
Someone referred to me as a "stack of tires" last week.
No, I am not in middle school. Yes, the person who insulted me was a grown-*kitten* man who is obese himself. Yes, I am horrified by his drunken insensitivity, and YES I WANT TO LOSE MY "STACK" AS A BIG F YOU TO HIM. I will be going on a beach vacation with him and many friends in August. I wonder what is a realistic goal by August 1? I am a runner, and currently training for my second full marathon, which means my nutritional needs are a little different. I have a really hard time losing weight while I am training because I am ALWAYS RAVENOUS. I am currently 80 lbs or so overweight. Would love to lose about 50 or 60 before I go to the beach so I can deliver the big F YOU. Clearly my weight loss goals are not just about this, they are mostly about being healthier and running faster. The F YOU is just going to be the sugar free icing on the low calorie cake. (I don't eat sweetener or low cal cake but that just seemed appropriate :) )
So, there it is. Not looking to add friends at this time but will appreciate any words of support or motivation.


  • scottish_laura_13
    scottish_laura_13 Posts: 69 Member
    edited January 2015
    go for it! It will feel so good when you can show off your awesome body :smile:
  • jaykal001
    jaykal001 Posts: 24 Member
    With that kind of "friend" who need enemies, right?
    I say stick it to him, however you can!
  • Wow... I'm truly sorry he was a jerk to u!! Do it for you!!
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    You can lose weight while training. I run as well and am always starving. Always. So I've gone back to a minimum of 5 meals per day. Usually 5 + another snack. But don't sacrifice fueling your training regimen for losing weight.
  • Dawna1957
    Dawna1957 Posts: 1 Member
    I would say do it for you first, any gains for sticking it to him are just gravy!! What an idiot, but I have been amazed at what people will say....Have you talked to a dietitian maybe smaller meals, with extra protein, more often would help you not be so hungry? Just a thought.
  • Burt_Huttz
    Burt_Huttz Posts: 1,612 Member
    edited January 2015
    "I wonder what is a realistic goal by August 1?"

    Telling him in person that when he's drinking, he's a disgusting boor and that you refuse to have anything to do with him. That perhaps he should reconsider his behavior if he ever wants to retain friends. That you pity him and those who are stuck with him, but reiterate that you are not stuck with him and he can just *kitten* right off and die.

    I think that's a realistic goal.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    I'm sorry he has to be included in this beach trip. Best of luck to you!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I'm sorry he has to be included in this beach trip. Best of luck to you!

    Yeah, seriously! If he's enough of a "friend" that he's going on a vacation with you I would have responded back to him something fierce as soon as he said that to you! That is ridiculous. Since you didn't tell him anything then (I'm guessing; I could be wrong) I'd talk to him face to fact ASAP and tell him what an absolutely inappropriate comment that was. There is zero tolerance for that type of rudeness and ignorance from another adult.

    Yes, I think you can reach your goal and if some days your motivation is lagging and you use his boorish behavior to spur you on, so be it. The rest of the time, do this for YOU and you only.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I'd get rid of the friend--that would be a fast way to lose 200 pounds.
  • usflygirl55
    usflygirl55 Posts: 277 Member
    I'd get rid of the friend--that would be a fast way to lose 200 pounds.
    This! Maybe you are stuck with him going as he is with a good friend of yours. If so, I'm sorry. Get healthier and lose the weight for you and keep the mental pic of him in your mind for motivation.
    Wishing you all the best!

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Burt_Huttz wrote: »
    "I wonder what is a realistic goal by August 1?"

    Telling him in person that when he's drinking, he's a disgusting boor and that you refuse to have anything to do with him. That perhaps he should reconsider his behavior if he ever wants to retain friends. That you pity him and those who are stuck with him, but reiterate that you are not stuck with him and he can just *kitten* right off and die.

    I think that's a realistic goal.

    Sound advice. Go with this one.
  • semablair
    semablair Posts: 2 Member
    I'm an avid runner and I crossfit too. So I'm always hungry but I do a lot of the meal prep so I don't start snacking of stuff I shouldn't be eating. And at times it seems a little harder b/c I sit at a computer all day for work so I eat as clean as possible. The best advice I can really give it to eat clean and include some weights along with the cardio (running). Trust me it helps more than people think. And I say to eat clean b/c I don't know what your diet is like at the moment. So if you drink soda's cut them out, try to refrain from eating a lot of sugar and bad carbs (b/c as runners we need carbs) so I say the bad too much bread or pasta or white rice. But as with everything....moderation is key. Hope this helps!

    And as for your "friend".... I'd drop him....but you know him far better than any of us do so if you know that he was insensitive but he's a good friend then I'd let him know that that he can keep his fat trap closed until he has room to talk!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I also have to add that a "stack of tires" is a new one to me. What does he mean, like the Michelin Man? If so, I'd say, "Why thank you! I AM strong, well-known and just all around awesome! Thanks for noticing!" But I can never think of these things in the heat of the moment...
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Go get em girl !!!

    and, maybe add some weightlifting to your workout routine.
  • G8rRay
    G8rRay Posts: 89 Member
    August 01? That's 26 weeks away. If you just leave an average of 500 kcal/day on your table, that's a 26 pound loss during that time. And, at 80 lb overweight, you can, probably, drop more than 500 kcal/day. I say, "Go for it!!!"

    I run, also; and, when my weekly mileage gets above 35 miles, I'm more hungry than usual; so, I understand the hunger part. But, I just try to stay close to my TDEE calories and, on training days, allow myself to eat a little more, if I'm still hungry. [BTW, I try to stick with equal weights of proteins and carbs; but, some days, the carbs outweigh the protein; however, I always make sure that I get enough protein (~1g/lb of LMM, lean muscle mass).]

    Good luck with your marathon training and with your weight loss goals.
  • andreamarieroberts
    andreamarieroberts Posts: 34 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Maybe he meant golf cart tires. Those are pretty small right? I dunno, in any case I'd say holding on to this one moment in time and having it it fester in your mind for the next 8 months is probably a good idea. That'll teach him!

    Oh BF! Clearly I needed your reality check. Thank you!
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    Why even let it bother you? Train for yourself, set nutritional and fitness goals for yourself. ...YOURSELF. Doing anything as a "I'll show you" is kind of petty and distracts you from your goals.
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    If it works as motivation - USE IT! Yes, you'll get health benefits too and look awesome on the beach. I find that I have to eat protein early in the day and for lunch otherwise I'm starving too and make bad choices. That coupled with having fresh fruit/veggies with me at all times (packed in a bag that I take everywhere) definitely helps curb my urges to eat crap. Good luck!
  • smithjl2
    smithjl2 Posts: 19 Member
    What a hurtful thing for him to say! You are a human being, and I think your reaction is normal. Your goal is a positive one regardless of what set you on this journey. I wish you a big loss and an even bigger middle finger :smile: