying to go paleo to see if this makes a difference not only to my weight but my IBS.
  • aries1978tania
    aries1978tania Posts: 7 Member
    The dreaded IBS! That can be brutal. Please keep me posted on your progress helendoyle18